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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What would happen if I stood on two weight scales one foot per scale?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25059points) May 24th, 2020

I am 250lbs. What would register if I stood one half on one scale and another half on the second scale?

Would it measure as 250lbs or 125lbs each

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13 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

I would guess that they would be 125 pounds each. The load is split evenly between them. You can try this at home. You don’t need a second scale, just something else to stand on. The scale should show 125 pounds.

ucme's avatar

You could strap them on there & go skiing, on second thought, on a scale of 1 to 10 you may want to weigh up your options.

Yellowdog's avatar

@LostInParadise is correct, of course.

I once had a mathematical formulae and exercises which dealt with variations of weight shown on a scale when going up and down in an elevator down in an elevator—based of course on the weight of an individual and the velocity of the elevator. Interesting stuff. But I was never that good at math,

elbanditoroso's avatar

Related question. If you did the same thing (stood on an earth-calibrated scale) on a spacecraft or on the International Space Station – what would the reading be?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Try it and find out?

kritiper's avatar

The sum of both scales would equal your weight.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You can shift as much of your weight to either foot as you wish but as @kritiper says the combined weights will come to 250 lbs.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

You’d have the best lookin’ shoes on earth!

LadyMarissa's avatar

I have a friend who weighs about 550 pounds. Since most home scales only register up to 300 pounds, that’s how his doctor has him weigh at home. You don’t need to balance your weight evenly…just be able to add the 2 numbers together for the grand total. Since you’re still under 300 pounds, you shouldn’t be having a problem weighing on just one scale.

Zaku's avatar

125 pounds on each scale, adjusted by how much your body was distributing your weight between your feet (would add to 250 when you weren’t shifting, but usually people put more weight on one foot than the other), and also adjusted by the error in the scale, and the weight of your clothes and the food and water in your system at the time.

SEKA's avatar

It might not show 125 on each scale but when you add the numbers from each scale they should add up to 250. Example: one scale reads 100, the other 150 or one might read 120 with the other reading 130 or one reads 105 while the other reads 145

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