Are you seeing social distancing in your area or are things back to normal?
The UK is still being pretty strict according to this article posted about 3 hours ago. What are you seeing in your area or country? Are people being compliant or acting as if everything is normal based on your personal observations?
‘The new guidelines will allow one person to meet one other person from outside their household outdoors – as long as they stay more than 2m apart. That means, for example, a person wouldn’t be allowed to meet both their parents together.
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41 Answers
I’ve been seeing more people than ever getting out for some exercise,walking, running,biking and getting dragged by a Great Dane.
Also more people at the store with both groups wearing fewer masks.
Our Health officer is going to relax the rules a bit come the 18th large gatherings are still a no no, bars ,night clubs, movie theaters , sporting events aint going to happen any time soon, but hair salons, massage therapy dentists, can get back it limited seating for in dining will be ok as well but if she sees a spike she will slap the rules back on.
People here are mostly acting as if we’re all done with the pandemic and that they have no worries at all. You know how Midwesterners are about their mama’s, everyone was out yesterday or having bbq’s and get together’s. I was very surprised and dismayed at what I saw, as far as group get together’s.
People regardless of what country can be complete morons, Take Englands Prime minister ole Boris he pooh poohed this virus until he got it and it kicked the shit out of him now he takes it very seriously.
Our Prime ministers wife came down with it.
Yeah people are tired of it all but in no means is it under control, but what does it take, they come down with it or a loved one before they say fuck this thing means business?
I saw some of those morons, that you speak of, out and about yesterday, getting together with friends and their moms.
They weren’t all wearing masks, and those assholes actually looked like they were enjoying themselves.
I loved it.
@SQUEEKY2 Yes, I guess so unfortunately.
@josie Yeah, maybe I’m just jealous they are so brave or stupid. haha!
I’m not sure which. Of course if I killed my mother, I’d never forgive myself, so I’m just erring on the side of caution.
No doubt they were @Josie but should still respect social distancing doesn’t mean you have to stay locked up.
But it’s attitude like that @Josie why the states can’t get a handle on it and the infected and death numbers climbed so fast, are you loving it that the states is number one in infections and deaths in the world right now?
Most people in my area seem like they’re being cognizant and diligent. We’re still in pretty strict shelter-in-place locally out of necessity, but both the local area and the state have been working on guidelines and protocols that allow more normal operations to return in safe ways. The way my local and state officials have responded has been reassuring throughout, and it seems like it will continue to be.
If I can vent for a bit: my next door neighbors have been inviting visitors over and have thrown at least one actual party, despite the immediate neighborhood trying to get them to stop. They’ve decided they’re “not doing anything wrong.” Their convenience is apparently more important than the wellbeing of their neighbors. Still working on a resolution to this issue.
@Soubresaut Just remember, Texas published the names of the ‘snitches’, and now they’re in fear of retaliation. Be careful and make sure it’s anonymous.
And also if I could vent one minute, why are so many people exposing their kids and toddlers? My neighbors had a mothers day party and not one person was wearing a mask, and all the kids playing together. I don’t get how some can take it so seriously so we don’t kill other people, and others could absolutely care less and act completely immune. I do admit that the neighbors are anti-vaxxers, too, they think everything is a government conspiracy and are in their mid 30’s.
@KNOWITALL thanks for the advice. I hope I am being careful. I’m using local law enforcement, but it’s not actually as straight forward as that would seem.
“I don’t get how some can take it so seriously so we don’t kill other people, and others could absolutely care less and act completely immune.” Is exactly what I don’t get, either. Statistically, I know I will likely be fine if I get sick. But if I catch it, then I can give it to someone (and more than one person). I can’t understand why that isn’t enough of a reason to not throw a party.
I wish someone from Sweden would answer that question.
I’m stilling seeing it around here, albeit a bit less. Even I have violated it by going up to the mountains. I saw so many people with kayaks yesterday. I just kept making jokes like “I bet those are essential mountain bikes” or whatever. Because clearly people are starting to have fun again and are not here just for “essential” activities. But in the stores I’m still seeing people wearing masks and markings on the floor for people to stand on.
Things remain locked up here, though there’s noticeably more traffic on the streets nowadays. It will be interesting to see the results of our disjointed regional policies. In a couple of weeks the consequences of these decisions should be readily apparent one way or the other. Good luck to the guinea pigs!
If it’s OK I would like clarification on something.
Am I correct or incorrect in assuming that some of you imagine that if you hide long enough, the virus will go away? Sort of like Passover, or Anne Frank or something. Because the truth is, until there is a vaccine, or everyone is immune, the only question is when do you get it. Unless you simply hide forever and die old and alone in your basement.
The fate of the elderly was clearly not a concern to Andrew Cuomo. And nobody said much about it.
@KNOWITALL More emphasis should be on sheltering the elderly & those with health issues.
@Josie-That’s not my mindset.I do agree with you. ;)
@josie I will never defend Cuomo.
There have been positive developments with plasma from post-COVID patients, so I’m still hopeful we’ll find a way to recover fairly soon.
Honestly, it’s not about me, I’m trying to protect those I love by not exposing myself unnecessarily and being asymptomatic carrier.
@lucillelucillelucille I agree.
Oh good grief @Josie sheltering in place isn’t waiting for the Virus to go away, it’s being done so the health care system isn’t over whelmed , and gives researchers a chance at getting a vaccine ready for mass deployment, it isn’t because they want you to isolate because they want to be mean.
How about all those that choose not to obey social distancing and such, sign a waiver that if they get sick they wave all rights to all health care?
You ok with that?
Shelter-in-place is a strategy to buy time for other longer-term responses, such as adequate testing and contact-tracing protocols, better treatment options, etc. It’s also an immediate response to get the number of cases under control so hospitals aren’t overwhelmed (so that people who would survive with the currently available treatments are able to get those treatments). No one thinks things can or should stay shut down until a vaccine is available. But our options are not simply “hide until a vaccine” or just open everything up and let people fend for themselves as the virus does what it will.
I wouldn’t hold my breath too long on a vaccine. The other corona virus variants have proven to be stubborn about cooperating with a vaccine.
There are hospital beds going begging in my state.
I would consider your health care notion if smokers, and the obese sign the the same waiver.
Hope I’m wrong about the vaccine
@josie -Kudos on that waiver answer!
@josie Not trying to rain on your parade, but smokers have less susceptibility to COVID.
Conclusions and relevance: Our cross sectional study in both COVID-19 out- and inpatients strongly suggests that daily smokers have a very much lower probability of developing symptomatic or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection as compared to the general population.
As far as the cost on the healthcare symptoms, your theory has been disproved in relation to obesity, smoking and booze:
But the argument we cannot use is that these behaviours increase the costs of health care.
The reason we cannot use this argument is that it simply isn’t true. Those who die young save health care systems money, not cost. Thus, if we really are to accept the argument about taxes and the costs of health care then we should be subsidising puffing, browsing and sluicing.
Then only non-smokers have to sign the waiver you imagined?
Why not use cost logic with Covid?
That might explain why Gov Cuomo shipped all the old folks out of the hospital and into the care facility. It saved some money!
Masks, distancing, spraying things down, many businesses and some parks closed, but farmer’s market open, and a fair number of people still going about doing things. No enforcement. But not many cases where I am. Very low numbers remaining low so far.
@Zaku exactly if people respect social distance and avoid large crowds things can reopen but slowly for all countries.
@josie I don’t think anyone needs to sign waivers in the US and it’s an asinine idea, personally. Frankly I can’t stand active alcoholics and the number of deaths that occur due to their irresponsibility, the divorces, the broken homes, etc…but I’m not trying to make it illegal.
From what I’ve heard and seen from NY, getting them away from the hospital may have been a good idea.
Article on healthcare costs:
In the U.S., they point out, drugs are more expensive. Doctors get paid more. Hospital services and diagnostic tests cost more. And a lot more money goes to planning, regulating and managing medical services at the administrative level.
In fact, compared to the average of all the nations, Americans appear to go to the doctor less often and spend fewer days in the hospital after being admitted.
I am seeing it, yes.
Mostly through binoculars mind you, but It’s there if you look hard enough lol
@Zaku‘s comment made me realize I answered about shelter-in-place, not social distancing. I’m honestly not sure how social distancing will look when no longer paired with shelter-in-place orders in my area.
When I go to the grocery store right now, there is definitely a majority of us who are trying to keep our distance from people and follow the new practices in the store (mask covering both mouth and nose; the aisles are one-way roads now; etc.), but there definitely others who are either unaware or don’t want to be bothered with it. I wonder whether, and how, the proportion of behavior will shift when the orders shift.
@josie—you do not spread coronavirus by virtue of smoking or being obese; those two ideas have nothing to do with @SQUEEKY2‘s “waiver,” except in the way our society feels that people who smoke or who are obese somehow “deserve what’s coming to them,” (which I hope we agree is nonsense).
It’s hit or miss here. About half the people I see wear masks and about half the businesses I have needed to visit had barriers of any kind.
Not even remotely normal here, near Boston. Most everyone is wearing masks when outside — some even in their car (which seems a bit much). The city and highways are as quiet and empty as they would be on the Sunday after Christmas. Really strange.
I was going to say there is still distancing, because my doctors, and my VA rep are all still doing phone appointments only. But then I thought, maybe they just don’t like me.
As long as I’m still staying in the house, joke’s on me, huh?
@cookieman It must look pretty odd. But I actually wear a mask in my car. Not because I need to be wearing a mask in my car. But because I try not to touch my mask from the time I put it on (at home) to the time I take it off (at home).
@raum They say you shouldn’t do that because people have been passing out.
@KNOWITALL I have a Vogmask. They have a one-way exhalation valve. So highly breathable.
Since the Vogmasks were bought for wildfires and have one way exhalation valves; they will protect the wearer, but not protect others from the wearer. So when I’m going to be around other people, I wrap a scarf around for short intervals.
When I see an Asian or Asian-American woman wearing a mask, it enhances their wonderful ocular angularity.
@Brian1946 Ha! There’s been an uptick on people focusing on eyes and eyebrows lately.
@KNOWITALL Thanks. You too!
Colorado just recently went from “stay-at-home”, (where only the most essential travel is permitted) to a “safer-at-home”, where we are “strongly encouraged” to restrict travel and gatherings.
My sister is in an independent living facility while she continues to recover from last year’s brain salad surgery. They are still in lockdown, as is my MIL’s luxury senior residence. Most folks still wear masks, although stores are no longer requiring customers to be masked.
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