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mazingerz88's avatar

What is your favorite dinosaur?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) May 31st, 2020 from iPhone

To those who are fascinated with dinosaurs, which one is your favorite?

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19 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I really like crows and ravens.

cookieman's avatar

Mitch McConnell

elbanditoroso's avatar

Stegosaurus. Although I always wondered how they had sexx – how did they get their rocks off…

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I don’t have one, but this is such a great question.

Yellowdog's avatar

Styracosaurus and stegosaurus,

Dutchess_lll's avatar


Inspired_2write's avatar

A dead one in the museum.
Wouldn’t want to meet up with one .

rockfan's avatar


mazingerz88's avatar

Very nice picks jellies. My fave list includes the Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Apatosaurus with the T-Rex at the top of the list.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My oldest grand daughter loved Barney the Dinosaur on TV, her dad (my son) loved Calder’s Steggie. My favorite is Triceratops. Grand daughter is 24; still has a stuffed Barney.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I grew up with someone who wanted to be a herpetologist. His favorite used to be Compsognathus. But his current favorite is this little guy here, called Epidexipteryx, who was discovered in 2008.

mazingerz88's avatar

@SavoirFaire I think that guy was trying to explain something to someone. :)

CelestialIncognito's avatar

I choose Tyrannosaurus Rex for reasons unproven. I see a T-Rex that hops, has a pouch and is misunderstood. I see an ancient kangaroo.

Jeruba's avatar

I’ve always been partial to Brontosaurus, although not for any particular reason that I can think of. Maybe the nice silhouette.

jca2's avatar

I always liked the brontosaurus. They’re mellow and long.

ucme's avatar

In a fight, that big bugger could “Get it On”

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