Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

Are you seeing rioting and looting in your town/city?

Asked by Demosthenes (15424points) May 31st, 2020

How bad is it where you are?

Nothing is happening in my small almost entirely residential hometown. But I’m hearing of a few smaller cities in the Bay Area that are experiencing looting and destruction, places that were completely unaffected the last time there were riots sparked by police brutality.

This has gone far beyond what happened in Minneapolis, the police, and even racism. This is (in part) people venting pent-up stress brought on by the pandemic. There’s no way that’s not a factor, among other things.

What is 2020 going to bring us next?

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30 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The Covid19 to drastically increase from all the rioting. From the lack of social distancing.
The world needs a better way to deal with pent up stress. Like a smash room or day of legal rioting like in the original Star Trek episode that I don’t have the name of.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Yes. We had a peaceful protest during the day that included about 3000 people. When it was over a small group of about 150 went and damaged cars and windows at the downtown police precinct. They then walked to the Capitol and damaged 75 businesses along the way and also looted some. They overturned large planters with flowers and rolled them into the street. They also burned a police car.

This all happened about 5 blocks from my home. We heard sirens all night. Tonight we have a curfew at 9:30 pm until 5am. There is another protest right now but it’s peaceful so far. We have national guard here helping the police.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

No. But there was a peaceful gathering downtown

Jeruba's avatar

San Jose is now under curfew. Downtown protests turned into vandalism and looting over the past two nights. That was all within a longish walking distance of where I live. We’ve been hearing a lot of sirens for two days.

I think there’s at least one more blow to fall. There’s too much hunger for something cathartic, even apocryphal, after all the built-up stress and tension with the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the social disruption that have made us fear one another instead of bonding in a sense of community. A president who is essentially a Dementor can only magnify the harm. Some worse thing is still to come.

johnpowell's avatar

Curfew starts in 37 minutes and things are on fire here. The Apple Store took a big hit. But the Arby’s is untouched so I am am doing alright.

tinyfaery's avatar

There is looting, violence, and fires all over L.A. county. The National Guard has already been called and are patrolling. We are on a countywide curfew. This is so much worse than the 1992 unrest over the Rodney King ruling.

I can’t believe that in my relatively short life, I have seen 2 instances of civil unrest in my city due to the treatment of black bodies by the police. Nothing has changed in almost 30 years.

jca2's avatar

I live in a rural area but I heard tomorrow, there will be a protest at a local train station.

I am about an hour from NYC and I’m glad I’m not there now.

Demosthenes's avatar

@tinyfaery Still, 63 people died in the Rodney King riots and I don’t think there have been many deaths from these riots yet. Big emphasis on “yet”.

Jeruba's avatar

Yikes, I meant apocalyptic, not apocryphal. Unclear thinking: one more stress effect. A dangerous one, too. I hope I don’t mess up worse than getting a few words wrong. If something bad happens outside our front door, I hope I can keep my head.

mazingerz88's avatar

In my city or nearby cities I just don’t know yet tbh. I am intentionally avoiding local news. My landlord has a 17 year old daughter who wants to attend a protest rally tomorrow but she was refused permission.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Jonsblond Curfew in Milwaukee too, I don’t live there thank god but I got the texts announcing the curfew and to head home if you are out. Started out peaceful and awesome, turned into bullshit.

Jons_Blond's avatar

It got ugly again tonight but not quite as bad. The protesters started throwing rocks and bottles at the police line. The police began to use tear gas and rubber bullets. National Guard is here. The protesters are being pushed away from the Capitol and into a residential neighborhood, inching closer to our home. Two bricks were thrown into a student’s apartment window. A cop was assaulted.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Jonsblond—stay safe please

Jeruba's avatar

> What is 2020 going to bring us next?

What comes next could be a slow-rolling apocalypse, a multiple-front disaster area.

What if insurance companies start to fail because of a major onslaught of claims in healthcare, property loss and damage, and credit defaults?—right when those who usually pay in (such as people suddenly out of work) are not doing so? Have we even thought about a domino effect from that?

What about the cascade effects of all those organizations and institutions that rely on memberships, ticket sales, and merchandising? It does indeed matter if cultural entities such as museums and orchestras close down, as well as sports organizations and your humble neighborhood YMCA.

How about all the organizations that depend on volunteer work and donations?—not just museums but hospitals, churches, animal rescue, and life-saving entities such as Alcoholics Anonymous. I wonder how many places that we take for granted—elderly services, Goodwill, shelters—just won’t be able to operate.

What about the collapse of social structures that depend on meeting places open to the public, such as restaurants, bars, and clubs? They were in trouble even before their windows started getting smashed downtown.

Not to mention educational institutions at all levels, child care support for workers, and all the other entities and processes that have been affected by virus-related restrictions.

Some people may have been prepared for a catastrophic social breakdown all their lives and may even relish it. The rest of us have no idea how to meet what comes next. Keep calm and carry on still sounds like good advice; but it was crafted for a time when people were not afraid to breathe in proximity to one another or touch the same doorknob.

And this is all without worrying that a foreign power might delight in taking advantage of our weakness, our preoccupation with our own distress, and our lack of competent leadership.

I don’t think anyone is coming to save us. I just hope we can remember in time that we are our own and each other’s best hope.

SEKA's avatar

No, nthing. Not even a peaceful protest

tinyfaery's avatar

@Demosthenes That’s true. I was referring to how in 1992 the violence was relegated to a few areas. In the past few days, there has been violence all over, from Downtown to Santa Monica. The whole Los Angeles area is just a time bomb ready to explode.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Curfew here tonight, but I’m resigned to it all.

ucme's avatar

Good lord no!
Terribly frightful business.
Leave that to the natives.

mazingerz88's avatar

So this was over the weekend.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Here in Trump country we’ve had 2–3 days of semi-peaceful protests.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Not where I’m at but just north and south of me there have been protests. One peaceful, the other not.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Yes. Not my town specifically, as I live in a small “city” that is more like a suburb, but in my local cities there is rioting and looting and I personally know people who have attended these peaceful events and saw people come from out of town and begin causing destruction. The local police have confirmed this to be true. There is another protest today and there are already reports of busloads of people coming from out of town who are being rowdy, so I’m anticipating more today.There are also multiple firsthand accounts of police taking aggressive action against peaceful protesters (not locally, but I had friends attend protests in Cleveland and Columbus and also watched the live streams myself) with zero provocation. I will keep repeating this everywhere I can because I believe it is important to know. The news is saying that these protesters are rioting but there seems to be something more going on.

I am about an hour from Cleveland, but there were riots up there as well.

ragingloli's avatar

Not at all. There are some Black-Lives-Matter protests in Berlin, though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli That’s pretty neat. The comments below though, wow.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Peaceful protests during the day. Whole families were out together with little kids. At night dummies came out. They torched a few stores about a mile from me.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Now its in my county. Realllly close too. I am praying it stays peaceful. It really bothers me seeing all these places burned and destroyed.

CelestialIncognito's avatar

Yep! The birds are protecting their nests vigilantly walking the tops of privacy fences- so annoying! The squirrels are rioting and looting running across power lines and jumping from tree to tree in search of nuts. Wait! Gotta go, one’s on the roof… false alarm. It was a dove…peaceful here, nothing to see.

Jons_Blond's avatar

We are in day 3 of protests in Madison, Wisconsin. It’s been peaceful all day with the protesters blocking a main road into the city. They had a dance party and our mayor joined in. They are now marching to the Capitol at 7:50 pm. The grocery store I work at which is not far from the protest is closing at 8pm tonight. I was supposed to work until 10pm but was informed about the early closing when I arrived for my shift.

I hope it doesn’t turn ugly again once it gets dark like the past two nights.

Demosthenes's avatar

My county just established a 8:30–5 A.M. curfew. That’s on top of the shelter-in-place order. We sure are being told to stay inside a lot lately…

SEKA's avatar

^ Between the crazy virus, crazy prez, & crazy protesters, home seems to be my safe haven at this point in time. I don’t need nobody instructing me to stay there as it’s a given that’s where my ass will be 24/7

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