Are you opposed to being told by the government that you must wear a mask?
Asked by
jca2 (
May 16th, 2020
Last night on NPR, one of the commentators was saying that in the US, there’s a divide between people who “mask” and people who oppose “masking.” They cited President Trump not being willing to wear a mask as encouraging his followers to do the same. For them, they see Trump not wearing the mask as a sign of virility and toughness.
I have conservative friends on FB who post negative comments about being made to wear a mask. One just posted a meme that said wearing a mask is just the government’s way of seeing who’s a follower and who is not. I avoid commenting when people post stuff like that, because all it’s going to do is cause an argument and nobody is changing anybody’s mind. I just find it hard to see the logic that, with an airborne virus, people feel it’s fine not to wear a mask.
I’m not posting to argue with anybody and will probably avoid commenting further. Just looking for thoughts and wondering if you personally are opposed to being told by the government that you must wear a mask.
This question is for all Jellies, not just US residents, as I’m sure that all countries, or many countries, are mandating masks at this time.
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14 Answers
Of course not.
@jca2: “For them, they see Trump not wearing the mask as a sign of virility and toughness.”
Just have them wear something like this if they’re so insecure.
I’m ok with it as long as they supply the masks for free, or cheap. All of my masks where given to me.
I hate when they fog up my eye glasses and make me feel like passing out.
Indeed. I’m also opposed to being told by the government that I must wear a seatbelt. Or that I cannot drive while intoxicated. Or that I must limit my speed. Or that I cannot defecate in the middle of the park. Or that I must wear clothing in public areas….
Not opposed certainly but only because I wore masks even before the goverment said so.
I would have trouble with the goverment if they start to mete out really harsh punishments for people who don’t want to wear masks or who have no masks to wear.
A reasonable request like this is fine. If they were to throw people in jail for ten years for not doing so that’s different. I don’t even care if they want to levy a small fine for not doing it.
Of course I am not opposed. The effectiveness of wearing masks depends on widespread participation. It’s the type of response-to-crisis that needs social coordination to work, and is very easy for individuals to do. Seems like exactly the kind of thing that government should facilitate.
So yes, the government should require the wearing of masks right now. They should also be informing the public about masks (why wearing them matters, how to wear them correctly, how to improvise a mask, where you can turn if you can’t get/make one yourself, etc.), and all government officials should be modelling their proper use.
And because it was mentioned by the last two jellies, I feel like I should add, of course the government’s enforcement measures should be proportional.
I don’t enjoy wearing a mask; however my common sense tells me it’s stupid to not wear one. Since this particular virus is airborne, I feel that wearing a mask is the safest way to keep from spreading it further. When I see someone not wearing one, I feel tempted to walk over to them, take off my mask and cough in their face just to make a point. I won’t do it because that is an immature reaction but I’m still tempted. At the same time, I often feel like we are a society in training just to see how easy it is to get citizens to fall in line with what is required of them. You’d think that with the outrageous numbers of reported cases and deaths that we’d know of at least one person in our life that has it or lost their life to it
The mask protesters make me think again and again of this scene.
It is not their right to endanger me. However, if they want to endanger themselves and each other, that’s just fine with me.
I’d much prefer wearing a clowns nose that honks & a Daffy Duck soother.
I have nothing against the American penchant toward rugged individualism as the premium requisite for freedom. It’s when that penchant is deemed an adequate substitute for basic common sense that I disagree.
Depends on where one lives.
In our Town ( national Park system cut off from tourists now) it is not necessary as only 8
people were hospitalized and those are the one’s that came back from international travel.
No body except the grocery sales clerks are wearing masks.
If one is affected with Covid..they shouldn’t be out in the first place.
Those that are not affected don’t need a least” here in our Town”. where fresh
natural surroundings abound rather than congested tourist crowds.
But this is just our Town of 5000 residents, I can’t state for larger Cities and Towns.
No, unfortunately, laws are made because many people have no “common” sense.
I too started wearing before it was advised or urged.
I think no maskers should be allowed only one day per week to be out in public, the same day for all, that would be a compromise they should at least try to accomplish.
I am against a mandate on masks. I don’t like wearing masks for a number of reasons. They make my glasses fog up so I can’t see. They tickle my nose causing me to continually touch the mask with my hand, potentially making it more a hazard than a help. I think many masks are pretty useless, but give people a feeling they are safe which might make it worse. I also know of at least one person that gets high anxiety from wearing a mask. I saw this before in the navy with SCBA masks. Some people get almost claustrophobic in a mask. The masks we are pushing these days are not as bad as the SCBAs, but they can still cause anxiety. Having the government force people that get this anxiety to suffer through it is wrong.
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