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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Let's try this: why do you think the US has the most Covid19 infections and deaths in the world today?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23530points) April 23rd, 2020

I really want peoples opinions on this.

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39 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think we have the most accounted for.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So you’re saying other countries are not being true with their numbers?
Interesting thought.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think some are trying to be honest, but testing reveals stats only for those tested. There could be millions who had it but were never tested.
With deaths, there are some countries I think have intentionally fudged numbers.

SmashTheState's avatar

The results are starting to come in of the risks associated with poor outcomes of COVID-19, and one of the more surprising ones is that asthma is not a risk factor, while obesity is. Amerika has some of the highest rates of obesity in the world. This is not because Amerikans “lack willpower,” it’s because Amerika is a banana republic run by a sociopathic junta of billionaire oligarchs with a vast underclass of desperately poor people who do not have access to healthy, inexpensive food.

In the developing world, even the poorest people are able to access staple grains, fish, and vegetables. In Amerika, poor people live warehoused in terrible conditions, often in food deserts, and are forced to consume nutritionless, highly-processed food. As the ugly class system becomes more entrenched, generation after generation teaches their children to eat this garbage food by preference, resulting in explosive increase in rates of obesity.

A vicious combination of crumbling infrastructure, lack of access to healthcare, poor diet, rampant obesity, and a Dunning-Kruger culture of emotionally-driven kneejerk ignorance which mistrusts expert advice because it’s expert creates a perfect storm for COVID-19 infection in Amerika.

JLeslie's avatar

Total population:
USA 340 million
Western Europe 200 million
Southern Europe 150 million
Northern Europe 100 million
South Korea 55 million
China 1.3 billion
Canada 39 million
Australia 26 million

You could add up western and Southern European countries and get the same population as America more or less. How many cases are in all the countries in those two parts of Europe?

America is much larger than a country in Europe, what countries are you comparing us to?

America was really slow to respond to the coronavirus moving through our population. We already had deaths climbing and ignored it, so the illness just kept spreading and spreading. Countries like South Korea, Canada, Greece, they all saw what was happening and controlled their population’s behavior early on.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

As stated, it’s the fact that we have ~350 million people. The death rate adjusted for population the USA is just outside of the top ten. There are a lot of factors:

There was quite a bit if international travel into and out of the US prior to COVID

New York alone accounts for 30%+ in US cases

The only country who has a higher total testing rate than the US is Italy
The daily testing rate in the USA is still the second highest with Lithuania at the top

We don’t know what the real infection rates are.

We don’t know which countries are either being dishonest or have poor accounting for cases
Belgium has the worst death rate, it’s pretty safe to assume they’re being honest.

Americans are more likely to be obese or have other underlying conditions. Despite this the US has a rather high average age which compounds the situation even more.


gondwanalon's avatar

Great point with the huge population factor of the U.S.A..
Also there’s a lot of vulnerable (sick) people. Obesity is a risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 and about 40% of the US population are obese (including 8% severely obese) and another 32% are over fat.

elbanditoroso's avatar

We have a president who wants America to be #1 in everything – America First, America is Special, American Exceptionalism. It’s a mantra of the right wing that America is God’s country.

So Trump wanted America to be at the top, or close to the top, of the numbers of sick people, because in his mind, bigger is better.

janbb's avatar

Poor planning and unpreparedness. Denial of what was coming. Hoarding of supplies by the Feds. Unwillingness to cooperate with the WHO.

And people who think their right to do whatever they want trumps societal needs.

KNOWITALL's avatar

In my opinion, it’s because the US has one of the most mobile populations in the world.

All of us have access to world news and could have taken it more seriously without the govt telling us to back in December.

kritiper's avatar

So many international travelers are here and come here for business, vacations, whatever. And so many Americans travel all over the country, so the virus spreads very easily from one far place to another.
But sit tight. The virus is coming to many places that we have only just begun to hear about. Places like Afghanistan, India, Brazil, and many, many more.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper Exactly! And we don’t always listen that well, a nation of rebels, especially when it comes to losing money. Our capitalistic, aggressive nature is biting us in the hiney.

JLeslie's avatar

The travel is so true. Take for instance Florida. We get people from all over the world December through March. We are a wintertime haven. Disney World, Miami Beach, Clearwater, people came here bringing it with them, and returned home taking it back too. Plus, a lot of people catch cruise ships from Florida. We can see in our data that a lot of people caught it on cruise ships.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The US has the 3rd largest population on Earth, and as noted above we have constant travel from within our borders and outside. The countries that have successfully tamped down the virus, like South Korea, had quick aggressive action for testing and contract tracing, while our national leadership spent almost 2 months saying the virus would “disappear like a miracle”. He still is undermining states’ efforts, spreading misinformation, and making no effort to follow the pattern of the successful countries.

The 2nd most populous, India, I think is only protected by the poverty and isolation of its rural population and relative lack of outside contact. But I don’t know why their urban population is relatively unscathed. I can’t imagine they will be safe much longer.

The most populous nation, China, can lock down cities and travel in a way we can’t for cultural and legal reasons.

While the situation is tough for us, it’s nothing compared to what is coming for India and the rest of the developing world. Without the economic cushion to sit at home without working, and without adequate medical care when they do get sick…I don’t even know how to finish the sentence because it hurts just to contemplate.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Per capita, deaths per million in the US stands at 154, whereas the UK is at 293, Belgium at 584 and so on.That is from Real Clear Politics who sourced through CDC & WHO.
With more people, more commerce, more traffic, more direct flights from China, the US has managed less deaths than other countries with lower populations and less traffic and economic activity.

SmashTheState's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Amerika is also a very large place, so quarantine has kept infection isolated into pockets. That’s not really possible in places which have less physical space to keep communities separated. As soon as the quarantine is lifted, you’re going to see the novel coronavirus leap into new, fresh territory which has remained thus far uninfected.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@SmashTheState -Population is population.
The same circumstances you assign to small countries is the same as we see in our high population areas such as New York and all areas with high density populations.
Sweden, anyone?
There are states in the US that do not have lockdown or quarantine and are not suffering the higher rate of infection.

ucme's avatar

That’s like asking why eeh-merry-ka has the most yellow taxi cabs.
They have a lot because they have a lot…of people!
There you go, as simple as that.
I am very clever :D

elbanditoroso's avatar

If the British Empire had not been broken apart, and England still retained all her territories, what would the total population be in 2020, and the number of cases, @ucme ?

ucme's avatar

Wait, no don’t tell me…I know this!
Do I win a car or is it a boat?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So I get population density for one the US has ten times the population Canada has but if you take Canada’s infected and multiplied it by 10 you still wouldn’t get near the number the states have.

I believe it was partly due to the fact the federal administration ignored it, then preached it would just go away in the spring when the weather warmed up, and population clusters not even trying to social distance.
Now the blame game CHINA started this it’s all their fault, with the world in such a mess who gives a fuck where it started, lets stop listening to the Don father and start listening to the health professionals and scientists ,stop thinking I am young I wont ever get this type thinking, and maybe you can slow it down so the professionals can get a grip on it and save lives, or keep listening to ole Orange hair and line up for your shot of disinfect, choice is yours.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Think so if you wish, but numbers tracking will not support you.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Recall, early in this COVID thing not just Trump but the media, the democrats….everyone played this down. Everyone. Including doctors, one of them here on this site. Only a handful of infectious disease experts had any real handle on where this was going. If you look at my post above when you look at the numbers in context the USA is doing better than average.

It’s easy to say America is a big place and it is but the vast majority of the population live in and around large urban developments. There is a great deal of travel here also.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In context to what?
I look at graphs and the line for the US is way above all the rest.
Other countries do a great deal of world travel as well.
I wish this virus on no one not even ole Orange hair.

kritiper's avatar

“Recall, early in this COVID thing not just Trump but the media, the democrats…” and the Republicans.

Equality ROCKS!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 In context of well….context. Totals are completely meaningless without the context to go with them. Which lines are you referring to? Total cases/deaths? If so re-read my first post. The USA is not even in the top ten for death rates when adjusted for population. Take New York out and we are down the list even more.

Why do you think the USA has high numbers?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Take out New York?
I am going by the latest numbers not the initial numbers or how they climbed just right now TODAY your numbers are the highest.
You can not take out any part of your country just to make it look peachy to the rest of the world.
You have the highest cases of both, and no you can’t take out parts of the country, and no you can’t combine other countries together to make your numbers look better.
This isn’t something you should be making excuses for this is something you should be ultra pissed off about Your Government failed you Federal, state and so on.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 We reacted on average just like every country here. This is not our leaders fault. New York is a hot spot making the entire rest of the country appear higher than it really is. Considering the nature of that town nobody is surprised either. @SQUEEKY2 There are ~350 f’ing million people here. Your country has ten times less. It’s apples and oranges. Basic math. The number to look at is death rate per number of individuals not death rate per country. Comparing one country to another is not how it works and I think you know that.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak big numbers squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak mind blown squeak squeak squeak squeak.

Compare our number of negative test results, with the negative test results of other countries. Then maybe those loud panic squeaks in your head will get it.

Look, Squeeky, you are deeply stressed right now. At least most of us, maybe all, get why that is. You are scared half nuts.
Let’s work through numbers sometime when you are a little more able to process clearly.
Until then, how about some funner squeaks.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So I have to compare negative results to positive results?
and that is just for the infected, the death numbers are per million and they really are not that bad heck your right, no wonder Trump wants you guys back open 50 some thousand dead is just a drop when ya got 350 million, and the working class are damn good breeders as well those numbers will bounce back quick.
And over 800thousand infected that is probably good almost all of them will recover and make them stronger for round two in the fall.
Your right all is well don’t know why anything is shut down at all.
You have to get those casinos, and tatoo shops open damn it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Yeah, trump’s incompetence and idiocy had nothing to do with American Covid deaths. He’s old and he’s doing the best he can. What freakin BS. Democrats and the media downplayed the virus as well so they have blood on their hands too. Again BS. The US has so many deaths and infection because the reality TV show host in the WH is a certified douchebag sociopathic asshole!

Nothing makes me sicker these days than delusional trump fans.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Well, have a go at covid 19, and see if you attain a new plateau.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No need for that @Patty_Melt you guys(the states) are setting new plateaus everyday with Covid 19 maybe set a goal at a hundred thousand dead by the middle of May I bet ya might just get it done.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Don’t point any fingers at me. I am stylishly distancing. I was out only once after hearing of it, for an appointment. That was early March. I had to miss a surgery. Fortunately the VA has all my scrips delivered to my door.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey 930thousand confirmed cases, and just over 52thousand dead yeah those numbers are great when you take them in context and that is just today April 25, what number are we trying for of course in context.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You are seriously in need of a phenomenal great fuck.

You are going on, and on about nothing. Read your own question.

We told you why.
1) The US is a very big, populous country.

2) The US is keeping a better tally of statistics than most, if not all other countries, so comparison is ineffectual.

3) Absolutely nobody has claimed the loss of any life to be acceptable.

@SQUEEKY2, I am concerned about how you are handling this.
If you don’t find some ways to relieve stress, I think your heart may explode.
I am being quite sincere here. it seems like your stress level is out of control. Please find some way to rein in this anxiety before it does serious harm to you.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Your numbers keep climbing and yet you state it’s nothing we just have a huge population so it’s all good,you have 10 times the population Canada has very true, but if you take our numbers and multiply them by 10 you still are not even close to what you guys have, but it’s still all good if you take it in context.
Also what makes you think the US is being honest with the numbers?
What proof do you have the us is being honest while other countries dealing with this crisis are not being honest?

Maryrose's avatar

Because the country has fallen to a state where we have no leaders? Politicians although renowned for being greedy and selfish got to the state where the allowed an idiot and an embarrassment to become president. I cannot believe this occurred without some ulterior motive or plan. Regardless COVID has been an eye opener! I’m amazed at how many ignorant people there are in this country and in positions of authority! From trump to mayor of Nevada; if I turn the news on it never fails to show dumb commentators. I am not a doctor, nor a scientist but the fact common sense and logic doesn’t come to play amazes me! 1. No state or country has revealed accurate #‘s for multiple reasons including, security. 2. There is NO age, color even health parameter with COVID; healthy medical staff at a median age have succumbed to this virus. 3. A large # of the population will not show systems but will have the virus and carry it and be fine; a # of the population young and old will not and die. It’s to do with body makeup and your white cells, lung condition etc. 4. Until they test everybody and identify those who have it and those who don’t and until the vaccine is developed people need to stay isolated. Now if you’ve had it or you just decide you don’t care about the lives you take then that’s your right to go hang out, but the govt should enforce that no one gets penalize those staying isolated that may have medical conditions. I personally have a immunity condition and Im Generally very healthy but I do not want to die in his manner.

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