General Question

EnzoX24's avatar

Why is the mail application on my MacBook crashing?

Asked by EnzoX24 (1991points) September 3rd, 2008

Whenever I load it up, it doesn’t show my mail, it just instantly freezes. A couple times it came close to taking my whole computer with it. How do I get it to stop?

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2 Answers

damien's avatar

Open ‘Console’ (in ’/Applications/Utilities’). In the sidebar, select ‘Console Messages’ under ‘LOG DATABASE QUERIES’ (if there is no sidebar, click ‘Show Log List’ in the toolbar). Then click the ‘Clear Display’ button in the toolbar.

Open mail and get it to do it’s thing. Then in Console, there should be some log entries describing what went wrong technically. They may point to the problem.

benseven's avatar

(If you post the last few lines after mail crashes it may help us get to the bottom of this..)

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