Must Trump wear the covid catastrophe and its economic ruin come November?
In fairness, isn’t he doomed to carry the blame regardless of the circumstances or competence of his performance?
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98 Answers
“I don’t take responsibility at all.” – Drumpf
No ,No Republicans and especially Trump will never accept ant fault for anything under any circumstances, come on you should know by now it’s always the Democrats fault end of story.
Oh that and all news media except FOX is fake.
As with all presidents, things happen in the world that they are having to react to. Trump should be judged on his overall performance during this event. And as with all things, there are going to be those that will say that nothing he did was right and there will be others that say he did nothing wrong. I can’t say he didn’t do enough in the way of keeping the country informed. I think he took appropriate action right up front in the form of stopping the travel from China. I don’t think there was enough emphasis put on the “what if” of the virus actually getting into our nation. By that I mean I’m not sure enough thought was put in early on as to what the necessary medical actions would be and if there was enough equipment and supplies in place to take them. I think he did a good job engaging private industries in rapid production of necessary equipment. I think he did a good job working to streamline the process for creating a vaccine and test kits.
A corollary to this question would be must the Dems be held accountable for their reactions (or lack thereof) to the covid catastrophe and its economic ruin? After all, they fought against closing the travel from China. They fought against Trump being too dominating but then complained he didn’t do enough. They wanted the states and local governments to be free to make decisions but have dreadfully avoided holding any of the bad decision makers accountable (if they were Dems). They delayed the CARE act to help people financially through these times and used it as an opportunity to push a liberal agenda. They held up the extension of funds for the PPP that were proposed in an effort to make it another “act” and again put in pork. Will they wear these actions?
@SQUEEKY2 isn’t it funny that my comment was far more honest and balanced than anything else you fools on the left write and you want to act like I said something wrong. Tell me, are you willing to condemn the Dems at all? I just stated what I thought of Trump’s actual actions…some good, some not. How ‘bout you? Can you do the same with the Dems? Or are you so wrapped up in your Trump Derangement that it is physically and psychologically impossible for you to do so?
Uh far more balanced ?Really??
You state he didn’t do everything perfect but he has rose to the challenge,as for closing the border with China it was restrictions not an all out closure 40thousand people came through those so called restrictions.
Mocking reporters telling them yeah just get a shot of disinfect and it will go away in just over a minute, at the time he didn’t sound like he was mocking them.
AS for all the PORK democrats added to covid money one was that Trump’s or his son in laws business couldn’t get any Government help was that the pork your crying about?
I don’t like everything the democrats do, but at least I feel they don’t blatantly lie 1000% of the time like ole orange hair does.
Who else should “wear” it? The reality TV show host who wanted to play President had been nothing but a dangerous pathetic clown ever since his questioning of Obama’s birth certificate to that fateful escalator ride declaring his candidacy all the way to this very moment of people breathing their last dying of Covid 19.
He wanted to be the champion of the gullible downtrodden and now that the sickness in his head had fully manifested causing thousands of American deaths here at home, why wouldn’t the host of the show be asked to hold his well deserved trophy of turpitude?
He should, but NOTHING is ever his fault (just ask him) & the trumpford wives will blindly follow his lead!!!
@SQUEEKY2 so that’s a “no”, that you can’t actually state anything you don’t like that the Dems did and, in fact, strive to defend them. Got it.
As for Trump closing the travel, yes he did that. The 40,000 that came through were American citizens. What would you suggest we do? Tell them to pack sand? Is that how they do it up north? And let’s put it in context…when he did that travel ban, the WHO was not recommending travel restrictions. And the Dems fought against it. But later the WHO stated that it was actually the right move for the USA. And as I said, I think he failed on potential medical response preparations. It’s amazing…I have no problems stating what I think of him, good and bad. Too bad you can’t do the same.
As for the Pork I’m talking about with the Dems, it has nothing to do with Trump Jr at all. Let’s see what Nancy Pelosi actually wanted to add into the CARE act and you can tell me how it applies to the Coronavirus issue. I’ll throw out a couple jewels here: National same-day voter registration, Airlines must offset carbon emissions, Election auditing, setting racial and sexual quotas on corporation boards, funding the Kennedy Performing Arts Center at what amounts to 5 years of their normal operating costs (and they won’t be operating during the crisis). But I know…it’s Dems so it can’t be bad, right? It all is for the good of the people because God knows we need all this crap right now. And you say they don’t lie 1000% of the time, yet you believe everything they say. Just because you believe it blindly doesn’t mean it is true, it just means you can’t question it.
Let me state that the Dems have their warts and any random Democrat might be sliced and diced with the same enthusiasm by the right as Trump now suffers. But Trump suffers particular and unique difficulties as a target. These daily ramblings on the epidemic painfully illustrate these deformities. To begin with, there is the difficulty with a 3 year outlet of ceaseless compulsive pathological lying now confronted with reassuring his country in this time of crisis. The very apparition of him blathering ever onward with competent professionals intermingled with the useless toadies, hacks and sycophants assembled behind him is nearly too painful to watch. As he rattles interminably on about things he clearly does not understand, you can pick the professionals from the flotsam simply through who is wincing at the remarks.
He’ll place the blame, like a crown of thorns, on the heads of the Democrats. As can be expected…
You mean if he can he can get away with it.
No, I mean, as with most things involving our government, there were mistakes made by many, many people. Things that could have been done better or sooner. Reactions that could have been better. But you have to remember, when you look back, you can critique a lot better than when we are at the point in time or looking into the future. I can look back and see Trump talking about needing to get ahead of this virus at his SOTU address. What was the Dems reaction? Nancy Pelosi made little comments throughout the speech and then purposely tore up the transcript he had given her. She, and the Dems were WAY too focused on their bogus impeachment. Imagine if they had actually acted like adults and got with him right after that to discuss what he knew and what they could/should be thinking about? Think the reaction from the USA would be better or worse? The list goes on and on and not just from the Dems. Repubs didn’t get serious about doing anything until well after it was too late. Once the cases were really climbing, after Washington State had to declare a state of emergency, then they decided it might be time to do something.
But again…I can look at this far more objectively than you apparently. You cannot find it in you to say a Democrat did anything wrong at all.
Democrats aren’t beyond making mistakes. They are human, and politicians, after all. The Republicans of late are always blaming stuff on the Democrats, like they are always solely to blame for everything.
@kritiper And the reverse is also true. Yet you, too, didn’t actually state anything the Dems could have done better or that they did wrong, you just hinted that they are capable of making mistakes. And then you blamed Republicans. Here’s a concept…if the Republicans are blaming Dems for things and the Dems are actually doing them, does that make the Republicans wrong?
What I remember is that when the SHTF that trump told me that I should NOT be concerned as this would be no worse than a mild case of the Flu & it would be insignificant & gone by April. Well, April will be over this coming week & it’s still here with us. Oh yes, we didn’t need to wear face masks as they would serve NO purpose in protecting us. Now, by law, we are required to wear face masks to protect ourselves from others!!!
Hoax of the Democrats and their allies— the media. The world conspires against ME. It’s all about ME. The pandemic is just another stage in the plot to prevent MY re-election, and it is simply a measure of MY omnipotent genius that I can say this out loud without fear of being recognized as an egomaniacal dumb bell.
I also remember Trump saying the this virus will go away when warmer weather hits, if that was even remotely true how come the state of Florida has over 30,000 confirmed cases?
Oh and they have a Republican Governor , if that matters who didn’t want to close the state at spring break time, was that something he did right?
The appalling point to all of this is that it is ALL on the record. His compulsion to talk gives us a deep trove of irrefutable documentation on the theme of “I am an idiot”. It’s actually painful to watch, but it will surely be compiled into a breathtaking encyclopedia on the meaning of obtuse.
And yet @stanleybmanly his sheep and and one wolf defend him to death.
Because their Führer can do no wrong.
As I pointed out @stanleybmanly what is appalling is watching and hearing Trumps loyal sheep defending his actions to the bitter end, one Jelly here said a friend worked as a nurse in a local hospital and got over a 100 calls if it was OK to take disinfect, that was the day Trump talked about it.
And what truly scares me is that idiot will probably get re elected, another four years of him playing mob boss and spewing his BBQ bullshit on a bun, and his sheep gleefully gulping them down.
@SQUEEKY2 “what is appalling is watching and hearing Trumps loyal sheep defending his actions to the bitter end” Isn’t that exactly what I mentioned about the Dems’ loyal sheep? I’ve stated negatives about Trump and I know you consider me one of his loyal sheep. Meanwhile neither you nor any of the other truly liberal jellies have actually come out to criticize anything the Dems have done in this crisis. So which group is the loyal sheep? Which group defends their loser politicians to the bitter end?
That’s ridiculous. Name any other politician associated with this epidemic that would be covered to the extent of this dummy. He’s the FKN president, and supposedly THE figure country is supposed to look to for leadership. It turns out that Cuomo is the one we must turn to in default as our blathering dummy stumbles through his long winded disinformation lectures.
If he isn’t deliberately lying or making shit up he must be asleep. It’s pointless bringing up the shortcomings of others when NOTHING and no one compares with the insufferable buffoon! As for his followers—there are only 2 possibilities: they are either too pitifully dimwitted to see the creature for the lying useless sponging deformity he is or are so patently dishonest that they willingly allow themselves to be viewed as stupid as the fool himself.
What is the point Wulfie it falls on deaf conservative ears,like the time you lost your mind that Biden was as guilty of a quid quo pro as Trump was ,EVERYONE of us on this site said if he was found guilty then he should pay for it, but that wasn’t good enough for you I think you thought people would come to your dark side, or call for the death penalty.
ANY politician regardless of banner if found guilty of breaking the law should be held accountable, but again not good enough Republicans should get out of jail free, and Democrats should face Capital punishment.
I have to agree @stanleybmanly Trump says shit so out there only his sheep buy into it then defend him all the way, like the disinfectant story then back tracking saying it was said in sarcasm , but still his loyal sheep bought into it.
@seawulf575 I think you missed the general gist of my last post. No one is perfect, not even you…
I have been accused of sounding like a Democrat as well as a Republican. Go figure!
@stanleybmanly Here’s the kicker and WHY you should be calling out the Dems as well as the Repubs. Trump IS a figurehead. But who controls the purse strings? It isn’t Trump, it’s congress. And it is THERE than much of the confusion has come from. But I know…daring to speak out against Dems is against your abilities.
@SQUEEKY2 The Biden thing is really interesting. Biden BRAGGED about the quid pro quo, Trump had nothing like that. Yet all you fools were sure Trump was guilty and didn’t want to look at Biden. Again…can’t stand to think a Dem might be dirty. And yes, the story of “if he is found guilty then…” was spouted. Yet from each and every one of you fools that said that, there was a denial that we should investigate at all. So it sounds noble to say “if he’s found guilty…” when you show your true colors by refusing to investigate. And he BRAGGED about it. But again…you can’t actually support calling out a Dem. Got it. Ever see your own hypocrisy when you look in the mirror?
He is indeed a figurehead, an unbelievably stupid and vocally noxious figurehead. What democrat can you name who might induce people to ingest or shoot up disinfectants and antiseptics? Which Democrat endorses on national television crowds of stupid protesters assembling in defiance of common sense? And who in their right mind defends the reporting of such behavior as proof of bias on the part of those questioning it? You continue to equate the scorn and derision directed at the fool as unfounded exaggeration on the part of Democrats and the media. But the truth itself is worse than any imagined evil.
@stanleybmanly How about Nancy Pelosi who delayed helping all Americans so she could shoot for a bunch of pork? But then, if you say Nancy, you have to say ALL congressional Dems since they can’t think or vote for themselves. Again…you want to try reading into crap Trump says or focusing on some gaffe or some comment the liberal media has blown out of proportion, but refuse to actually look at the job he is doing, the actions he is taking. And you CERTAINLY can’t look at Dems objectively. So really, you have more hot air than anyone I have ever known…Including Trump!
Yeah super great job holding tons of rallies and not paying for them,a bunch of his inner circle in jail or facing charges,giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy,yeah I know he gave a tax break to the working slob to,just seems you are the only one getting it,telling the public the virus will be gone in April when the weather warms up, really then why does the state of Florida have over 30000 confirmed cases,and Biden bragging about his quid quo pro so that automaticly makes him guilty no investigation needed just drag him out and shoot him,did Bidens quid gain him politically like Trumps?
@seawulf575 My hot air is nothing next to your own con trick of changing the subject. The answer to Trump tells the nation to shoot up disinfectants is not “how about Pelosi?” When the fool announces to the world that “the virus is a hoax”, there is no wiggling around it with “I can find a Democrat just as stupid.” Never mind the fact that you cannot, or rather that you might be stupid enough yourself to believe it. You aren’t golng to convince any RATIONAL individual that the fool’s behavior is 1. Irrelevant or 2. somehow the product of Democratic vindictiveness.
Deflection is an art @stanleybmanly and Rep/cons are the absolute masters of it, not saying the left doesn’t do it they do indeed but not like the right.
And with Trump it is a more than necessary tactic, because so little that he says is in any way defensible. He fks up on national tv. We bring it up and—“Obama is a racist”.
Exactly they have to to get the attention off the Don Father,Trump does a quid quo pro and instantly oh well Biden Braged he did it as well, and Biden should be shot for his and Trump should get a medal for his..
I would bet if Trump wasn’t called to task for his, nobody would have brought up Biden’s Quid.
How can his loyal followers keep defending him?
Air ports in 1776, saying warm weather will kill this virus, to injecting disinfectant will work,the guy makes Nixon look like a saint.
^^trump apologists’ favorite tactic, paint the Dem politicians in the same exact color as trump and force Dem voters to admit being hypocrites which weakens their defense. It’s a wily strategy in an attempt to keep their dangerous turd in power.
Because only a turd would have the shamelessness to push for at any cost what matters most to trump apologists, their social and political agendas. They’re very similar to people like Putin except they’re not Russians.
@stanleybmanly Please show me where Trump said people should shoot up disinfectants. And please, let us all know WHAT disinfectants he was talking about. I’ll wait. Oh, never mind…I forgot. You are above actually trying to support your idiocy with facts, you just want to rant. Which makes you the hot air king above even Trump.
Christ wulfie it was on one of his daily press meetings,the next day he only said it sarcasticlly to reporters,at the time it sure didn’t sound like sarcasm, you saying you missed that and the next day when he said he said it in sarcasm?
@seawulf575 Are you telling me that you are unaware of the fool’s disinfectant gaffe? Are you denied access to reputable journalism? I’m not going to hold your hand you dummy or tutor you like a 4 year old on a subject that is common knowledge to anyone not confined to an isolation booth. I’m not going to offer proof to you that water is wet or that Wednesday follows Tuesday or that Trump is a moron. If the antiseptic debacle is news to you, you have my sympathy.
What I saw did not suggest people inject disinfectants. He was talking about things that can help with the virus, and he talked about a disinfectant but didn’t say which one. And he addressed that comment to one of the experts on the side of the podium. And it didn’t sound like he was suggesting pouring chemicals down someone’s throat or injecting it. And it sounded more like a brain-storming type comment rather than a honest-to-God-this-is-it comment. Now, I know how liberals love to read into things and how they can distort things with the telling, especially when it comes to Trump. And maybe I missed the injection comment if there really was one. So please, @stanleybmanly, give a citation. Back up your blather.
I will give you the benefit of doubt, BUT then why say the next day he said it in sarcasm?
Why should @stanleybmanly give you a link @yellowdog never provides links to his claims and you never have a problem with that?
Google it you will get half a dozen hits and a couple from You Tube that you will just blow off as evil left wing fake news media.
But they are there.
@stanleybmanly should give a link since he has no problem spouting his blather. I told you what I saw and it doesn’t jive with what he is going on about so he should show me what he is all hot and bothered about. I could do a Google search and come up with the exact same thing I found when I did it the first time. So let me see what HE is going on about. Besides, he is the most voluble in his comments and the most adamant about his opinion he is right. He NEVER gives citations.
Neither does your yellowdog pal and he claims he is right all the time as well.
And yet you have zero problem with him.
@SQUEEKY2 then hold him to task. If he is making some wild claim, ask him to back it up. I back up my comments often. Of course, none of you are interested in the information in my citations, you’d rather try ignoring them by claiming it is a bad source…you don’t like the place I got the information from, but you don’t actually address how the information is wrong. So MAYBE, if you want citations (and I do), you need to give the citations a chance. Address the information. I just did that on a different thread with one of the Jellies. She gave a Newsweek citation to support something she said. Now, I know Newsweek is a liberal outlet, but I didn’t take that as a reason to discount her opinion. However when I read the link she provided, I found it was extremely lacking in many factors. And I explained why I didn’t like that particular citation as a support for her claim. And it was based on what was in the citation…the information she provided…not on the source she used.
As for your YouTube video, I will tell you what I see. I did not see the entire briefing where he first mentioned disinfectants. I have seen that same clip your source used, but not what preceded it nor what came after. So when I hear the comment about it being sarcastic I don’t know if he is responding to THAT part of the conversation or if his mind is on some other part of the briefing. Example, if after that exchange with his medical folks (which by the way, he didn’t say that injecting disinfectants was a great thing, just sort of brain-storming as I mentioned before) one of the reporters asked him something stupid like “are you suggesting we inject disinfectants?” I could easily see Trump responding sarcastically. And it might be something like that which he is saying was a sarcastic comment. So to solve this I would need to see at least a few minutes before and after the bit of the briefing that was shown to see what was said. If he WAS responding to that portion, then it makes no sense to say it was sarcastic. And I don’t see Trump responding like that. I’ve seen many, many times where he is accused of something entirely goofy yet when you go back to what was actually said and done you find out it isn’t anything like what the liberal story is. Now he has made gaffes before and I’m pretty certain he will make a few more during his second term in office. He is human and does make mistakes. But I like to go back to see the entire thing. As I said, the question session where he says it was a sarcastic comment to a reporter looks more to me like the reporters are asking about one part of the conversation and he was talking about a different part.
One has to have a certain emotional intelligence, say > than a 5 year old, to even pull sarcasm off. trump doesn’t have that. He may be trying to cover up his most recent pile of steaming crap by saying “Oh, I wasn’t serious!” but it won’t work for anyone with an IQ over 100.
Oh hear the latest @Dutchess_III he was referring to asthma inhalers used for the disinfectant ingesting or at least that is what a right winger has been screaming at me, then why the sarcasm angle?
I have never witnessed Trump being sarcastic towards reporters Trump has nothing but contempt for reporters NOT sarcasm.
He suggested injection too. Clear as a bell.
“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning.”
@Dutchess_III And there you have it. But you don’t see it, even though you quoted it. And IS there a way….it isn’t a statement that it is a great idea, it is a brainstorming kind of statement. He isn’t saying that injecting disinfectants is a solution, he’s more wondering aloud. And if you see the statement, you should be able to see that what I am saying is true. However, it is the media and people like you that can’t or won’t be honest.
Gee sulphuric acid would work to at killing the virus(also the patient) but that is beyond the point it would work.
Is that brain storming or sarcasm?
Trump has zero sarcasm towards reporters , contempt yes sarcasm uh no.
I will ask wulfie seeing how you are defending him ,then why play the sarcasm card?
@SQUEEKY2 I already answered that one. Go up two of my answers.
It’s far from a great idea @seawulf575. It is idiotic beyond belief.
SSSHHHhh @Dutchess_III careful @seawulf575 will just claim your nothing but a hater.
After all he is only just peace and love.
LOL! I am not afraid to say I loathe that orange idiot like I have never loathed anyone in my life.
Really I can’t understand why, he is just a stable self absorbed genius that is after as much gain as humanly possible while lying non stop to his loving base that hang on to every lying word as it were straight from God’s lip’s.
How can you hate someone like that?
Okay folks, I’m going to ask some really tough questions here. Chemo therapy for cancer….do you understand what that is? It’s injecting a poison into your body. Yep…it is designed to kill cells. And it isn’t always (read as never) selective on if it is killing cancerous cells or healthy cells. How about radiation therapy? Or X-Rays? You do recognize that if you use too much radiation or the wrong strength you can do irreparable harm to a body up to and including death? Ever take Ibuprofen or aspirin or acetaminophen? How about a laxative? All these things, taken in the wrong dosage, can do a lot of harm to you up to and including death. So while you are acting like it is silly to suggest putting something into your body that can kill you, you might want to realize you do that already all the time.
Yes. A specific kind of poison, specifically designed, BY SCIENTISTS, to treat that cancer. NOT A FUCKING DISINFECTANT!!!!
You’re really pushing the boundaries of sanity, @seawulf575.
This fact that doctors prescribe chemotherapy or radiation to treat cancer does not justify a recommendation from an idiot that people ingest or shoot up bleach and antiseptics. It’s both irresponsible downright dangerous for the fool to rattle on about subjects he clearly DOES NOT UNDERSTAND. There are unquestionably those as stupid as himself who will take him at his word. We have a President so clearly lacking in understanding or common sense that his every pronouncement risks a crime of criminal distortion of fact.
Hence the sarcasm card if his loyal sheep can’t convince the rest of us it was brain storming with his health professionals, hey and if that doesn’t work they just flip out the tried and true your just a hater card.
Trump lashes out with such contempt if anyone doesn’t sing praise and admiration on his orange ass, then his loyal base accuse anyone that doesn’t see it their give everything to the wealthy way a hater.
So let’s review our history for a moment. Lysol was originally marketed as a vaginal douche with a hint that it also might help with contraception.
Listerine spent time as a surgical antiseptic, a cure for gonnorhea, a cure for sweaty feet and soft corns forming between toes, a flavor additive for cigarettes, a dandruff treatment, and a cure for the common cold.
Propecia was designed to treat benign prostate enlargement.
Viagra was designed to help with hypertension.
Play-Doh started life as a wallpaper cleaner.
The point is that many things in our history started as something entirely different. And some started as things that we would normally think shouldn’t be put into our bodies but turned out that way. My previous comment was to show that this is possible, done frequently, and if controlled properly can be beneficial. So while you are all being dense, expand your minds a bit. Suppose they found a way to alter chlorine bleach or some other disinfectant somehow so that it wasn’t in a form or concentration that would be deadly to people but would still kill viruses? And they did testing and found it did stop this silly virus in its tracks? And if that came about and you or a loved one had a bad case of Covid-19 and really needed help, would you refuse the treatment because it was a fucking disinfectant? Or would you refuse it based solely on the idea that Trump originally tossed the idea out for consideration?
You’re right wulfie, but that takes years of scientific research and clinical trials not something that is going to happen in the next few weeks, months , or even a year or two .
And I still don’t like your explanation of why use the sarcasm card then ,Trump has never shown sarcasm towards reporters contempt oh yeah, sarcasm uh no.
And it is rather cute how you defend him so much, it would make him so proud.
But the issue isn’t about whether antiseptics or disinfectants will work in suppressing the virus. The issue is on whether the President of the United States should be on national television dispensing the sales pitch of any common quack pushing snake oil at a carnival.
@SQUEEKY2 They have been blasting through clinical trials and research like crazy these days. But I suspect it is a ways off since it was really just tossed out as a random idea. As for the sarcasm, as I said, it just seems odd, the way the conversation was going. So I can’t commit one way or the other. It could be that Trump is just trying to make something up, but really, why? He wasn’t giving guidance that we should start injecting disinfectants. If it was me and someone jumped on the conversation during the press conference when he was talking about disinfectants with the people at the edge of the stage and wanted to know if I was trying to tell people to inject disinfectants, I’d just look at them and ask them if they really believed that was what had just been said. Because it wasn’t. That’s why I suspect him saying it was sarcasm directed at a reporter seems to be him thinking of one part of a conversation while the reporter he was talking to was thinking of a different part.
@stanleybmanly ” The issue is on whether the President of the United States should be on national television dispensing the sales pitch of any common quack pushing snake oil at a carnival.” Except he hasn’t done that, except in the mind of liberals who are just trying to spin anything to try making him look bad. You know, if you stuck to facts instead of interpretation you might be better off.
And Wulfie if there was any real validity in modifying disinfectants to fight viruses in the human body, don’t you the researchers would have been on this a long time a go?
Or you really think it took the stable genius to wake them up and maybe take a look at it?
@SQUEEKY2 I don’t know. Maybe they have looked at it. Maybe some of that research was mentioned during a briefing with Trump which is where he got the idea. Again…there is much here we don’t know. It could be that someone had talked about putting a UV light source into the body near the lungs. It could be that someone else talked about creating or testing of some sort of normal topical antiseptic for an internal use.
But look at it this way too…there is not money in beating a disease. There is tons of money in treating symptoms but not so much in treating the cause. So would they have done that long ago? Probably not. Not when they can make so much more selling products to treat the symptoms.
@seawulf575 But pushing snake oil is exactly what he does on any and every issue. It doesn’t matter if it’s the pandemic, trade, nuclear proliferation. He doesn’t know enough to proffer a comprehensive explanation of damned near anything you care to name. And worse than not knowing, he makes a point of TELLING YOU he doesn’t know through exaggerated lying and obfuscation. Such claims as knowing more about military matters than his generals or more about trade than his economists only go to prove that he cannot be trusted on ANYTHING he has to say and he therefore MUST be understood meaningless in his assertions.
Was it General Kelly who muttered “fuck this asshole” or something to that effect when trump said he knows a lot about nuclear weapons?
It’s the saddest of things ( and deadly too ) when a TV host is elevated to a position of real power and his sociopathic brain and mouth given free rein.
I cannot count the number of times one of his underlings in sheer exasperation has exclaimed “fucking moron!”
I can’t believe the times his base came rushing to defend him when he put his foot in his orange mouth.
^^Believe it. He’s their champion and their fool and he will be tolerated and defended as long as he’s useful to them.
@SQUEEKY2 Since you are putting so much emphasis on Florida having over 30,000 cases or COVID (right now, Florida is at 36,078 cases—and 1,379 deaths)—and that the governor (Ron DeSantis) is a Republican, why not mention that Florida is rather low on COVID cases compared to most states?
New York,with a similar population and predominately urban, like Florida, governed by Andrew Cuomo, who Democrat and the media have purported as some great authority and is a Democrat, has ten times the cases (316,415) and 20 times the deaths (19,189).
Cuomo has done some really stupid things, like issuing an executive order to send COVID patients to nursing homes (which are non-medical facilities), resulting in the deaths of the elderly and frail—⅓ of New York’s deaths resulted from ordering COVID individuals into nursing homes. Despite having two hew hospitals built, a FEMA hospital, a Samaritan’s Purse hospital, and a Navy ship COMFORT sent to them by the federal government, they went largely unused while masses were dying under Cuomo’s leadership. Yet the Democrats and the media seem to regard Cuomo as some great authority on COVID and, like you, are disparaging DeSantis with Florida’s relatively small number of cases.
I am pointing out Florida not because Republican vs Democrat, I am pointing out Florida because your Hero said it would just go away in warm weather, well Florida has warm weather and 30,000 confirmed cases how come it aint going away?
You are the one bringing up political parties, are they making mistakes oh my god YES, but the biggest mistakes have been made by your hero, and especially pushing for a premature opening of the states that is simply gong to end in disaster.
So .. why no mention that Dr. Anthony Fauci was saying in late January and early February that this would be no worse than a bad flu virus—or that the World Health Organization was saying in January that this virus could not be spread person to person—and Americans were considering this the authority when Trump was issuing travel bans and being called a racist?
You will have to provide a link for that.
The damn virus was still in China when we saw it going person to person so nice try.
and it wasn’t bans it was restrictions 40k Americans came through those bans to get back to the states.
I saw the states turn down the WHO’s offer to provide test kits, that was TRUMP!
I saw him on TV saying it would just disappear in April when the weather got warmer.
I remember Andrew Cuomo, asking the feds for 40,000 ventilators and Trump saying no.
YOUR country has the highest confirmed cases and deaths in the entire world and you keep defending Trump, well you got one thing your country is number one and that should make you proud.
We have about half the death rate per 100K as the United Kingdom, and about a third that of Spain and Italy per 100k. Most people in the U.S.A. do not know nor have ever met anyone infected with the virus.
Newsflash—The World Health Organization echoed China’s claim that the Corona virus was not transmitted person to person for weeks, destroyed evidence and made witnesses disappear. While the Democrats were pushing impeachment and then trying to rekindle the Russia hoax, our medical experts were already determining that the virus was seriously contagious, issued a travel ban for all non-U.S. citizens from China, and isolated the individuals who had tested positive for the virus.
It was stated by Trump that this virus might just go away when the weather got warmer, as a seasonal virus, but this was not known. They tend to disappear in warmer weather but typically hit in the fall and winter.
Your facts really slant right, you also claim the trickle down theory really works, problem is the wealthy have become really good plumbers and there is no trickle anymore it just stays at the top.
The US has the highest infected and death numbers in the world, but you calmly say it’s fine if you add per capita and all is well.
And if you compare the us with all the countries combined your doing quite well, sorry my mistake.
And you can’t believe anything Trump says on the news because it’s fake unless it’s bright fart or Fox then it’s pure Gospel.
You’re right it’s all good should be a full scale opening tomorrow there is no more danger heck these infections and deaths probably just propaganda made up by the left just to hurt The Don Father.
Hey @stanleybmanly Trump isn’t at fault for anything and especially this, this is just fake news propaganda made up by the left to make Trump look bad, we have to remember everything bad is the lefts fault everything good is the rights doing.
Agreed. No negative aspect of the fool is ever HIS fault, regardless of anything your eyes and ears might tell you. On the other hand, there is no hesitation in trumpeting the superlatives defining him, all emanating from his divine and illustrious presence. The subject doesn’t matter. He is always the best. He is the greatest businessman, knows more about military affairs than any general and has a more thorough understanding of the economy than any living economist. To hear him tell it, his entire cabinet and stable of advisors is but window dressing assembled to bathe in wonder at the dazzle of his mighty intellect—which is why he must be free to throw them away with the frequency of chewing gum. They somehow lose their flavor with any sign of variance from the myth of “stable genius”. Those paying attention are simply unaware that those folks are irrelevant and readily expendable, because running the country is like running his mouth. No one else is necessary or matters. There can only be the fool and his worshipers.
Actually, we have seen something new which no one really knew how it would go, and we learned and adapted and modified plans as the virus spread and what we learned about it. Trump has been very involved but has never acted outside a panel of top medical experts. We have had some blockings and obstructions by Democrats, especially Nancy Pelosi, and some political bad-mouthing and smears from the Democrats, but for the most part, the process has moved along with the best information we could uncover.
Why must you keep repeating this obvious nonsense. Pelosi and the Democrats need do nothing to obstruct or hamper the idiot. Management of this catastrophe has been achieved DESPITE the fool at the top, and anyone with the sense of a hubcap KNOWS it. There isn’t a soul working for him who is unaware it. He insisted for weeks on popping up nightly on national television to demonstrate unparalleled idiocy in his country’s time of need, with both his friends and enemies cringing in disbelief and wishing he might be confined to a playpen and hidden from public view.
Careful @stanleybmanly he will accuse you of being a hater and you know the right is all about peace and love ,that and giving everything to the wealthy.
Corrupt and deadly incompetent fool deflects by displaying self-pity. Ever the showman, hosted a pathetic and desperate TV show right inside a national monument. There is no limit to the sickness and shamelessness of this sociopathic clown.
@stanleybmanly I have been wondering if @Yellowdog is trying to convince us or himself that Trump is just doing everything he can, never tries to force the states to open early putting public health at great jeopardy for the sake of his political future and re-election. he wouldn’t do that after all public safety is his number 1 concern, right?
Trump is not the one who determines which states are open or how they do it, but states and even counties are not alike at all, in their demographics or infection rates.
It is the American people themselves who are desperate to get back to work and get their financial situation in order, and get on with their lives. Most of the Democrats who don’t seem to get it, are living very well holed up in their expensive homes, eating gourmet ice cream and showing us how to get through these times.
@SQUEEKY2 Florida has the lowest number of COVID cases per 100,000 in spite of having the highest percentage of population who are elderly, the highest number of Spring Break crowds, and the loosest lockdown / shutdown laws in the country. So, there may be something more to heat and sunlight. In any case, Trump said the virus MAY go away when it got warmer in April. Florida is also one of the soonest to begin recovery.
Not to mention that now it is coming out that over 65% of the cases in NYC were of people that stayed indoors, distanced themselves from people, avoided mass transit…followed all the guidelines. So there is a real time case where keeping the country shut doesn’t make any sense.
Wow is right. It doesn’t make any sense to wulfie. But let’s put this as sensibly as ANY dumbbell might understand. I can be killed by a bus or covid. The economy might be better if all the buses are running, and the economy might be better off if I rode the bus daily. But as an individual, my primary assessment since the day the disease arrived is that I am unlikely to be killed by either the bus or the disease if I sit in my living room isolated from both the bus and the wulfies at large among us. That hasn’t changed since day 1 of the pandemic. The rest of you can do your part for the good of the economy if you choose. I am truly sorry for those of you who have no choice. I’ve made my choice. I can live without the bus rides.
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