How long will you wait to get into a store?
Right now if there is a line I will come back later and see if it has changed.
But like Costco I see line ups of over 25 people, I don’t need anything that bad to wait that long.
Learning also there are times with no lines like Home Depot DO NOT GO in the morning big lines people are getting what they need for their daily projects at home, come well after lunch and you can walk right in.
What has your experience been like with lines and getting into stores?
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31 Answers
Our local Bank is only open to the public 4 hours a day and you have to make an appointment just to get in and do a bit of banking.
Last weekend, I waited 25 minutes to get into Home Depot. But normally, the lines have been completely reasonable. My local grocery store has long-ish lines, but they more quickly, and everyone seems to be doing a great job of managing it (keeping counts of people in store, spraying down carts before providing to customers, putting up plexiglass for cashiers, providing one-way aisles, etc).
I have to go to Home Depot again this weekend, but I’ll just expect to spend a half hour. Not a big deal.
haha, only if it’s a new game at Best Buy or something am I even tempted, otherwise not happening.
I’m exposed to high-risk people almost daily so going into a store (quick in and out) once in two weeks is my (very) long term plan which kicked off this past week.
Combined with grocery home deliveries.
As I said I think it wise to know the times certain stores will probably have line ups and unless you like waiting know when a good time to come and walk right in.
At this point, my plan is to avoid most of our stores. @KNOWITALL you might want to check with your Best Buy. Here we can order online & call the store when we arrive & they have a clerk bring the item out to your car & put it in.side your car for you. The clerk is wearing a mask & gloves. Works great IF you have some room in your trunk!!! Even before the pandemic, I chose the slowest time of day to go to the store. Only problem now is that the slowest time of day is subject to change daily so I’m having to depend on my common sense more & more.
@LadyMarissa I’ll definately do that. I’ve been using Amazon since I’ve been at home, but not sure if I want a new tv shipped, I’d rather go pick it up locally, so thanks, great idea!
Fuck that into a cocked hat worn at a jaunty angle!
I had a bed base, 2 pairs of running shoes & a bandana for Oscar delivered today.
Expected tomorrow are, a blu-ray, couple of dvd’s & a squeeky monkey toy for pup.
I have erected a tent at the end of the drive for the delivery driver :D
@ucme Stimulating that economy, good for you! haha! Pic of the dog and bandana, pet?
@KNOWITALL He can’t wear it yet as It’s a little large for him bless, will keep though.
Gunna pm you pic…
I haven’t had to wait yet. Maybe 15 max I guess.
I’ve waited 10 minutes to get into Costco and Home Depot.
Another time, I went to Home Depot and saw there was a long line so I sat in my car and watched the progress. I was also on the phone and having breakfast, but if I didn’t see the line moving well, I was going to not bother to get out of the car and I would have just returned another day. Once I saw the line moving I got out and stood on it and got right into the store.
Another time at Home Depot, I saw the line not moving at all, They have a system where an employee at the exit will use a cell phone type thing to notify an employee at the entrance when someone leaves, so the people allowed to enter correspond with the quantity who leave. The line was really long and not moving. Then I saw a different employee come to the entrance and he was showed the system by the one sitting there. Once the new employee went to the post, he let just about everyone in at once. So by sitting in the car and watching, I spend less time standing on the line and I just hang out in the comfy car until conditions look optimal.
If I ever see a crazy line, I wouldn’t bother.
Lines look longer than they really are because everyone is at least six feet apart.
I agree you have to go by numbers not length, because of the distance between people.
Last week I ended up in a long line. Luckily it was only 5 minutes wait. I waited the standard 30 minuets at my lab. At least they let me sit down while waiting.
Seriously. My home health aide has been doing my shopping. I actually have staff for that.
Only line was the local Mexican restaurant, nobody in line at 5 PM.
I order, he says wait about 10 or 15 minutes, Nine minutes later 7 cars pull in – - – they ordered on the phone. It took 40 minutes to get back to window.
Meal was delicious !
I have not waited in or seen any lines in any of the stores I go to. Mind you for the past month I have been getting Walmart pick up service. But maybe once a week I still have to go into a store for something.
Not gonna wait in lines. I’ve been going to certain smaller stores that never seem to have them or to other stores that do get them (like Safeway) at times of day when there’s no line.
I hate Costco so I wouldn’t go there anyway, and while I did end up going to Home Depot once last week, our Home Depot didn’t have a line when I went (they were counting people who entered though).
My lifestyle hasn’t changed much.
I have worked with COVID individuals while helping with the tornado clean-up in Nashville, and go to Walmart and Kroger both at least once a day.
Only Sam’s Club is inaccessible.
No one in any of the stores I frequent daily knws anyone who has gotten sick.
@Yellowdog I can’t tell you how many of my Memphis friends have asked on Facebook “Do you know anyone who has C19?” I guess that’s a thing there, or maybe a Republican thing? I’m not sure. When they ask it always feels to me like they think it’s completely false that the virus is even here. Like they think it’s all made up.
@JLeslie In our part of rural America, I hear that, too sometimes. My cousin went to NY for 3 weeks to nurse and literally argued with a good friend about reality vs conspiracy theory on Facebook. She let him hear the gory details.
I have a bunch of Republican friends who think this is blown up into something bigger than it is. Some of them live in my area (NY Metro area) where there are a lot of deaths and everyone knows someone who died, and they still think it’s bullsh*t.
I’m going to wait a while to see for myself the rate of increased cases in our area before rushing back out to get anything. Most of what I need I can find on Amazon. My thinking is that if Amazon doesn’t have it, I don’t really need it
@SEKA Do they have groceries on Amazon? I honestly didn’t know.
@anniereborn they do, at least since they purchased Whole Foods (maybe before, I’m not sure).
@anniereborn Amazon purchased Whole Foods several years back. It depends on where you live as to whether or not they will deliver groceries to you. You can buy some canned, boxed, or bagged food items directly off their Amazon site. The Whole Food area you can get fresh veggies, fruit as well as canned & boxed items. I’ve not used the Amazon food service so I can’t verify how good they are. Walmart as an app called “Walmart groceries” where you can go onto your phone, place your order & they have a pickup dock where you drive up & they load it into your car for you. I’ve not tried it, but have several friends who are swearing by it. I’d think that the Walmart grocery pickup is cheaper than the Whole Food delivery.
I do a lot of canning and freezing myself so I normally just reach in my freezer or pantry when I’m ready to cook. There is very little I need from the grocery store except on rare occasions
Whole Foods Amazon delivers pork, beef and chicken. Veggies etc. It will do for a while but very limited window to make an order. Waited almost two weeks for an email saying I can now order. Also, the items available are limited compared to what they actually have in store.
Nice though that you can indicate which items are open for substitution or not in case it’s out of stock. They can also call you if you want them to suggest alternatives.
10 minutes tops, and that considering I don’t do well standing for long periods.
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