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What has been going on? Can you fill me in?
Aaaaah… I finally got enough time to go back to Fluther. I have been inactive for so long I don’t even remember when I last logged in. But yeah, I finally finished the last chapter of my thesis. The only thing left are some page formatting and some minor details.
The last time I logged in, my teacher told me that the deadline that I mentioned earlier did not require me to turn in the full thesis. I could just turn in a mock thesis for some formatting check. The day when I have to turn in my real thesis will be May 25th. So that was what I had been doing, trying to finish the whole thing before the deadline. So yeah, now that I’m almost done with it, I don’t have to pay any money. And I’m expecting to go defend it some time in June. The biggest highlight of that time period was when my teacher told me that no research is perfect. Yeah, she was telling me that I was being too worried :D
So yeah, that was what I have been up to. I don’t know what has been happening on here while I was away. Can you fill me in?
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