General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine, against the advice of experts. Who will he blame if he gets sick from it?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33708points) May 19th, 2020


Medical experts say that Hydroxychlorquine isn’t going to help against COVID-19, and it worse could seriously sicken him and perhaps be fatal to the president.

What does that say about Trump’s personal doctor? Do you think his doctor was cajoled into writing the note mentioned in the article?

Or is this another example of Trump “just kidding” to make a political point?

If Trump does get sick from the Hydroxy, which he is talking voluntarily, who will the Trumpies blame?

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102 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

He will blame FOX news, Dr Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and the French.

Tweet out the usual suspects!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Don’t forget the Chinese.

chyna's avatar

I’m not fully believing that he is taking it. When was the last time he kept a secret? How has he refrained from tweeting about it this long?

janbb's avatar

The Who. (Talkin’ ‘bout his generation!)

Jaxk's avatar

This drug has been around for a hundred years with negligible side effects. They have been using it around the world to combat the corona virus. The only opposition to using it seems to be that Trump mentioned it as an encouraging drug. So naturally the left is against it. Put all your credibility on Pelosi. Now there some expert advice.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Himself, I suppose.
Why do we care if he wants to be a guinea pig?

The White House physician, Dr. Sean Conley, said in a statement released through the White House press office that, after “numerous discussions” with Trump about the evidence for and against using hydroxychloroquine, “we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.”

I see one current study and this article mentions four ‘failed’ studies.

And the largest study in 6200 countries:
As of April 2nd-
The three most commonly prescribed treatments amongst COVID-19 treaters are 56% analgesics, 41% Azithromycin, and 33% Hydroxychloroquine
Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the U.S., 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the UK and 7% in Japan
Hydroxychloroquine was overall chosen as the most effective therapy amongst COVID-19 treaters from a list of 15 options (37% of COVID-19 treaters)
75% in Spain, 53% Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23% in the U.S. and 13% in the U.K.

zenvelo's avatar

@Jaxk So Neil Cavuto saying “don’t take it, it will kill you!” and the FDA saying “don’t take it, it will kill you!” should be ignored and Trump knows better than anyone else?

I would offer you some kool-aid but I think you’ve already had it.

@KNOWITALL Those are studies as a possible treatment/therapy (which have shown it to be ineffective despite widespread trials). Trump is taking it as a prophylactic.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Obama did it on his last trip to China!!!

trump bought stock in the company that makes the stuff so of course he’s going to say that he’s taking it so his loyal followers will continue to make him a fortune. I’m wondering IF he is really taking it or just wanting the hard on he gets when people listen to him.

Irukandji's avatar

Bold of you to think he’ll admit to getting sick!

@Jaxk “This drug has been around for a hundred years with negligible side effects.”

Because up until this point in history, people have been using it correctly and responsibly.

“They have been using it around the world to combat the corona virus.”

People have been testing it around the world to see if it can help us combat COVID-19. So far, the evidence is only convincing to Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jair Bolsonaro, and a handful of their devoted followers. (Yes, that’s a deliberate exaggeration. But even in trials where hydroxychloroquine is the most effective of the treatments under investigation, researchers are not finding that it is effective enough to warrant widespread prophylactic use.)

@KNOWITALL “Why do we care if he wants to be a guinea pig?”

Because the death or incapacitation of the US president, even this US president, is not good for the country or the world. Even if Pence can hit the ground running, there would still be widespread fear, chaos, and demoralization.

“And the largest study in 6200 countries”

There are not 6200 countries in the world. That’s a study being conducted in 30 countries by 6200 physicians. And like @zenvelo said, there’s an important difference between using a drug therapeutically and using it prophylactically.

Jaxk's avatar

@zenvelo – Nobody is saying “don’t take it, it will kill you”. Except possibly people such as yourself that are blinded by Trump derangement. Do you really take your medical advice from Neil Cavuto?
This drug has been approved by the FDA since 1955. As long as it is prescribed by a doctor with your medical history in mind, there’s no problem. That’s exactly how it is being prescribed for thousands of corona patients. What is your alternative for use as a prophylactic?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Irukandji Yes, too late to edit but it’s clearly in the link.

I still don’t care if he takes it, it’s FDA approved for other things and prescription only.

Soubresaut's avatar

He’ll blame whoever he thinks will be politically advantageous to blame in that moment—the more recognizable a name, the more brandable as “enemy of Trump,” the better.

@Jaxk—the “opposition” is not against the drug, it’s against Trump continuing to give his own medical opinions from the presidential podium. He is not a doctor. He is not a scientist. Medicine is not about our personal opinions or anecdotes. What I have heard from doctors and other experts (and I realize I’m probably repeating these points with some distortion, and forgetting others, because I am also not an expert): the science is still out, some studies indicate hydroxychloroquine might actually worsen covid-19, it’s not a risk-free drug (and so without proper evidence to show its efficacy in treating covid-19, it is not ethical to recommend widely), and having the president make hydroxychloroquine out to be some sort of coronavirus cure has made it difficult for people who need it for other medical reasons to access it. Add to that your statement that if it’s used for this purpose, that it should be “prescribed by a doctor with your medical history in mind”—yes it should be—and that is in stark contrast to it being pushed as a national treatment by a politician.

Demosthenes's avatar

I don’t even believe him. I think this is just another example of Trump’s trolling, except this time it could be dangerous. Whatever. Anything to “own the libs”, that’s literally the only thing he and his supporters care about. He’d risk health problems if it means owning the libs.

What are the chances Trump’s doctor is just giving him a placebo every morning? :P

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I don’t believe him.

The FBI found an al Qaeda link to last year’s attack at a Pensacola military base. This news is significant and should be plastered all over the media. But, Trump doesn’t want that to happen; there can’t be any foreign terrorist incidents on U.S. soil during his presidency, and he’s repeatedly stated that al Qaeda is no threat.

So, Trump’s done another of his diversions. By saying that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, he’s moved the public attention away from what matters and replaced it with nonsense. Trump is extremely adept at doing this.

kritiper's avatar

Obama and the Democrats.

filmfann's avatar

I don’t believe he is taking it.
He has told 18,000 lies (documented!) while in office. Why believe him now?

seawulf575's avatar

I would hold him and his doctor accountable if he pushes for and is prescribed a drug that causes him harm. ALL drugs have some side effects though, so I would suspect his Dr is aware of the side effects of this drug and has considered them with President Trump’s personal health history.
Interesting thing about this question, though. I seems to point at someone doing something that is not good for them and wanting to hold them accountable for their actions. Yet many that are wanting to hold him accountable have, in the past, felt we should not hold druggies accountable or people that practice unsafe sex accountable or any of the other dozens of things. In fact, they have voiced the opinion that it is all our responsibility to make sure they are taken care of. Why is there a difference in this one case?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@seawulf575 the primary reason is that he is the president, and previous presidents have taken the role of exemplars of wise behavior.

If Trump wants to pop dangerous pills – and he weren’t in a leadership position – I would have no problem.

cheebdragon's avatar

We probably don’t need people that are dumb enough to seek medical advice from politicians. Prune that family tree right at the stump

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 Or maybe he just has rheumatoid arthritis. :D

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee it been said people with compromised systems the drug can do more harm than good ..
Even Fox warns it can do harm the news source that usually praises ole orange hair.

Yellowdog's avatar

Hydroxychloquine and Zithromax was touted in THIS country as a cure for COVID prior to Trump saying something about it. It is still widely used in hospitals and was prescribed by doctors, Millions of Lupus patients in the U,S. use and rely on this drug.

I remember Israel s TEVA donating six million doses to the U.S. back in February—because we had a shortage of it, In France, it has a 92% success rate. About the only danger anyone was mentioning before Trump said anything was, Lupus patients needed the Hydroxychloquine and we wouldn’t have enough for them. These drugs have been around for over a hundred years and are widely used separately.

If you truly believe that this is a dangerous drug, you believe it because Trump said it, I would say there is something psychotic about ANYONE who is this brainwashed and that Trump Derangement syndrome can be classified as an actual psychosis,

One other thing—the virus DID originate in China. This was widely known and followed / tracked for several months, China is the darling of many of the Democratic politicians who have made millions off it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

BLAH BLAH BLAH @Yellowdog Sources please AND don’t use Trump.

I think he getting the hydroxychloroquine from a Canadian Pharmacy; who buys it from an Indian company and it is made in Wuhan China !!
Oh he is using the White Credit Card to buy illegal drugs….

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh here’s WEBMD studies hydroxychloroquine uselss against COVI-19 !

Lightlyseared's avatar

Back in February a trial of 20 something patients found a small benefit to hydroxychloroqine however subsequent trials failed to replicate the original results. To ensure that there is no misunderstanding it has absolutely no benefit for patients with covid19. (This is aptly demonstrates why statistics are more reliable with larger numbers)
It’s important to remember that all drugs have side effects and while this ones are not the most terrifying out there (you should check out the side effects of ibuprofen for example) in this particular case it’s all risk for no benefit.
Another consideration for those who actually care about the wellbeing of others is that every idiot taking it as a placebo is potentially preventing someone who has a condition it actually benefits getting hold of it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Maybe we should encourage him taking it, and then we can see just how dangerous it turns out to be.

By the way Senator Schumer (D-NY) wondered if this was all a colossal fake job on the part of the president. article

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Exactly no body knows for sure if Trump is actually taking the drug, but whether he is or isn’t he is installing false hope in his loyal sheep, case in point our own yellowdog.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

To answer your question it’s simple if he gets ill from taking it he will blame either China,or Obama, his two favourite scape goats for his fuck ups.

Yellowdog's avatar

According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), which most doctors and hospitals ascribe, Hydroxychloroquine Has about 90 Percent Chance of Helping COVID-19 Patients.

If you work on the front line of helping COVID patients, as I did when I was helping with the hurricane clean-up in Nashville, you would probably take it, too. With no other precautions but hand-washing, I never contracted the virus, Your hysteria would be amusing if it weren’t so scary.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Saint Peter. At the pearly gates. Before being sent to hell. Trump will try to get out of hell by declaring that he has bone spurs. Then he will bribe Saint Peter. Then he would grope the next in line and cement his decent to hell.

It isn’t all bad for Trump. He would have a Trump king sized bed. Also all the KFC and McDonald’s that he wants.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog You are quoting and using sources BUT THE SOURCE CONSIDERED QUACKS! And high level quacks to boot !!

Wiki info

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso You say that Trump isn’t leading by example. Hhhmmm…So what you are saying is that people shouldn’t work with their doctors when they seek help. I mean, he is working with his doctor. Even as POTUS he can’t get this drug without a prescription. As for taking “dangerous pills”, tell me one pill that doesn’t have a negative side to it? How much oxycontin has been prescribed for pain? Using it as it is prescribed will, indeed, help with the pain. Abusing it results in addiction. So which is it? Trump shouldn’t work with his doctor or people shouldn’t take drugs? OR…is it just that you wanted to ask a question that was an effort to slam Trump?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 Can you say “good bye” ‘cause the POTUS gets A-Fib ????

Or his kidneys shutdown ?

The FBI catches him because “I think he getting the hydroxychloroquine from a Canadian Pharmacy; who buys it from an Indian company and it is made in Wuhan China !!”

“Oh he is using the White Credit Card to buy illegal drugs….”

elbanditoroso's avatar

@seawulf575 I stopped responding to you a year ago because you consistently attributed things to me that I didn’t say. I thought you had moderated yourself.

But obviously you are back to your same old tricks, making stuff up to try and put words into someone else’s mouth. You haven’t changed at all.

To respond to what I think is your objection to what I wrote:

1) all pills have side effects. That doesn’t mean that I ignore the warnings.

2) Yes, Trump is working with his doctor. If his doctor is out of step with the medical community, what does that say about the doctor? I will absolutely believe the AMA and the various infections disease experts over a single GP in the white house.

Look, let Trump take this stuff. Good luck to him. If he dies, we’ll know it was a bad idea. But that still doesn;t make him a good example or an effective leader.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A real leader if Trump wants to set an example would be I use it and lets see what happens in about six weeks.
If he isn’t just flat out lying about it, or the Doctor just put him on a placebo just to appease him.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Yellowdog “Hydroxychloquine and Zithromax was touted in THIS country as a cure for COVID prior to Trump saying something about it. It is still widely used in hospitals and was prescribed by doctors”

Um…no we’re not. They are both medicines that are widely prescribed, but literally no doctor who knows what they are doing would prescribe them for COVID-19.

They. Don’t. Work.

End of discussion

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Pay attention @Yellowdog this is a Doctor ^^^^^^ talking to you.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie you concern for President Trump’s health is touching! I don’t think I’ve seen you type a single nice thing about him before. Good job.

Yellowdog's avatar

He also has a strong anti-Trump bias, @SQUEEKY2 , as do you.

South Korea, Israel, France, Spain—in the early days the U.S.—have treated COVID very successfully with these medicines. South Korea dealt with COVID very early and very successfully,

It is doctors who PRESCRIBE this medicine, and it is not bought off the shelf.

The anti-Hydroxychloriquine hysteria goes well beyond normal behavior for opposition to a drug. Trump said it, so it is a new component of the anti-Trump hysteria, or Trump derangement syndrome. If it were just an ineffective drug, you would not care at all.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh good grief I can understand you saying that about me, but a real DOCTOR is telling you the drug doesn’t work and you say he is anti Trump and you don’t believe him.
YES the drug is still prescribed for Lupus, Malaria, even types of arthritis, its use in fighting Covid 19 is inconclusive at best but you refuse to see it.
And because your Don Father is pushing it it must work, even Wulfie ain’t that blind and at least he does deal in facts, slanted fright wing facts but facts.
Your blind loyalty ,trust, and faith in the Don Father is amazing, sickening ,but amazing he lies so much and you buy into it lock stock and barrel.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I totally believe if the Don Father said the best way to treat a sinus head ache was chemotherapy you would believe him.

Yellowdog's avatar

This has nothing to do with Trump. It is abut the treatment itself, which was getting worldwide positive press until Trump said something promoting it.

The only thing negative that was said abut it was that there had not been enough testing. Some were saying there was potential for heart problems if very high doses accumulated in the system, which should be monitored. There was plenty of research from France, South Korea and Israel who have been very effective treating Covid-19.

Some of the first lies from the left were that Trump was promoting the product because he had some kind of ownership in the company that makes it. But it is not made by any one “company” Then, some idiot took an aquarium anti-fungal product that contained ‘chloroquine—which is something different altogether and surely there were warnings nt to consume. The left was quick to say that Trump said to swallow chloroquine.

The constant lies and vitriol are extremely troubling to say the least.

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 you keep saying that @Caravanfan is a doctor. But no one who takes hydroxychloroquine does so without a prescription, and its funny how very little negative was said about it (being deadly, dangerous) the past 70 years. In much higher doses, over time, will cause heart problems, and in extreme cases can cause blindness So yeah, it needs regular monitoring by physicians and requires a prescription, as do most drugs that are dangerous in high doses.

canidmajor's avatar

I think @chyna said it best, first, in this thread. I doubt he is actually taking it, just saying he is.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yellowdog You are hard of hearing ! ! !

It is not generally approved for COVID-19 and the Prez is self medicating because he is freaked out as a germaphobe ! ! !

Side Effects of Hydroxychloroquine

Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dizziness, or headache may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: slow heartbeat, symptoms of heart failure (such as shortness of breath, swelling ankles/feet, unusual tiredness, unusual/sudden weight gain), mental/mood changes (such as anxiety, depression, rare thoughts of suicide, hallucinations), hearing changes (such as ringing in the ears, hearing loss), easy bruising/bleeding, signs of infection (such as sore throat that doesn’t go away, fever), signs of liver disease (such as severe stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine), muscle weakness, unwanted/uncontrolled movements (including tongue/face twitching), hair loss, hair/skin color changes.

This medication may cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Tell your doctor right away if you develop symptoms of low blood sugar, such as sudden sweating, shaking, hunger, blurred vision, dizziness, or tingling hands/feet. If you have diabetes, be sure to check your blood sugars regularly. Your doctor may need to adjust your diabetes medication.

Get medical help right away if you have any very serious side effects, including: severe dizziness, fainting, fast/irregular heartbeat, seizures.

This medication may cause serious eye/vision problems. The risk for these side effects is increased with long-term use of this medication and with taking this medication in high doses. Get medical help right away if you have any symptoms of serious eye problems, including: sensitivity to light, vision changes (such as light flashes/streaks, blurred vision, difficulty reading, missing areas of vision).

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), dizziness, trouble breathing.

This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. – - – WebMD

chyna's avatar

In the letter published by Sean Conley, physician to the president, he states: After numerous discussions he and I had regarding the evidence for and against the use of hydroxychloroquine, we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.
He NEVER EVER says he prescribed it, nor does he say the president is taking it.
I’m on my phone so I can’t paste the letter, but it is on most news outlets.

KNOWITALL's avatar

He did say he was taking it.
“I’m taking it for about a week and a half now and I’m still here, I’m still here,” was his surprise announcement.
(PS Research shows it needs to be taken for 12 weeks for full effect.)

The same article states:
The FDA warned against use of the medication outside hospitals, where the agency has granted temporary authorisation for its use in some cases. Clinical trials of the drug are also under way.

He noted the FDA had approved “off-label use” of the drug when prescribed by a physician.

I’m out of articles, but this link is supposed to show he does have a prescription.

*What really disturbs me is that many on the Left have often said a woman’s health is between her doctor and herself, often used to justify abortion even with evidence of many post-abortion deaths, complications, etc…. In this case, it seems it’s between a man and his physician. Sounds like gender discrimination and more hypocrisy.

Jaxk's avatar

It’s kind of heartwarming to see so many people that hate Trump so passionate about keeping him healthy.

zenvelo's avatar

@Jaxk Because unlike Trump and his supporters who have a disregard for human life, most right-thinking people (right as in proper, not right as in Conservative) do not want to see anyone die a painful agonizing death.

Besides, then we would be stuck with Pence.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Jaxk I don’t hate Trump. I pity him and anyone associated with him. But hate – nah.

chyna's avatar

I don’t hate him. His followers take every word he says as gospel and will follow his example of taking this drug. That will cause a shortage for people who actually need it. And if you think that “doctors won’t prescribe it unless it’s necessary “ then look up how many doctors have prescribed thousands of opioids and have lost their license and gone to jail.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Yellowdog Wow. Let me clear a few things up for you.

You may not believe I am a doctor. I don’t blame you as all you have is my word. I could be lying. But I will tell you the truth and you can believe it or not. I am an intensive care unit physician and my job is to take care of the sickest of the sick of COVID-19 patients and keep them from dying. Fortunately, here in Northern California where social distancing restrictions were started very early, we only have had a handful. But we had one patient who we had to medically paralyze three times over 21 days on a ventilator. There was one time we were in the shared work room and the nurse came in in a panic saying, “He’s desaturating again!” We ran into the room after donning the proper PPE and sure enough his oxygen saturation, normally was supposed to be in the 90s, had dropped to the low 70’s.

I called respiratory therapy, increased his inhaled oxygen to 100%, slammed in a paralytic, increased sedation, suctioned him out, and prayed to a god I do not believe in that he wasn’t going to die on my watch.

Now. I’m going to write this in capital letters so I apologize for the yelling:

Let me be absolutely crystal clear here. Politics has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with this. I would LOVE (can I type that bigger) LOVE to be able to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to patients. But it is not enough to “believe” that it works. The science is not there. Outcome data in studies show that it does not work and can cause harm.

The problem is that NOTHING has been shown yet to improve mortality. Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Tocilizumab, steroids, and even Remdesivir. Nothing. So, again, politics has nothing to do with this. Science does.

So you may be wondering what happened to that patient. We saved his life. After 21 days on a ventilator we were able to get him off and then 10 days later his family took him away on a wheelchair while everybody cheered and cried.

chyna's avatar

Cheering and crying for you @caravanfan.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Excellent answer @Caravanfan ,but our fright winger has deemed you anti Trump so he won’t believe anything,I am just a truck driver in western Canada ,and wanted to freaking scream at him DON’T YOU THINK A DOCTOR WOULD PRESCRIBE THE DRUG IF HE/SHE FELT IT WOULD WORK ?
Trump has divided your country so bad it’s sad.
And well done at saving that persons life, my hat goes off to you and everyone else that is fighting this virus with science, honesty, common sense ,and true hard work leaving politics at home.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Jaxk I am surprised you don’t get it, it’s not really Trump we are concerned about it his loyal sheep that believe every distorted word that comes out of his mouth, remember the disinfectant thing when he said maybe they can find a way to inject, or ingest disinfectant, and the next day he said he only said it sarcastically to reporters? Funny how he was looking at his medical pros at the time, well that day and next hospitals, medical hot lines, Doctor offices were flooded with calls asking if it was safe to inject Bleach,these are the people we are worried about not The Don Father.

si3tech's avatar

His physician who prescribed same says the benefits outweigh the risks.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@si3tech His body, his choice.

Demosthenes's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Really? I’m not so worried about Darwin Award-winners myself, but eh…

For me it’s just the absurdity that even medical treatments are now completely politicized. Just like everything else.

Yellowdog's avatar

The success rates in North Korea, China, Italy, Spain, Israel, and in particular France, is why Trump mentioned it,

It was also widely used in the U.S. up to that point. There were actually concerned that supplies were getting very scarce, and Israel was helping us. I was given it before it was controversial when I was helping the clean up / recovery efforts in Nashville with Samaritan’s Purse. Setting up the field hospital in Central Park, New York—and pulling up stakes and going to Italy, were already underway, I did not participate in those, but Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID, along with gloves and hand sanitizer, was what kept us safe.

If you contracted COVID-19 and were prescribed Hydroxychloroquine and a Zpac as a treatment, are you going to say you will not take it because of what Joy Behar, Nancy Pelosi, and Donald Trump have said? Or would you take this very non-political drug your doctor prescribed?

You are all adults here (with a few exceptions) and can make up your minds on your own. But if your life is in danger and you are a risk to those around you, I think you would take your doctor’s advice.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


@Yellowdog and don’t tell me Bozo the clown with bad breathe from Hydroxychloroquine !!

You like to make stuff up to support your view and the loser in the WH !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog Of course if the Doctor prescribed it, but that is not what we have been saying the Doctor here said he wouldn’t because it’s not proven ,he would have loved the drug to fall back on if it was proven.
I don’t know where you are getting your source from, since you refuse to provide any kind of link, but I am going to take the word of a front line Doctor over you,Trump or any other politician right or left.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Doctors before politicians !

YES people with a medical track record and not a TV rating !

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The AMA issued a statement in March that asked physicians to be ethically responsible but did NOT forbid prescriptions for Covid! Its legal and his choice.

For the record, I believe @caravan, too. But its like Tide pod eaters all going to hospital, people do what they want.

I hear post-covid plasma shows promise. We’ll find it eventually.

Caravanfan's avatar

@KNOWITALL Thank you, but I don’t need anybody to believe me or not. There is just science and the facts on the ground. @Yellowdog chooses not to trust me. Whatever.

It is not illegal to prescribe hydroxycholorquine and azithromycin for COVID-19. We prescribe off-label drugs all the time and it’s fine. However, we only do it when there is science behind it. And the science for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, despite what @Yellowdog says, is just not there.

In terms of the plasma thing, that’s old proven science. Convalescent plasma was used in the 1918 influenza epidemic. The problem is that it’s difficult to get, expensive, and confers only passive immunity. There is no data to show mortality benefit although it will probably mitigate symptoms. Nobody knows yet though.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Caravanfan the thing is @Yellowdog doesn’t feel he should believe in ANYTHING that doesn’t support 110% his hero and part-time reality show host DJT.

You don’t need sources when the only SOURCE of TRUTH IS

.TRUMP hero of the Fright WING

Caravanfan's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Not trying to convert his point of view. Just showing what the truth is so other don’t believe the drek.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog is incontrovertible ! ! !

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Yellowdog “According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), which most doctors and hospitals ascribe, Hydroxychloroquine Has about 90 Percent Chance of Helping COVID-19 Patients.”

My god man, do you ever get tired of being flat-out wrong all the time? The AAPS is not a medical group and certainly isn’t ascribed to by “most doctors and hospitals”. Quite the opposite, in fact. They’re more a political group pushing ultra-conservative socioeconomic policy. They have, at most, a couple of thousands members, many of whom have no medical background. (For comparison – there are nearly 1,000,000 practicing physicians in the US.)

As I said – they mainly push social and economic agenda, not medical science. The “medical” positions they do take are generally regarded as quackery with no basis in medical science (“there’s no link between HIV and AIDS”, “smoking does not cause cancer and nicotine is not addictive”, “immigrants are destroying America by bringing in leprosy” etc…). They oppose Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the FDA any and all regulation over drugs or medical practices (and why not, if the surgeon wants to stand over you eating a greasy, dripping pizza while you’re cut open for a delicate surgery then BAH GAWD he ought to be able to).

Caravanfan's avatar

@Darth_Algar Is correct. I was actually interested in it because of their stance on the Maintenance of Certification (an entirely separate issue which I actually sort of agree with them about), but once I found out what they really were I backed out quickly. They are crackpots.

cheebdragon's avatar

How many people have died from taking chloroquine variants, since the president first started mentioning it in March?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s just that it isn’t proven in fighting Covid19 and your Orange god promoting it will get all his sheep wanting it,making the drug hard to get for people that really do need it for their health conditions.
Jeeze @cheebdragon I would have thought that might have crossed your mind.

Caravanfan's avatar

@cheebdragon My guess is very few. It’s actually not that toxic despite what the media is saying, and it is prescribed all the time for arthritis. @Yellowdog is correct in that.

As I said above, I wish it worked. We all had hopes based upon early data, but it hasn’t panned out.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@caravan I heard Ramsidovir or something close is showing success here.

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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Several of those items became short in supply because of panic buying, and where do you get production halted?
The food supply was never in short supply just idiots panic buying, same as toilet paper, hand sanitizer , as well as meat, and with your own scoffing then your orange god shouldn’t be pushing a drug that wasn’t proven for Covid19 causing a shortage for those who have health conditions the drug does help?
Your only bent out of shape because I am not pleased with your orange hair god, for pushing a drug that has not been proven for a certain cause and could be harming people that do need the drug.
As for short supply of items coming out of China isn’t that your God’s doing also?
Am I concerned about shortage of other drugs of course, am I also concerned about shortage of PPE equipment again of course, but what does any of that have to do with pushing a drug for an affliction that hasn’t been proven? YOUR turn to think deep!

Caravanfan's avatar

Fortunately, most physicians who know what they are doing are not prescribing it for COVID-19, so the initial rush on the drug isn’t as big of a deal any more and people who need it for arthritis can still get it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @Caravanfan Mrs Squeeky uses it for her arthritis , so I did have a personal stake in this.

Lightlyseared's avatar

A study published in the Lancet yesterday found that hydroxychloroquine increases the risk of dying of covid19 and massively increases the risk of developing a life threatening arrhythmia.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Plus the State of Utah tried to hoard it then cancelled.

cheebdragon's avatar

Encouraging someone to flex their critical thinking skills; the most vicious of all personal attacks.~

@SQUEEKY2 Can you find where they mention Trump in this article? , since it’s obviously Trumps fault and he’s the only possible reason why there are drug shortages. Right?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Drug shortages in the EU?
Thats the best you can do?
I never said he caused the panic buying, except in cases like the drug he was pushing so hard and that was for North America.
But Hey if you want to blame ole orange hair for that go ahead.

cheebdragon's avatar

Calm down, I just had the wrong tab open. Here is the correct article

Yellowdog's avatar

Hydroxychloroquine is a very common treatment of Covid-19 in most countries, including the states, is ONLY prescribed by doctors, and has a very successful cure rate.

Nobody even questioned this until Trump mentioned it, and it has gone insanely political, postulating questions such as this one, with anger and vitriol and ridicule.

There was some pause about there being not enough testing per se’—but results are there.

This is not ‘against the advice of experts’—as experts are the ones prescribing it.

If you can’t deal with that, then there’s n hope for you.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sources @Yellowdog FUCKING SOURCES

You’re pulling in out of your ass again!! ======> To agree with your viewpoint !

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Yellowdog no it’s not. Three months ago there was some evidence (in the form of expert opinion- the absolute lowest form of scientific evidence, basically hear say) that it may be of some use. There were some multinational trials where it was discovered that it dramaticlly increases the risk of dying of Covid19 and everyone and I do mean EVERYONE stopped using it. Except Trump. And the fuckwits that think drinking disinfectant is a rational treatment.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie He won’t give links, but we are supposed to full out believe him, typical fright winger, he is still going off on the original small study of the drug that did show some promise.
But a larger trial came up short, but he totally ignores that one.
When a front line DOCTOR says he would love t prescribe the drug if it was proven but can’t seeing it hasn’t been proven in large cases, but seeing that front line DOCTOR is anti Trump that makes his view tainted in @Yellowdog world.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No shit Sherlock !

More Blah BLAH BLAH ! I supports his viewpoint.

Even if it was a Meme on FB with nothing to back it, “But I saw it on the Inter-web ! !”

canidmajor's avatar

Can we not take a moment to appreciate the irony that @Yellowdog refutes everything said by anyone who does not support Trump, without recognizing that that everything he says in support of Trump is as tainted by the same metric?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@canidmajor sometimes I wonder how people who are detached from reality can operate and thrive in the modern world.

But that notwithstanding, to what degree does religion (or religious belief) play a role in denying scientific facts?

Can we learn anything from the Catholic Church and its persecution of Galileo? Newton? What is it about religion that denies reality? Someone needs to do some serious research on the effect or religious training on reality.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Super great answer @canidmajor .

Caravanfan's avatar

@Yellowdog wrote: “There was plenty of research from France, South Korea and Israel who have been very effective treating Covid-19.”

France just banned its use because it doesn’t work.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

BReiFART must has posted that hydroxychloroquine is GREAT; just like Trump is great. And someone just copied and pasted it !

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Dani_C's avatar

i actually suspect that Trump had the virus, but didn’t get it that bad. do you remember a few months ago when he did this press conference, and he was wearing this cap, and he looked really, really rough? it was quite noticeable. i remember seeing him, and thinking “he looks really unwell”. and i think he was even asked if he been tested for the virus and he seemed a bit evasive. and he looked as if he was struggling a bit just standing up there.
then weeks later, he was on about not needing a mask, or not wanting to wear one.
well, you wouldn’t need one if you had immunity, would you.

chyna's avatar

@Dani_C A doctor I work with said the same thing. I really have to wonder if he did have it and won’t tell.

Yellowdog's avatar

My God, are you all still discussing this?

The Lancet study, for which all this was based, was retracted June 3rd.

These are the first four of seventeen links I found, including one from The Guardian.

Never before have so many medical journals and departments made decisions based on faulty data and a lying media. Yet I still hear daily that Trump said it, so he’s an idiot, and the drug is deadly,

canidmajor's avatar

@Yellowdog, a new person arrived on fluther and joined the discussion. And considering that this is the first time you’ve posted links in forever, your snark is inappropriate.

Yellowdog's avatar

More than one person has posted since my last post—and no, this isn’t a snark.

Most of you were bashing me from all sides, over a highly politicized medical ‘study’ which it turns out the medication in the study was not even available in many of the areas the study supposedly took place.

Thank God Lancet retracted the article. I hated to see respectable medical journals carrying the water for political ends.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Did you actually read those articles, or did you just do a Google search and post the first things to come up that you presume support your claims?

Yellowdog's avatar

I heard on the news (ABC) that the Lancet article was retracted but it didn’t prove that hydroxychlorquin was safe. Then I found out that the testing had some pretty serious flaws, including that the tests were done where the drug wasn’t even available, and there was a lot of irregularity in the conducting of the tests.

Just another political sham.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Screw your political conspiracy when a medical DOCTOR says he would have loved to have the drug to prescribe IF IT WAS PROVEN!!!!! is good enough for me but not you.WHY????
Is that @Yellowdog

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