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Are you paying close attention to what your local and government officials are saying about Coronavirus issues?
I live in New York state and every day, Governor Cuomo talks at a press conference. He discusses recent statistics, plans for the future, problems, etc. Then Mayor DiBlasio talks (NYC Mayor – NYC is about an hour away). He says similar things but on a local level, relative to NYC issues. Some of what the Governor says and what the Mayor says are the same thing. Some of it is a little pep talk, like “we can get through this” and things like taking a daily walk, or mental health issues, etc.
I used to listen every day but now, they’re saying the same thing, day after day. We need more tests, when can we open things back up? We need more tests, when can we open things back up. Repeat.
I’ve been home since mid-March and the press conferences are getting redundant. I understand the need for them and agree that more communication is better than less, so I’m not complaining about them, I’m just saying my interest in them is not as much as it was in the beginning.
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