Social Question

ucme's avatar

If you had bicycles as a kid, did you go with a bell, a horn or did you just yell?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 6th, 2020

I preferred to honk, nowt like a good old parp!

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17 Answers

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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I took playing cards and a clothes pin and let the spokes do all the speaking.
Then I started to use cut up cheap pie tins with clothes pins to do all the yelling.Sometimes I used two for twice the fun.
I also took a metal Bandaid box, poked a hole in the bottom and filled with water for a little gas tank.
I stopped doing this last year when my neighbors started complaining about the noise and wet pavement

Yellowdog's avatar

I had both an old brass horn and a bell.

kritiper's avatar

Where I was, in a very small town, there was no need to yell, ring a bell or blow a horn. I couldn’t have done one of those three things one morning when I T-boned a dog at high downhill speed, but it just happened so fast! And so, like usual, instead of at least doing one of those three things, I crashed! Big time! Went right over the handlebars onto the sidewalk. Lucky I was wearing cotton gloves with an inner liner because the outer layer was totally shredded.

zenvelo's avatar

I had a bell on the first bike I had, the single gear with coaster brakes.

When i got a ten speed I was not going to mess it up with a horn or a bell.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My first bike was a maroon & white Schwinn hornet. It came with a “hornbox” and fender mounted headlight, both powered by d cell batteries. By the time it was stolen from our front porch (3 years later), I had removed both the light and electric horn as well as both fenders.

chyna's avatar

A bell and playing cards clothes pinned to the wheels. And don’t forget the pink and white streamers coming from my bike handles. They made a little flappy noise.

josie's avatar

Our local trails consider it polite to signal when you pass. I have a bicycle now and as back then I have a bell.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@josie -A woman ran into me while I was walking on the bike trail. She didn’t signal or stop. LOL

ucme's avatar

Hmmm, one has to wonder what on earth the flame bait was on such a frivolous question.
Ahh well…cheers people.

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nightwolf5's avatar

I’ve always had a bell on mine. And I don’t care much for horns.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My first little bike had a squeaky horn. I had to take one hand off the handlebars, which would make me loose my balance. So, when I got my three speed, I switched to a bell.

ucme's avatar

Realised I didn’t answer myself, how rude, let’s rectify that glaring oversight.
All bikes back in the late seventies, early eighties came with a bell.
You had no choice, unless you threw it in the bin & had done with it.
Oh, stop right there though…I did answer, up there in the details, carry on!

LuckyGuy's avatar

My bike had a battery powered buzzer that looked like a rocket ship. The batteries were always dead.
I’ll bet they’re collectors items now.
Just checked… They are still around on ebay..

chyna's avatar

^Why am I not surprised?

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