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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What do think the second wave of Covid19 will bring?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23627points) May 28th, 2020

No change at all?
A death toll that will make the first one pale in comparison?
A shut down that will truly devastate the economy?
A total overwhelming of the health care system?

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39 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The similarity between 1918 Flu and COVID-19 has yet to proven but areas like Philadelphia that partied for the end of The Great War. Numbers of sick and dead were out of sight in Philly October 1918.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well hopefully by then most people will have gotten it and recovered.

jca2's avatar

So far, a small percentage of the population has gotten it, even here where I live which is a hot spot. I don’t think that by the autumn of 2020, most people will have gotten it and recovered.

I think it’s going to be easier to shut things down, now that it’s been done once.

I suspect school will not return to “in school” in the autumn. I suspect it will remain at home.

I don’t know, as far as the second wave, and I dread thinking about it because it’s scary.

janbb's avatar

I am heartened by the idea that we may have a lull if people are not as nuts as I think they are. I think the more time we buy before it, the medical workers can breathe a bit. I am also hopeful that they are finding more and better ways to treat the disease that lead to better outcomes for those who do become very sick.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I am heartened by the idea that we may have a lull if people are not as nuts as I think they are

We are in the lull now because of the lockdown. After soaring up in March and April, the number of new cases and deaths per day has been level and a little down for weeks.

Now that places are opening up, lots of people think the epidemic is over. The numbers are about to go up again.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Less than 1 percent (330 out of 50,000) of the people in my county have or had COVID-19. It will take 60% to 75% people in the general population to have antibodies for the the there to be any control of it.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I think it will be comparable to the first, but I’m hoping not as bad. The area I live in has been particularly hard hit even though my state wasn’t, but I have seen the majority of people wearing masks and behaving responsibly. Not everyone, but the majority. I think that combined with the lockdown/flattened curve and time for hospitals to beef up preparations, plus warmer/humid weather (hopefully) slowing down contagion… might make for the second wave to be a little less intense. Hard to predict, but hopefully that will be the case.

filmfann's avatar

I think many hardships will cause people to NOT quarantine a second time.
Remote Zoom schooling will continue.
I’m not sure what will take the place of Murder Hornets. Maybe radioactive rats.

Yellowdog's avatar

Red states like Florida, Texas, the Dakotas, places which didn’t do the insane things like in New York, will be fine.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Alabama is about out of beds. I think the rest of the US will spike soon, too.0

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL and @Yellowdog That is now, the question was about the second wave.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 It was on the news last night but you probably get the real facts in Canada. Duh.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@filmfann Cannibal rats in the big cities is the newest horror. Seriously.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The rats will be gone soon enough if meat processing plants have to shut down.

Edit: I think instead of euthanizing livestock, there are other ways to relieve farmers of the cost of keeping animals which were supposed to be sold by now. Reservations could receive the animals. Most reservations have at least one woman who can butcher an animal. The government could provide for the cost of transporting.
Cities could bid for animal shipments, and have local butchers pitch in.
Hog farmers could host greased pig contests. Interested people who have the skill to butcher their own could pay an entry fee. The one who catches and controls the animal gets to take it home.

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF we simply ignore it, it will go away!!!
I try not to think about it because it gives me nightmares.

CelestialIncognito's avatar

Prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The financial collapse will make communes popular again.

filmfann's avatar

@KNOWITALL I just looked that up. I thought you were joking.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@filmfann And highly aggressive. So creepy. Sweet dreams!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yeah right now I want your opinion about the second wave that will hit later in the fall or winter.

Patty_Melt's avatar

spoiler alert, gruesome

Rat – gimme that pepperoni slice.
Other rat – Bite me!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What does that have to do with a second wave of Covid this fall or winter @Patty_Melt ?
Please explain it slow because I am a thick headed Canadian.

Patty_Melt's avatar


Dutchess_lll's avatar

@Tropical_Willie but those numbers reflect people who were tested. Thousands of people got it but didn’t get tested for whatever reason, and just quietly recovered.
I am 80% sure Rick and I had it in February, before they were testing. Many of my FB friends had a mystery illness, with the same symptoms, at about the same time.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ok so let me get this straight because I don’t do context very well, what you’re saying is what is happening now will be the same when the next wave of Covid19 hits this fall or winter,or did I miss something?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Get tested for antibodies – - – - 80 % ain’t for sure !!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I have no idea what it would cost to be tested for antibodies, and I have no health insurance.

Jeruba's avatar

Losses, lessons, and painful regrets.

ucme's avatar

Herd mentality
the list goes on…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’ve been home since March. It’s approaching June. As America has started reopening, we are seeing second waves of contact spread already.
A hair salon that opened last week has two employees positive now who exposed over 150 people.
It’ll be quickly spread as we travel in summer, reopen sports and other businesses.

PS I wasn’t implying you were thick-headed, just that perhaps Americans would know better what’s happening in their areas than you, being in another country. It annoys me when you dismiss what we know is the truth. I certainly would give you the benefit of the doubt on Canadian issues. :)

kritiper's avatar

Comeuppance to those who think they are immune or smarter than the rest of us sheep.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL I wasn’t doubting you I wanted peoples opinions about the second wave, now you say you are experiencing the second wave now, so thank you.

janbb's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I think America is so vast and diverse that some parts of the country haven’t experienced a first wave yet. And they may never. It may be really hard to analyze what wave a region is in unless we know there has been a downturn followed by an upturn.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Living near the border of 2 states, I get a lot of news from both states. SC’s governor is a trump devotee & when trump said to open back up he proceeded to do so. At first he opened back up slowly. Then for Memorial Day, he opened the beaches & amusement parks. This past week they had something like 200 new cases in 1 day so he’s backing back down & tightening the rules once again. Here in GA, our governor opened everything back up immediately when trump said it was time to do so. I’ve noticed that we are receiving limited info on what is happening with the virus in our state. Don’t know if it’s because it is slowing down or whether they are hiding the fact that it’s rapidly growing worse. I’m just finding it more difficult to weed out the facts!!!

Patty_Melt's avatar

My governor has all the numbers and puts them out there, including how many ventilators are available each day.

LadyMarissa's avatar

We were getting the numbers daily up & until everything was reopened & suddenly the daily reports stopped. I kept searching & one of the SC news stations is reporting the numbers from GA & they have gone up drastically.. Our number of cases & number of deaths are 4 times more than SC & 2 times higher than NC. They didn’t report the numbers from FL, but I think that IF I lived there that I wouldn’t want my beaches opened to residents of GA!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@LadyMarissa Look up your numbers on Johns Hopkins use the drop down for states.

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