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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do you have an abundance of?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) April 30th, 2020

What would you like to have an abundance of?
I have an abundance of time. I would like to have an abundance of food and drink.

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13 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

I have an abundance of patience.

It would be cool to have an abundance of talent. Music or art. I see would talented people do and I feel like a total retard.

LuckyGuy's avatar

A have an abundance of water and firewood.

Anyone want to trade some water and downed trees for… just about anything!

ucme's avatar

I did a bun dance once, essential to use the correct choux!

chyna's avatar

Beads. I have more beads than Michael’s.
@LuckyGuy I could trade you beads for firewood. You do deliver, right?

Demosthenes's avatar

Books. No shortage of books here. So many that although I keep books at two different houses, I’m running out of room at both.

I would like an abundance of traveling money and opportunities to travel. Nothing right now.

cookieman's avatar

Items on my To Do List.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Love and patience for animals, humans not so much. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

I have an abundance of procrastination, I would like to trade it for motivation.

ragingloli's avatar

Anxiety, self-doubt, bouts of the nearly irresistible urge to cut loud children into tiny ribbons, tiredness.

mazingerz88's avatar


Inspired_2write's avatar

Creativity..lots of it.
Lacking the tools ( finance enables) to complete these projects swirling in my head.
I started but had to stop as I didn’t have the resources to successfully complete them as yet, but during this Pandemic I am able to save and pay down considerably my only debt that prevents spending on items needed to complete my goals.

I expect by Winter of this year I will be debt free and at the same time whatever I paid towards my debt will further my savings per month.

I figure transferring $500 Canadian dollars into savings per month and adding the Goods and Services tax refunds that the Government pays every four months into it as well , that in one year I will have over $5000 and in two years $10,000.

Plus this has taught me that If I charge to my Credit Card then the next paycheck will pay it off entirely every month, so as to never let it slide baring emergencies again.

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