Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How was your Mothers' Day?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23604points) May 11th, 2020

If you’re a Mom did the kids visit, if you’re not did you visit Mom?
My Mother lives 45 minutes away and yesterday went to see her for the first time since this pandemic, told her we have to maintain social distance and was fine with that, had a nice visit gave her a gift and drove home.
How was your Mothers day?

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6 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

We had a great time. We invited my mother over for lunch here, since restaurants are still mostly closed or packed with non-face mask wearers. Only one brief side hug and no other contact. We ate out on the patio and watched a movie.

Then we went to my husband’s mother’s for dinner. I cooked enchilada’s, salad, etc..and took it there as they are terrified of going out still (health issues). My husband gave his mom a side hug and I didn’t even step foot in the house. All on the deck with social distance and sanitizer.

It sure was nice to see our mom’s wasn’t it, @SQUEEKY2?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah, but refrained from hugs sad to say.

anniereborn's avatar

I am not a mom, and my mom is dead. I called my sister, as she is a mom.

longgone's avatar

I went for a walk with my mum, and the plan was to stay distanced. However, she was sad – so I gave her a hug. I haven’t been doing that at all, but she’s a very social person, and these times are extremely hard for her.

Sometimes it’s so hard to know which of two options is less wrong.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I was surprised with a visit from our middle child who still lives in Illinois. He lives a 3 hour drive from us. Our youngest and oldest live with us. It was so nice to have all 3 of my sons together. We ordered food to be delivered then took a walk to the lake. When we returned we all played a game. It was the best day I’ve had since this pandemic started.

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