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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you think Trump was being sarcastic when he was talking about injecting disinfectant during his press meeting?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23601points) April 28th, 2020

The next day he claimed he only said it out of sarcasm towards reporters, funny looked like he was talking to his medical professionals when he said it sure didn’t sound like sarcasm at the time.

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49 Answers

St.George's avatar

Of course not.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If someone has to explain what he meant after you read his statement, then it’s not worth my time to mansplain it. Think asthma inhalers, that’s all the man meant. smh

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I love it.

@KNOWITALL Never heard asthma inhalers mentioned at all, but then why say it was all in sarcasm towards reporters?

Demosthenes's avatar

Not unless the word “sarcasm” has changed its meaning recently.

ragingloli's avatar

It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to buy that Ausrede.

ucme's avatar

Imbleach him :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Sorry but normal people knew exactly what he meant, anything else is partisan snark. Frankly he amuses me when it comes to threads like this, but by all means, please take everything he says the worst way possible without using your grey matter.

“I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Trump said.

@ucme See, you get it. Good one!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I don’t get how you just defended the Don Father @KNOWITALL You said it had to do with Asthma inhalers ,then you point out the sarcasm angle?
Why the sarcasm angle if he was serious about asthma inhalers?
And take everything he says the worst way,many not just myself can’t find anything good in anything he says.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL I asked a fun, joke question on this & find the usual hysterical outcry from the usual suspects even funnier :-)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Because I knew what he meant the first time he said it, he was basically saying a medicine or disinfectant in inhaler form of some kind but he’d leave it to medical professionals.

He said sarcasm afterward because he knows all of you biased folks would spin it the worst way possible, and ya did.

@lucillex3 It’s mindboggling, like we watched different press briefings.

@ucme They hate him so much they can’t see anything funny about it, him or anything related to it or him. Sad really.

kritiper's avatar

If he was, he was doing a piss poor job of it!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper Yes, he has to REALLY dumb it down and use tiny words.

Let me try: A disinfectant delivery system like asthma inhalers.

Dang, still too many syllables right?!

Demosthenes's avatar

I’m going to hold everyone defending Trump to it the next time Biden makes a gaffe. We’ll see whether it’s defended as “sarcasm” or lambasted as the ramblings of a demented old fool.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes Let’s be very clear, you may hold me accountable at all times for anything I say, no qualifiers.

I defended Obama and his ACA to rednecks (hell I tried it!), I defend LGBTQ’s to homophobes, and decry an intentional mosque burning just this week here to Islamaphobes. Ignorance is ignorance, whichever guise it’s in.

mazingerz88's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 trump’s a compulsive liar so even his excuse for saying stupid things is what else? A lie! Lol

He could have just said he was just exploring ideas, using disinfectants as metaphor for a potential cure before we get an actual vaccine.

I really think he was just being his dumb self pretending to be the smartest guy in the room ( like he pretends to be a human pretending to be a president ) when he said those things but there is also the possibility he was just testing how far his fans would go supporting him whenever he says more deranged stuff on TV.

I think trump gets off on hearing and seeing his fans on TV defend him.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Couldn’t agree more @mazingerz88 .

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I can start ripping Canadian policy and Trudeau, but I don’t think anyone really cares.

Trump also criticized Trudeau over the fact Canada does not currently meet NATO’s 2% defense spending target.
“The truth is I called him out on the fact that he’s not paying 2% and I guess he’s not very happy about it,” Trump said, adding that “he should be paying 2%” and that Canada “has money.”

The top U.S. official in Ottawa says in his country’s view, Canada is not likely to hit the defence spending targets it has promised.

Canada, along with other NATO members, agreed in 2014 to increase spending on defence to the tune of two per cent of GDP by 2024.

“This is important because our common security requires common burden sharing and we want to see our Canadian friends and Canada have a voice in international relations, have a strong voice because we share the same outlook,” he said.

filmfann's avatar

Obviously he was serious.
Obviously he was later trying to cover his ass.

LadyMarissa's avatar

WHY the hell would any world leader choose the middle of a pandemic when 60,000
(& counting) people died on their watch to choose sarcasm of any form as their way of responding??? He was looking AT the medical professional & NOT the press when his dumb ass said it!!! I’m sorry, but this normal person did NOT find it even mildly amusing no matter how he meant it. I didn’t vote Dem last election, but I WILL on this next one!!! I seriously doubt that I’ll ever vote for another Rep as you can’t trust them!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nice deflection angle there @KNOWITALL well done and could care less if you rip any of our political leaders apart go ahead I personally don’t like any of them right now.
At least they are not suggesting ingesting disinfectant, then back track on it saying it was sarcasm towards reporters.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree all countries should meet their Nato requirements , and if not met than should be called apon by NATO NOT the Don Father.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Still this is about him talking about the injecting of disinfectant in his press meetings, not countries meeting their NATO obligations, that is another question feel free to ask it if ya want.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@KNOWITALL: ”And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning
How can you justify defending that idiot?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What is scary @Dutchess_lll I think he has enough sheep to actually get in again, that and with Russia’s help of course.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I don’t understand how they can read exactly what he said and then say he didn’t say that.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And they claim the left is brain washed yeah sure.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Dutchess_lll What trump supporters are more befuddled and concerned about is not that they chose a mediocre ( now actually more deadly ) clown of a man to be in the WH but the hate and disgust he is consistently getting since 2016. They just don’t get the hate. They think trump is a poor victim. Go figure.

JLeslie's avatar

Trump’s problem is he talks off the top of his head in front of the public too much.

Trump said he was being sarcastic, but it was after republicans all over Facebook were coming up with their own stories to defend him.

Republicans all over social media were saying he didn’t actually say to inject bleach, but rather he was saying wouldn’t it be great if we could put something directly in the lungs or body that acts like a disinfectant. That’s basically true, he was kind of asking if science could do something like that. I think he had just come from some sort of demonstration how easily it’s killed with some agents. The thing is there are idiots who will go and ingest bleach. Trump needs to be more careful. I do own Clorox stock though (very little) it might have made me some money.

Other Republicans were sending around a Facebook post that Trump was using the word disinfect like how we use the word antioxidant to cleanse the body.

So, after Republicans spend a day saying what Trump really meant, Trump comes out and says he was just being sarcastic.

Lol. Such bullshit all around.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Great answer^^

Zaku's avatar

Trump doesn’t have just one problem. He has so many problems it’s impossible to track them all. Scarier is that anyone supports him or ever let him get anywhere near the White House. I’m so disgusted at the non-stop evil and stupidity. It’s really devastated whatever respect and tolerance I had left for that all-too-large segment of society.

Jons_Blond's avatar

It doesn’t matter what any of us believe. Some will defend him, some will ridicule, and @ucme will provide humor. It’s all predictable and boring after four years of this. (The @ucme humor is predictable but not boring.) :D

stanleybmanly's avatar

Sarcasm? @JLeslie is correct. Trump was being sarcastic in the same sense your dog might be adept at integral calculus or other traits we attribute to people. To stick with the analogy, any time you catch folks assigning talents to Trump requiring intellectual gymnastics it always reminds me of those talent shows where contestants show up with their dog that “sings”. Speech for Trump is the least flattering example of thinking out loud that you will ever come across in an adult, and the reasons for it are straightforward. He knows nothing yet is COMPELLED to talk — and talk—and talk. The result is always predictable and precisely the same were you to substitute any random 8 year old at the podium with orders to free associate a lecture on whatever topic is at hand. I’m serious about this. The next time you hear him giving a talk, close your eyes and imagine a 3rd or 4th grader delivering those words. It is a marvelous yet chilling revelation.

ragingloli's avatar

Drumpf and his followers are “The Emperor’s new Clothes” come to life.

cookieman's avatar

“Mr. President, has the White House considered any unconventional treatments to fight COVID-19?”

“We have, but I’ll leave that to the experts here to discuss — but we have the best people working on it.”

Lonelyheart807's avatar

No. And on the off chance that he actually was, that’s not something you should joke about. It’s like yelling “fire” in a theater. There have already been cases where people have tried doing what he suggested and ended up in the hospital. Yes, people should have more sense, but he shouldn’t be suggesting it either.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Exactly @Lonelyheart807 a lot of Trumps supporters are blind followers and would take his word as the word of God over a health professional.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

He is an irresponsible schmuck. Completely unfit for the job.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^His getting elected is the sickest joke ever played and inflicted upon the American people in the entire history of the US.

Since this new century began we had the vomit inducing bad luck of having miserable Republican clowns as President. Each time the country had to endure and struggle to rise to the challenge of great tragic events like 911 and this 2020 pandemic, we find ourselves being led by schmucks.

Bush and now trump. A TV show host. A hotel and casino businessman. WTF.

cheebdragon's avatar

How many people have injected or ingested disinfectants because of Trump so far??

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A Nurse in a Emergency room took over a hundred call the night after the disinfectant spew asking if it was safe to take disinfectant.
One couple did ingest that drug he thought was a cure for the virus the man died and the woman was hospitalized .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah that could be the couple.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

It was that couple.

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