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elbanditoroso's avatar

Does Trump have a body double?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33636points) May 2nd, 2020

In case he got sick with COVID, is there a lookalike in the wings?

They couldn’t let the lookalike talk – no way that anyone but Trump speaks like Trump.

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5 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^. Well there ya go, and nice seeing you post links @Yellowdog .

Patty_Melt's avatar

That dude wouldn’t fool me, talk or not.
His mouth is way wrong, dead giveaway. That’s just for starters.

Edit to add;
The best way would be to use this technology and cancel all personal appearances.

dabbler's avatar

… must have. When Marine One lands in NYC for the president to go to the UN or (?) there is an identical helicopter that lands next to it. There are two limos. The (real) president gets out of one of the helicopters and into one of the limos, the other guy gets into the other limo.
Everywhere they go in NYC the decoy is alongside.

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