Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

If Trump loses the election will he still be tweeting?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) May 26th, 2020 from iPhone

Will he still be manipulating and controlling a good portion of the Republicans?

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22 Answers

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ucme's avatar

He won’t lose!

Yellowdog's avatar

So it’s officially a moot point.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Of course. He tweeted before, he will tweet after. He won’t stop tweeting until they pry that iPhone out of his cold dead hands.

Twitter was made for people like Trump. Narcissistic idiots.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Of course he will he will go on and on that the election was rigged,he was supposed to win.
Vlad said so.

jca2's avatar

He’ll do it (whatever you call it haha) until he dies or until he is senile and can no longer use the phone, whichever comes first.

Jeruba's avatar

Nothing is going to shut him up. Nothing. And if we think there are no restraints on him now, just wait until he’s out of office.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Being the twit that he is, the tweets will just grow worse. There will be morning reminders how Sleepy Joe is doing everything wrong & how he would have done it better if it wasn’t for the rigged election!!! I don’t follow the jerk. As soon as I noticed a pattern to his madness, I blocked him so I NEVER have to see what he’s said & it’s made my life a lot easier.

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mazingerz88's avatar

Deadly impeached pathetic corrupt TV show host playing clown president donald fox trump will tweet as long as his fans keep buying his delusions and bullshit.

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Zaku's avatar

Are prison inmates allowed to use Twitter?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^He just might stop tweeting then. To avoid giving his future prosecutors potential ammunition against him.

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longgone's avatar

[Mod says] In Social, the discussion is free to wander to a new topic. That’s intended and it can be very interesting. However, a completely random post explaining what colour my socks are will be modded everywhere on Fluther.

Unless the information is a small part of a legitimate answer. (Blue.)

@Patty_Melt Please take a look at your PMs.

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josie's avatar

He probably won’t lose.

Having said it, the question implies an assumption that he ran for President in order to satisfy an insatiable lust for power that he can not relinquish under any circumstance. I am not of the opinion that is true.

But if he does lose, I would bet the farm that he will say fuck you and he will withdraw into a more private billionaire lifestyle.

Sort of like George W did (he’s not a billionaire, but same principle)

And certainly like Barack Obama. He got everything he wanted since he was a stoner at Occidental.

There you go.

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