Social Question

Connections between the virus pandemic and computers: what comes to mind?
How many ways can you think of that the covid-19 pandemic relates to computers and computer usage (including smartphones, social media, news sites, etc., etc.), both literally and figuratively?
Example 1: The expression “going viral” comes back now from a metaphor to a literal description of a global phenomenon. Next time we use it metaphorically, it’ll feel different.
Example 2: The spread of news and opinion via telecommunications is so rapid that it makes us more aware of these health concerns than we could have been at any time in the past.
On the one hand, everybody knows about coronavirus and has heard about precautions they should take. On the other, isn’t our perception of this thing being amplified by that awareness in a multiplicative kind of way? Do we feel like it’s even worse than it is just because we’re swamped with news about it?
Example 3: Our perception of time is warped by computer speed and may make us less patient and enduring than we have ever been.
When I was a youngster, people wrote letters on paper and sent them by postal mail. A prompt reply might come a week or two later at best, and that was fast enough. Now if we wait five seconds for something to load or connect, we say it took “forever.”
So I’m thinking that we’re finding the length of the shutdown so hard to take partly because our sense of “fast” and “slow” has been grossly altered by our computer habits.
What parallels or reciprocal effects do you see?