Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Have you ever intentionally disguised yourself for something other than a planned costume event?

Asked by Jeruba (56253points) April 30th, 2020

Have you ever dressed up or made yourself up to conceal your identity, other than as appropriate for a costume party or parade or other such social event?

What was that about?

Did it work?

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12 Answers

longgone's avatar

Once, when I was about 12. I was playing “cops and robbers” with my friends and sister. We dressed up in overcoats and hats, then walked right up to the “robbers”. When they recognized us, they were close enough to capture. It was really fun, though we were accused of cheating later on.

ragingloli's avatar

Only when I am down on the surface.

YARNLADY's avatar

When I applied for a job, I had a cosmetic professional do my face, wore my most professional clothes, and took off my glasses just before entering. I got the job and never looked like that again.

Jeruba's avatar

to conceal your identity

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When I stood up to the neighbourhood drug dealers when I was a kid (9 years old till 15) I wore a he-man mask and attacked them with a tennis racket and my he-man sword. Took 6 years of fighting to make peace with them.

YARNLADY's avatar

Oh, no,just my real self.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Considering all my hijinks over the years, I thought my answer must be yes, but searching my memory, I can’t find anything besides some role play, and a make up job I did once when a jerk bf kept leaving me in questionable situations. I made my face a appear badly bruised with swollen lip. It was quite convincing and scared him.
Other than that, I’m a no.
Kind of a bummer. I think I could have pulled off some convincing moments.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Once on a bet.
Since I am a twin ( not identical close up) I told them ( employers) that they could not tell me from my sister if I came in dressed differently, of which they challenged me.

I waited for a month to pull this off successfully.

I bought an entirely different coat ( it was Fall)then what I would usually wear( conventional).

I had a costume wig left over from Halloween a few years ago and wore that..long curly hair, different color then my own.

Different boots etc

I walked in to work on my day off dressed as above,picked up the local newspaper and went to pay for it at the til where they were chatting together.

They said hello, I answered sustaining an accent .

I stared at them after paying and they were confused and asked if there was anything else…so in my accent I asked if they carried a grocery brand and they directed me to the aisle.
They both were flirting ( as they usually do with ANY female that comes in and I was no exception.

One followed behind me ,probably thinking that I might steal something?

I turned aground and faced them and walked right up to the both of them chatting behind me and stated that they owed me $20.

Again they were confused and asked me why i had thought that?

I told them because they just lost the bet that I had with them.

They forgot and still didn’t understand so I took off my wig and laughed .

They were flabbergasted and probably embarrassed as to flirting etc

By the way they NEVER paid the bet.
But it was a successful joke on them.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m trying to come up with an occasion where I found it necessary to pass myself off as someone else, and the only one that comes to mind is my presence HERE. Both my name and avatar are shameful forgeries.

ucme's avatar

I have but I can’t remember when or why :D

raum's avatar

Wore this and chased my kids around the block for “PE”. Trying to keep distance learning fun.

Also entertained with the idea of my neighbors looking through their security camera footage and going WTH?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Will be lol for a while. Wishing I could see that.

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