What is something you love to do, but have no interest in doing as a career?
Asked by
raum (
May 16th, 2020
from iPhone
“Do what you love and you never have to work.”
But what if you don’t want to do what you love for work?
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10 Answers
Music. I’ve been doing music in one way or another for almost my entire life, including a fair number of paid jobs, but I wouldn’t want to make a career of it. I thought I did when I started college, but I realized pretty quickly that the available career paths weren’t of interest to me. Luckily, by then I had already taken up a second major that I was interested in making into a career.
Watch porn. Sports. Cook. Shop online and in person grocery shopping. Walking. Swimming. Small talk and debate. Play Dungeons and Dragons. Play magic the gathering. Love Fluthering.
Playing on the computer,I like learning about it but wouldn’t want it as a career.
Almost everything. I love to read, but reading / reviewing as a career would be no fun, in fact it would take enjoyment out of my life.
Same with tinkering and handiwork around the house. I do it and i enjoy it, but if I had to do it all day every day it would be no fun.
Even flatulating. It gives me relief and release, but I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to do it all day every day.
Horseback riding
I wish I could now. Maybe I will again.
Online contacts, video surfing
Hiking. I love exploring new trails, but I would not want to lead a group or write articles on it.
Drawing, playing piano, reading.
Cooking, writing, and film criticism/critiquing
@SavoirFaire Music was mine also. After playing in bands through my early twenties I decided that I had enough. As a hobby I design and build electronic music gear from pickups to pedals to amplifiers but I have no desire to make a business of that either.
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