General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you rotate your dinner plates? Should you?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) April 22nd, 2020

I have a set of a dozen dinner plates. I rarely use them all before the dishwasher is run, so there are a couple plates that aren’t ever used. And because I’m taking the next clean plate from the top (duh) I seem to never, ever use the ones at the bottom of the stack.

Note: clear glass. Not porcelain, no designs or artwork.

Should I occasionally put the (unused) plates at the top of the stack? Will it even out their wear? (Does glass even wear out?)

Will the currently used plates be insulted if I put them at the bottom and not use them for a while? Will the currently unused plates enjoy the exposure?

What would you do? Am I overthinking this?

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10 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Once in a blue moon I make it all the way to the last plate or bowl. I think it’s fine if you never use the plates on the bottom. If you are worried about rotate them twice a year on your birthday and half birthday. I almost never use wine glasses, and when I go to use one (for a guest) I always rinse them with a little soap. I don’t know why I think of the glass as being different than a plate.

janbb's avatar

To every plate, turn, turn, turn…

Jeruba's avatar

From time to time, I do. Over time the everyday stoneware does seem to show some surface wear. Since we typically use the same three or four every night, once in a while I take them all out and put the uppermost ones on the bottom.

If mine were glass, though, I probably wouldn’t. Do they get scratched, or what?

I truly would not worry about their feelings. Not unless you break one. And then—oh, boy.

YARNLADY's avatar

No, when the often used plates need replaced, then bring up the seldom used plates. If you rotate them, they will all need replaced at the same time.

snowberry's avatar

Dishwasher detergent can pit glassware. This is especially true if you use more detergent then is necessary to clean the dishes. I found this out too late to save the lovely glass wear we had when I was growing up. Barring damage from every day use (chips, etc), this is the source of the majority of wear on your plates and glass wear.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I break them almost as fast as I make them so I don’t rotate but with the glass dishes, I might switch them up if the ones in regular use show more wear than the others.

janbb's avatar

It never occurred to me but it makes sense. The smaller snack size plates I go through faster and all get used before the dishwasher is run but the large dinner plates get used more slowly so the top is always used.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I rotate everything – dishes, flatware, glasses, and socks and underwear. That’s just how I am.

ashgrin's avatar

I just thought your comment was too funny not to reply to.

Will the currently used plates be insulted if I put them at the bottom and not use them for a while? Will the currently unused plates enjoy the exposure?

I have actually questioned this myself. I’ll leave the science answers on if glass wears down to the experts, but know you are not alone in your “overthinking” and wondering about the dishes that are never used.

kruger_d's avatar

More than etching from dishwasher, I notice that the unglazed foot of a plate can scratch the plate it is set on. So I would rotate if not storing with a pad between as is done with fine china.

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