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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What internet Browser do you prefer?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23601points) May 1st, 2020

I know this has been asked before, and if that bothers you please add your complaint.
I bounce back and fourth between Chrome, and Safari, how about you?

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26 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Chrome for me.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Netscape before it went under. Now is Chrome.

ucme's avatar

Ask Carstairs…he does it for me.

zenvelo's avatar

Chrome at work. Safari at home and on Apple products.

LostInParadise's avatar

Chrome using DuckDuckGo search engine

Brian1946's avatar

Firefox version 75.0

I started using it in 2004, with version 1.8.

SEKA's avatar

I prefer Firefox. Took me a while to figure out what the best add-ons were for me, but once I got that part figured out, I love it

LuckyGuy's avatar

i use Firefox. Like @SEKA, I have the add-ons I like and I am comfortable with their operation. I also use Firefox on my phone. I intentionally do not have the browsers linked. That gives me the feeling I am being more secure.
Add-ons I use are :
Ad-block Plus (Ad blocker)
Cisco Webex (Video Conferencing)
Facebook Container (Linits Controls Facebook)
Fakespot (Checks amazon reviews for fakes)
Ghostery (Removes and stops trackers)
No-Script (Limits the use of Scripts to increase security)
Social Fixer for Facebook (filters Facebook posts)
WOT (Web of Trust – indicates safe or dangerous sites) before clicking on the link)

Some sites will not work if you have all the filters engaged. Too bad for them.

GracieT's avatar

I use Firefox if I can, but otherwise Safari.

johnpowell's avatar


These are the extensions I use:

uBlock Orgin – Blocks ads
uMatrix – Written by the same guy as uBlock Orgin but is much more aggressive. It pretty much does what No-Script does but breaks less things since assets hosted on the same domain are allowed by default. image
Decentraleyes – Acts as a local cache of popular stuff that is reused, such as jQuery.
GreaseMonkey – Allows you to tweak some things.
Open With – Allows you to right click links and will open in another browser. Handy for shit uMatrix breaks. image
SingleFileZ – Allows saving webpages as a single entity.
Twitter to Nitter Redirect – Twitters webpage is dreadful. This modifies links to Nitter so it is less horrible.

On mobile I just use Safari with LockDown.

LadyMarissa's avatar

On my computer, I use Firefox as my browser accompanied by duckduckgo as my search engine!!! I use many of the addons listed above & I find the duck protects my privacy much better than google!!! Only catch is that I have to stay away from Google to continue to protect my privacy.

I use the duckduckgo browser on my phone & I find that I feel safer. Duck isn’t made for lazy people as it doesn’t retain your info to assist you to fill in the blanks later.

Demosthenes's avatar

I use Chrome for most things, but I also use Safari for certain things that Chrome doesn’t work well with (which isn’t much, but there are a few examples). I’ve never been able to just use one browser. There’s always a website that works better on a different one.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@LadyMarissa i also use duckduckgo as my search engine.

I added duckduckgo to Firefox and set it as my default.
If I need to use google for some reason I start the query with !G, the bang symbol for google.
There are over 13,000 bang shortcuts. !f facebook, !a amazon, !w wikipedia, !imdb imdb, !e ebay, ....
There should be one for fluther.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What does a bang symbol do?

LadyMarissa's avatar

@LuckyGuy I hate to break it to you, but the bang for Google kills the privacy that you gain with ddg!!! As soon as you type the !G you’re being taken to Google who immediately grabs your personal info before you leave. Same for FB, Amazon, & most of the others. Google used to be a search engine, but now it’s a tracking engine who passes what they know to the authorities!!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@LadyMarissa I realize that. I only use the bangs to quickly move to google or Amazon or whatever, if I need it. I try to stay within DDG for almost everything.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_lll The bang symbol. ”!” moves you quickly to another search engine. It is a tool within duckduckgo. If you want to search for something within ddg you just type inside the box. If for some reason you wanted to check for that same thing in Amazon or google, for example, you precede it with the bang symbol !A or !G and you will search using their engines.

nightwolf5's avatar

Firefox and Brave. Took off Chrome because of it’s privacy and computer issues it was giving me.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@nightwolf5 Thanks for introducing me to Brave. I will play with it.

nightwolf5's avatar

@LuckyGuy Welcome there. It is a good safe browser with good privacy features.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@nightwolf5 Never heard of it does it work with Mac, and is it easy to uninstall if you happen to dislike it?

nightwolf5's avatar

Looking at their website they seem to have a Mac OS download for it. So, yes. It’s easy to uninstall, just go to your programs list and uninstall it. I don’t use a Mac though, so I am not sure how it all works on there.

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