Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

[Sociological question. Possibly tacky] Suppose for this question that COVID virus particles could be attacked and neutralized by the chemicals created by human flatulence. What would society's reaction be?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) April 30th, 2020

Note: there is absolutely no evidence that this is true, so this is a hypothetical thought experiment. In fact there is possible evidence to the contrary: see

These are the chemicals produced in human flatulence:
article 1
article 2

Suppose that it were proven that flatulence killed COVID-19. Flatulence has an odious and unpleasant reputation – people are rightly put off by it.

How would society react? Would society holds its collective notice and kill coronavirus? Or would we be genteel and let people suffer?

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8 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Much like the toilet paper shortage, brussels sprouts would be in high demand.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d start planting beans in my my back field.

Jeruba's avatar

Are you kidding? In no time, manufacturers would be selling it in spray cans. And people would buy it.

We could amuse ourselves now by thinking up product names and marketing strategies. Of course, I’m too genteel to stick around and see what might be suggested.

Did you mean “hold its collective nose”?

Jeruba's avatar

I’m also thinking that certain family members’ work products would suddenly have a market value unlike anything they’ve ever known before.

The prospect of farming the product boggles the mind.

ucme's avatar

“Margaret Mitchell was right after all”

Jeruba's avatar

^^ haha

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would be considered a great healer.

gorillapaws's avatar

My kidney bean and chili powder stock futures might finally pay off…

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