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Caravanfan's avatar

What's a TV series you haven't seen where someone says, "Holy crap you haven't seen that yet?"?

Asked by Caravanfan (14029points) May 3rd, 2020

For me it’s The Sopranos. Never seen it. On my list, but never have gotten around to it.

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25 Answers

jca2's avatar

Breaking Bad
Mad Men
None of the NCIS shows
Game of Thrones
Walking Dead
Downton Abbey

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Game of thrones.

ragingloli's avatar

Most of them.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Game of Thrones
Walking Dead
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
The Sopranos
Breaking Bad

Caravanfan's avatar

@jca2 @LadyMarissa Breaking Bad is the second best thing ever on television.

jca2's avatar

@Caravanfan: So many people have told me that it’s excellent!

I’ve seen Ozark, which has been compared to it as being similar.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Game of Thrones
Breaking bad

Caravanfan's avatar

@jca2 I haven’t seen Ozark. Do you like it?

Demosthenes's avatar

I’ve never seen past Season 4 of Game of Thrones and probably never will (once it ran out of book material, I lost interest).

I’ve never seen The Sopranos either. I’m not uninterested, but it just hasn’t appealed that much to me yet. I also haven’t seen The Walking Dead, Downton Abbey, or Mad Men.

The Wire is another show that people always want others to see. I’ve seen it though. It was excellent except for the final season, which kinda sucked.

anniereborn's avatar

Game of Thrones

seawulf575's avatar

Survivor – I’ve never seen a single episode and there have been what, 35 seasons?

Jons_Blond's avatar

@seawulf575 40 seasons. It’s my favorite show. I’ve been with it since the beginning. :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Tiger King.

jca2's avatar

@Caravanfan: I love it. A friend was telling me for the past two years that she thinks I would love it. I found the first episode to be unusually violent and unlike the rest of the show. Someone told me they couldn’t get past the first episode. When you get beyond it, the show is great. Plot twists, business deals, intrigue, relationship stuff, all that.

Season 3 just came out and I was saving a few episodes of Season 2 so I wouldn’t have to stop once I got into it again.

jca2's avatar

@Caravanfan: Watching Anderson Cooper as a guest this morning on Kelly and Ryan Seacrest, and Anderson and Ryan both said they love Ozark.

Zaku's avatar

I don’t really have friends or associates that ejaculate “Holy crap you haven’t seen that yet?”

I do have one friend who jokes knowingly about the TV I ignore. Usually he’s asking me about how glued I am to the TV watching award shows.

But I have not seen more than a few seconds of many TV shows that I hear are popular but am pretty sure I don’t care to watch, including:

Survivor (and most reality TV, especially the “these hot people are trapped in surveillance hell and encouraged to get into messy relationships in an atrocious game show context” kind)
The Big Bang Theory
Beverly Hills 90210
Grey’s Anatomy
How I Met Your Mother

Oh, on the topic of Breaking Bad, I avoided it for a long time because of the subject of meth crime seeming unsavory, but I eventually watched and have to agree it is one of the best series ever made, along with its prequel still in the making (Better Call Saul). It is grim and violent but it’s so much more than that, and so well done, it’s more than worth it unless you really can’t stand violence or anti-heroes.

jca2's avatar

Way back in the day (25 years ago), I used to be a big fan of NYPD Blue. I don’t know if reruns are available for streaming, but it was a great show. It’s a serialistic show, so you really have to watch the episodes in order to get the gist of all the details.

dabbler's avatar

We have only one friend who can’t believe we haven’t watched all the stuff she has.
She must spend a king’s ransom every month on subscriptions because she has all the non-sport English-language streaming services I ever heard of…
Netflix (of course), HULU, Amazon, Apple, CBS (StarTrek!), Disney, BBC, ...

The only shows I don’t get (Netflix only here) that I think I would enjoy are the new Star Treks and Ms Maisel. But I can live without them….

jca2's avatar

I just subscribed to Disney+ a few weeks ago, @dabbler. It includes Hulu and I discovered that Hulu has a lot of HBO stuff on it. I don’t know if it has everything that HBO has, but it has a lot of HBO movies and documentaries.

seawulf575's avatar

We did just start watching a new series on Amazon Prime…Upload. Campy and funny. If you get a chance, try it. Of course, this could be the start of another show people will not watch.

Caravanfan's avatar

Oh did Upload drop? I had heard about it. Thanks!

anniereborn's avatar

Oh yeh, I forgot about The Big Bang Theory. I have zero interest.

RabidWolf's avatar

Walking Dead

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