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ericmorris25's avatar

What kind of training and diet should I do?

Asked by ericmorris25 (92points) April 23rd, 2020

I’m looking to enlist in the United States Army, but I currently weigh about 283 pounds with a BMI of 45.7. What would be the best weight and diet program to use to get myself in shape. Also do you think it would be beneficial for me to hire a personal trainer.

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21 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How tall are you ?

“Male soldiers between ages 17 and 20 must have a BMI of 25.7 or less; men 21 to 27 years old must have a BMI of 26.4 or less.”- – - – U.S. Army Weight Standards For Men

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t hire a trainer get a Doctor that is a Nutritionist !

ericmorris25's avatar

I’m 66 inches tall.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You are going to gain a lot of muscle mass during your efforts to trim down. Muscle weighs significantly more than fat, so following the best possible program for you is going to feel overwhelming at first, and by that I don’t mean a few days, we are talking weeks here.

You need to monitor your menu items, portion size is key, and snack responsibly.

Exercise doesn’t have to involve a gym, but if you do utilize a gym, or home equipment, consult a trainer for safe use.
Your most important exercise is a change in how you approach daily life. Walk. If you drive, park far from the entrance everywhere you go. Walking is more than just moving your body from start to destination. Be brisk. Walk like you are happy, whether you are or not.
If you use bus and/or trolley, walk past at least one stop before waiting arrival.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

I repeat you need to find a Nutritionist. You need to get to a weight of 155 to 160 to meet Army target weights. You maybe able to join at a higher weight, check with the recruiter.

ericmorris25's avatar

It all depends on BMI. I have to have a BMI of about 27.

ericmorris25's avatar

Correction 26.4 or less.

ashgrin's avatar

I don’t know anything about the Army, but I don’t see why it necessarily matters how you lose the weight and get into shape, as long as it is a healthy way. Diet is super important, so cutting out all the crap (processed food and sugar) is a start, if you don’t already. As far as exercise, that is just a matter of preference. It’s important the exercise program you follow works for you and that you will commit to it. Personal trainers are helpful to hold you accountable if you are the type who is not able to stay in line on your own. P90x and Insanity workouts are awesome ways to get in shape fast due to their intensity.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I’m confused. In another question, you told us that you’re disabled, living in your car, and desperate to earn some money. Now, you’re asking about hiring a personal trainer?

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Patty_Melt's avatar

Jobs are available all over right now.

ericmorris25's avatar

Im having alot of trouble with that

Patty_Melt's avatar

There are national chains actually airing commercials announcing they are hiring to meet the demands during stylish distancing.
Try Walmart, Amazon, domino’s.
Pulling tickets at an Amazon warehouse is easy work, and keeps you busy.

ericmorris25's avatar

Walmart not an option I’ve applied to Amazon but can’t get my new hire event set up. I refuse to work in the pizza making business due to bad experiences. But I have a 2 jobs but they’re both temporary and don’t start for lil while bc of covid19

Patty_Melt's avatar

I only named companies as a jumping off point.

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