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Jeruba's avatar

Now {is | isn't} the perfect time to let your {haircut | hair color | beard} grow out because--?

Asked by Jeruba (56256points) April 30th, 2020

Are you doing it? thinking about it?

What’s your plan?

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15 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

Because I can’t find a barber.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Because I don’t have the excuse to buzz my head with the trimmer. Even though I really want to and would have fun doing it.

Jeruba's avatar

I guess you guys both pick “is”?

Inspired_2write's avatar

I bought root touch up from the local Drug Store that is opened.
Saved paying the local Hairdresser a whopping $164…the last time she did it! * weeks ago)!
I now only do the touch ups myself for only $14 + every 8 weeks.( or longer).
She was over charging me!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cut my beard off because mask wasn’t tight. Had a beard for last 5 years and over half of my adult life.

I’ve got haircut appliances.

YARNLADY's avatar

My hair is a beautiful silver and I am currently letting it grow out. When I need to cut the bangs, I grab the scissors and cut away.

JLeslie's avatar

Now is the perfect time for me to not bother doing my nails. I just cut them back and do nothing else the last two months. Usually, I keep my nails on my hands a little longer in length and painted about half the time. My toes are usually painted 90% of the time, but I haven’t bothered in two months.

Now is the perfect time to not keep up with shaving my legs, because no one except my husband is seeing my legs. I shave about once every 3–4 days, more like a winter schedule. Lol.

Now is the perfect time for my husband to let his hair grow out because it’s curly and you really need to know what you’re doing to cut it in a typical “man” short haircut.

Truth be told he started growing it out in January. His last haircut in January he asked the stylist to shape it, but to let the top layers keep growing. He’s just past the Greg Brady stage and his hair is starting to get long enough to weigh down somewhat. He asked me to cut the back this weekend. It’s still above his shoulders right now.

Now is the perfect time to cut and dye my hair at home, because who wants to catch deadly Covid for a haircut? My husband cut the back for me a few days ago and I put some layers in and a temporary dye. We’ve done it before.

Now is the time to get ready for hurricane season, which means less frozen food (which we bought for COVID19) and more pantry food, some bottled water, and batteries for flashlights. In fact yesterday there was a microburst or tornado a couple of blocks from me that ripped up some fences and knocked things over. That is actually rare here. We didn’t lose power, it’s rare to lose power here, but any random storm we could.

Demosthenes's avatar

My hair is getting longer. It’s pretty much been very short since I was 13, the last time I let it grow out a bit. Can’t get my hair cut professionally right now and I’d rather not have my mom do it so I’m going to just let it stay the way it is and continue to lengthen. It doesn’t look half-bad on me. :)

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Me too @YarnLadyNeedsYarn. And I have for 30 years so this no great hardship.
The only hardship is not seeing the grandkids. The other day their mom texted me: “Zoey (6) and Cooper (5) grabbed some water containers and decided they were gonna start walking to your house,” 15 miles and 2 river crossings away.
I’m like “I’ll meet ‘em half way with some Lunchables!”

Brian1946's avatar

Now isn’t the perfect time to let my hair or beard grow out, because we’re heading into summer.

I prefer to let them grow out during the cooler months, which I usually start doing around Thanksgiving.

seawulf575's avatar

My wife likes me with longer hair. I usually cut it shorter for convenience and it isn’t so hot in the summer. And my hair takes on a life and mind of its own as it gets longer. But since we don’t have good scissors to cut hair and the barber shops are closed, I’ve been figuring out ways to deal with longer hair. Another couple months I should have it in a pony tail.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I haven’t had a hair cut or dye job in months.
It is looking wild but I have an appointment in two weeks to take care of that.
My husband has been cutting his own hair for years. He does a nice. precise job. He wears a flat top and his hair is silver. Beautiful, I tell ya!

Plentylove09's avatar

I love that I don’t have to style my hair, at last is breathing, my roots have grown big time and also my hair is super long, I oil it weekly ( a mix of oils), but I am not doing anything especial just letting it rest from flat irons and styling tools.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My hair is now such a mess that the wife has taken to calling me BRILLO. But I think it might well harbor me from the threat of people violating my space. But I’d gotten in the habit of keeping it clipped so short that it never require a comb or brush. And true to form, I cannot find s brush or comb of my own in the house now. I shampoo it daily in the shower, but it is allowed to persist weedlike otherwise. Let me get on Amazon right now while the brush is on my mind. Thanks!

ucme's avatar

Now isn’t the time to let my hair grow out because I would look like a monk.

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