Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What two or three pieces of advice do you wish you could give your younger self?

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) May 17th, 2020

Ok, six.

Well, ten, if you have them.

Or just one juicy one.

In any case, tell us how much younger: ten years? Fifty?

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19 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

1. Don’t get married.
2. Stay in shape
3. Don’t east crappy food.
4. See rule#1
5. See rule#1
6. See rule#1

Guys, long-term relationships are wonderful and great, my wife is great!!! It’s something you should pursue! This is no beef against having a partner or the opposite sex in general. If you have no intention of having children the marriage part is bullshit, legally speaking. It’s a socioeconomic trap that you want no part of. If your relationship turns bad YOU ARE FUCKED FINANCIALLY. I have seen so many guys get screwed over because of how the laws are written and the courts are set up. Don’t do it!!!!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

^^This also goes for ladies who are the breadwinners and your hubby suddenly decides not to work and just plays video games all day. If you are not going to have kids marriage is a bag of trouble.

zenvelo's avatar

Don’t smoke, it is horrible quitting and you smell bad.
The only sex I ever regretted is the sex I didn’t have.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ask for a library card as soon as possible. Even as early as 5 years old. Don’t ask for an Atari or netendo .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Stay in shape and watch your weight.

cookieman's avatar

Save money.
Eat healthier.
Give up on Mom earlier.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Take a deep breath, calm down, and realize that everything will all work out (well, almost everything).

do NOT meet up with strangers on the internet!!! That will NOT end well!

Darth_Algar's avatar

Start a savings account, seriously you dipshit.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Get a savings account and save regularly.

Leave home earlier once you can sustain yourself with a job, any job that pays your rent etc Later on you can go back to school or whatever , to do what you want .

Leave husband a lot sooner and maintain a better life for the kids and yourself.

Be careful of men who will use you to support them.

Don’t marry the again until all above done and settled.

Set better boundaries and make people earn your trust as not everyone is as trustworthy as honest as you are.

Move away from relatives that create unnecessary drama for everyone in there lives and yours too.

Set goals, small ones then later gravitate to bigger goals systematically.

Move to the county life where life is fresh and everyone seems to know you and look out for you at times.

Keep learning new things
Read a lot on how to do things.

Many will try and divert you from your goals, keep at it and maybe don’t disclose to everyone as some will try to trip you up out of envy or jealousy.

Keep things organized and comfortable so that you feel better entering your own home that is a peaceful place.

If someone friend or other repeatedly asks for money , favors etc make sure that its reciprocated and they have earned your trust in them.

Grow plants, have a pet if possible even if just a goldfish.

Write, write everyday in your journal as this will show you in black and whiter how far you have come in life, and how strong you have become because your survived it.

Help others on your life journey with kindness but not where dependence on you becomes detriment to the other and / or you.( see set boundaries).

Take a vacation no matter how short or close by , give yourself a break from everyday routine and gain a fresh perspective as a result.

Walk in the wood, go hiking, take in this vast universe and feel immensely pround to live in this world.
Maintain communications and contact with at least one person who is a constant in your life..your connection and lifeline to civility and understanding and love.

Jons_Blond's avatar

1. Don’t sell yourself short.

2. Don’t be afraid to tell an adult when someone physically harms you.

3. Floss.

canidmajor's avatar

Leave a toxic family as soon as you recognize it, and are reasonably able to do so.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Go with your gut instinct when it comes to people.
Take your father’s business advice.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Regardless of anything else in life, keep one account ONLY in your name.

@ARE_you_kidding_me I’m not sure I agree with you, but I understand what you’re saying.

ucme's avatar

Avoid the Welsh
Never ever date a ginger girl
Keep away from stoves

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme haha, I think dating a ginger is okay but think twice about marriage….we can be a handful. :D

mazingerz88's avatar

Learn stock trading at 18.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL I would date you if I was single, only if you dyed your hair though :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Mrs will have to keep you, I kind of like being auburn again. Like a warning flag everyone can see! Haha!

Jeruba's avatar

This thought keeps coming to mind, especially at about this time of day on a Sunday, so I guess I’ll answer my own question.

1. Don’t buy a bed that’s hard to change by yourself.
I wish I could go back just two years and tell myself this.

2. If there’s something you don’t like about your partner to begin with, but you love them anyway, just remember: it’s going to get worse, not better.
And the same is going to be true if there’s something they don’t like about you.
More than 40 years for this one.

3. Minding your health is more important than you think it is. It’s just not always going to be there.
I’d like to take this back to about 1966.

4. Say what you have to say and ask what you have to ask while they’re still alive.

5. Try really, really hard not to let other people tell you who you are. Know who you are by yourself and not just in relation to others.
I’d like to have understood this by the time I was ten.

6. Throw more stuff away.
Really. Always.

And for good measure:
7. Don’t lend your books.

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