Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Who do you trust with your life?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) May 16th, 2020

Question from businessman Mark Cuban in this video.

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12 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My wife,father, mother,that’s about it I wouldn’t trust any Government regardless of what Banner they flew.
I would trust a Dem/lib government more than a conservative one, mainly because most conservative governments only care for the top 1%,the rest of the population is just cannon fodder in their eyeys.

SEKA's avatar

My husband & that’s pretty much it

elbanditoroso's avatar

Me, myself, and I.

ucme's avatar

I was going to say my wife, but I sometimes let her cook!

Jeruba's avatar

All the time, routinely and thoughtlessly:

my auto mechanic
my gasoline supplier
fellow drivers
airplane pilots
trolley and bus drivers
traffic light maintenance crews
elevator maintenance crews
food processors and inspectors
my doctor
my pharmacist
my neighbors
...and on and on

Inspired_2write's avatar

Those that and deserve it.

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Darth_Algar's avatar

The surgeon.

RabidWolf's avatar

Me, and my two dogs top the list. Then there is my PA. I know she’ll go to the mat to help me and to save me. My dogs will fight to the death to save my life.

cookieman's avatar

@Jeruba FTW. That is a very true statement.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Those that earn the trust and deserve it.

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