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JLeslie's avatar

How do Trump supporters feel about Trump holding up a bible in front of the church?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) June 2nd, 2020

I have no idea how Republicans and Trump supporters have been reacting to this. I heard the Episcopal and Catholic church have a serious problem with it. What about other Christian sects and other religions?

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70 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

I can’t speak for Catholics—I know Trump has supported Roman Catholics’ right to not support abortion in their employment, institutions, and insurance plans.

After hearing the hostile anti-Trump vitriol from the Rector and staff of St.John’s Episcopal, I suspect they probably think Trump is worse than Jesus, because Trump actually exists.

chyna's avatar


JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog Here is an interview today with a Catholic Priest about Trump’s behavior and showing up at churches for political gain.

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JLeslie's avatar

I just asked a Catholic friend of mine who is a big time Trump supporter this question. She told me she had posted about it on facebook earlier, so I went to her post. She wrote in part, …They were cleared out before the 7pm curfew so that our President could show his solidarity with us by bravely standing before the St John’s Church, one of our historic landmarks. I was not outraged that he held up a Bible, not as a “prop” but as a symbol of the sacredness of the Church.. I am sick to death seeing the ridiculous criticisms of a President who has the balls to do something about violence against the American people!...

I gave her that same link I just posted above, I wonder if she will change her tune. She is a very religious Catholic.

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si3tech's avatar

I feel fine.

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mazingerz88's avatar

I can only guess what trump supporters feel about what to me was trump’s vomit inducing cheap political stunt. Not to mention insane. My first guess is…now they think he should be canonized while still alive?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think he wanted to do more. It seemed like his security people didn’t want him exposing himself like that.

seawulf575's avatar

I’m struggling to see anything wrong with it. This seems like a whole lot of nothing to me. To me, the entire hoo-ha about this is just the MSM trying to find something to say he did wrong. They tried saying he was “hiding out” in the WH when he didn’t come out for a day and then he came out and they have tried coming up with all sorts of stuff about how that was wrong. And I find it interesting that this gets far more coverage than the criminals that set fire to the church. Apparently to the left, if you show any religious tendencies, that is far more threatening than if you throw Molotov cocktails at churches.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Did you watch my link above? Seems religious leaders have a problem with it.

Mind you, I have no problem with the President doing prayer breakfasts to meet with religious leaders, and attending church. This is completely different. That you can’t see the difference is what I can’t understand. So, if Hillary or Obama was president and did this you would have the same reaction?

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s so difficult to know what he’s thinking or his motivation in situations like this.
The video says he’s using the bible as a prop but many on the right will be thanking God for leading this President during this chaos.

The use of tear gas on church grounds without prior notice is not something I’d condone.

mazingerz88's avatar

Not really difficult. C’mon now. Nothing to it? Real-life priests already explained the intention.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m agnostic, it did not bother me at all. I get what he was trying to do and it clearly backfired. There should be more outrage at churches being burned down than Trump’s photo op at one though. I’m not really a Trump supporter but I don’t think he is the devil either.

chyna's avatar

Even Pat Robertson, a well known televangelist and supporter of trump, denounced how trump is handling the whole situation.

gondwanalon's avatar

I feel absolutely nothing about this.

JLeslie's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me What was he trying to do?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It was a photo op, he was holding up a Bible and saying we all need to act like that book says we should. As a statement I did not find that offensive, just sort of odd that he would do so without saying a word.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^A reality TV show host in the WH greenlighting kids to be separated from their parents doesn’t make him the Devil? Or at least a devil?

What could he do that would make him the Devil in your view I wonder?

If a protester got killed in that incident or a park police…he will use the death for his political gain. That’s just who he is. Still not the Devil?

Patty_Melt's avatar

The speech immediately prior he mentioned places have been
vandalised.That Church was one he mentioned. When he left the podium he said he was going to visit a very special place. He wouldn’t answer any questions, he didn’t look back. He really seemed like a man who wanted to and was told it was too risky.

The Bible he held up was a salute, duh. A reporter asked if it was his Bible. He replied “It’s a Bible.” Of course the press got that mixed up, because they could not get past the $1500. bag it was carried in. So?! They are rich, no fucking secret.

Those so called religious leaders are pompous assholes who literally don’t practice what they preach. Instead of being in a huff, why were they not offering comfort to a battle weary leader? Why did not one of those prideful bitches offer to pray with him?
POTUS is not the one having things to answer for here.

And yes, I am totally serious.
Murmuring bunch of shriveled hypocrites.

Coolhandluke's avatar

I don’t see a thing wrong with it. Tacky maybe but so is the filth spewing out of anti-trumper’s mouths.

mazingerz88's avatar

Yeah, yeah from trump haters it’s filth, from trump it’s gold right?

We keep filling in the remaining blanks with words of our choosing dissecting trump yet the pieces of the puzzle that were already there placed by trump himself are already clear, bright and glaring.

kritiper's avatar

The majority probably love it. As if it says something about those damn Democrats…

JLeslie's avatar

I just read he held the Bible upside down. Stephen King wrote asked the evangelicals if Obama had done the same wouldn’t they have been calling him the Antichrist?

I haven’t confirmed the Bible was upside down, but I’m curious.

@ARE_you_kidding_me I didn’t understand it that way at all. I thought at best he was saying he was on the side of his Christian followers. At worst he is just using it as a political ploy to manipulate his Christian followers (I think that’s most likely). Possibly also including his WS followers who are creating some of the havoc.

When Kennedy ran for president the Evangelicals were worried his religious beliefs would interfere with his governing, same with Romney. What if it was the Catholic or Mormon version of the Bible? The Quran if he were Muslim? It’s just not right to do what he did in the United States of America. That photo op is not going to unite the country.

@Patty_Melt I agree the price of the bag is stupid. Plus, that’s relatively Inexpensive for them. Ivanka shops where my SIL works and the handbags are most often $5k to $20k. Which religious leaders are you criticizing?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazingerz88 (Sigh) Zero tolerance was in effect for a few months in 2018 and rescinded, as we all know. Bush and Obama seperated children in smaller numbers. And yes, Obama built the ‘cages’, too. Do we really need to re-hash established facts when it’s easily googled?

mazingerz88's avatar

Who cares about Obama? So he’s an asshole to and the Devil for doing that. What about trump?

Also I’m not sure if Obama did it exactly as how trump did.

Patty_Melt's avatar

All of them. Every single one in this nation. Unless someone is praying with him away from cameras. There were plenty ready to shake a finger, or the whole fist; but nobody, pastor, priest or Rabbi walked up and said, “Mr. President, may I pray with you?”
They should DO THEIR JOB.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazingerz88 Hey, at least Trump realized his mistake and rescinded it, unlike Obama with the healthcare penalty for poor people who couldn’t afford health insurance 2014–2018.

You people are just as bad about defending Obama as any Trumper here.

mazingerz88's avatar

No. There is a difference here. Will take me time to research that difference. Off the top of my head, Obama did not demonize illegal immigrants.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazinger Sure I’ll wait. The Deporter In Chief wasn’t called that for no reason, friend.

What I see is that both men were trying to do their jobs and a portion of the US won’t have it. I admired Obama for staying rather tough on that issue, frankly.

mazingerz88's avatar

I’m guessing the number of kids traumatized by trump isn’t the same as the number of kids traumatized by Obama. And the manner it was managed. That’s going to be one clear difference if my guess is right.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazinger Yes. Thats why it stopped in a few months. Unlike the tax penalty for the poor.

mazingerz88's avatar

trump is a malicious swine. That has always been my issue with him. Would never vote for any Democratic political candidate that for some reason I feel has malice in him or her either.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazingerz88 So you’re voting 3rd party with me in Nov?

“Did we just became best friends?” (Step Brothers movie quote)

mazingerz88's avatar

No I’ll never vote third party. Life is too short for me to be that righteous and idealistic.

That means you must never, ever touch my drums or I will bury you! Dead or alive your choice though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazingerz88 I understand, my head and heart are conflicted but I really want to sometimes, especially if it kills some of this partisan nonsense.

“I want to hear your dirty little mouth admit it!”

Yellowdog's avatar

The clergy at St. John’s Episcopal never held the Bible or Christ’s body of believers in any regard in the first place. Believing in the Bible is often scoffed at there, and Christ’s words about being the only way to God, about Jesus being The Way, etc. are highly offensive to them. But are pretty hard to get around if you believe the Bible.

Although I can admire them for handing out water to the same people who burned down their historic, irreplaceable church, maybe that was a photo op as well—

In any case, their bitchy, inflamed words and vitriol on camera for the whole nation, judging and denouncing the President as if the Bible or the church were their private property, shows their true colors. There was no denouncing the bloodshed, killing, and destruction in the street.

There was no prayer for the victims of the violence and mayhem, nor for those perpetuating it. There was no prayer for the President amid this which is the beginnings of a Civil War. The President will likely have to deploy the military via the Insurrection Act before any more are killed, any more livelihoods permanently destroyed.

Did these ‘religious leaders’ do anything besides let their white-privilege, white trash attitude show that this was THEIR ‘property and they had some kind of franchise on the Bible?

To answer someone’s previous question—yes, a real church would pray for and with someone like Obama who has targeted them. Trump has supported the cause of religious rights.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

With pepper spray and mounted police REALLY! @Yellowdog

Get a grip!

Trump thought they would be in the way of his photo op. Your hero is a bully and pushed the police to get them out their parking lot!

And all of your words OPINIONS and falsehoods.

Authorities also expelled at least one Episcopal priest and a seminarian from the church’s patio

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, I did look at your link. But let’s review what was said on there and what was not. The religious leaders that were being interviewed had no problem ascribing intent to President Trump’s actions. They had no problems voicing opinions of his recent statements. But at no time did they actually address the fire bombing of the church. At no time did they actually call for peace. They brought up Pope John Paul and talked about how he worked with the protesters in Poland. But did they clarify that he was calling for peace? That he was not encouraging vandalism, looting, fire bombing and murder? So basically, they didn’t hit any of the points that what I consider true Christians would be outraged about. They are talking heads. I’ve heard their opinions and I can tell you with no reservations that I would not go to either of them for spiritual guidance. I think they are lost sheep.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Oh! and as for if this was Obama or Hillary, I really wouldn’t care either. Let’s review: Our nation has been put on its ear due to reaction from a pandemic. A black man was murdered by a cop with others looking on. Peaceful protests to that action have been hijacked into riots, looting and murder. Pallets of bricks were even pre-staged at some of the big riots, just so more mayhem could be done. All this is going on and the big news story is that President Trump did a photo op? The fact that you don’t see that is what I can’t understand.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: I’d hardly describe the church event as the big news. It’s news but if you’ll pardon the pun, it doesn’t trump the protests or the virus.

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mazingerz88's avatar

trump fans now attacking clergy for not thinking like trump, not symphatizing with trump, not defending trump, not saying the same things trump says? Because they’re not trump fans, trump zombies, trump sheeple and trump clones they’re wrong? Sad.

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog That sounds like the typical Evangelicals don’t feel or believe Catholics are real Christians. I guess that applies to the Episcopal church too.

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KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I read they were staying nonpolitical and offering aid for everyone. Then everyone got pushed towards the church by shields. Then tear gas came and even those ministering left. I can see how that is upsetting for sure.

@Yellowdog No humans are trash. Bruh, represent please.

seawulf575's avatar

@KNOWITALL No humans are trash? Huh. I think some of my step-daughter’s boyfriends were borderline.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 Remember who Jesus was beside on the cross?
I’m just sad to hear clergy call other clergy, of the same God, trash. Especially here. Ya’ll do you but please don’t let politics or hate turn your soul rotten. :)

canidmajor's avatar

Ah, @Yellowdog, how on earth do you know how the clergy at Saint John’s act? And can you honestly say, as a pastor yourself, that you always behave in a loving and Christian manner? I am remembering a Q about your family and a parish you were leading a worship service in.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Clergy pray with and for murderers. That doesn’t mean that they agree with murder. It is about easing pain and wanting to cleanse a soul.
I never heard of praying with only the righteous. I believe the Bible addresses that specifically. Remember Zacheus, the tax collector?

mazingerz88's avatar

Clergy prays with murderers, probably repentant murderers. trump is just an asshole.

Patty_Melt's avatar

There is a solid point. Preachers now pray only with or for people they personally like and agree with. Jesus would be proud.

seawulf575's avatar

@KNOWITALL There was one of the boyfriends I would like to put on a cross. I know…not very Christian of me. But the upside is that I stopped all three of my stepsons from beating him to within an inch of his life like they wanted. They decided (after some heated discussion) that he wasn’t worth assault charges.

Yellowdog's avatar

“White trash” is a term used fairly generically, to describe the kind of white people you disparage daily on this site. Even though I doubt any of you know any,

The White Privilege remark was because you pretty much have to be white, wealthy, and well connected to get a parish position in an Episcopal church. In England, where all Anglicans are under the Archbishop Canterbury (which all groups in the Anglican communion abscribe) , you cannot even have many positions unless you are of a certain social class / position. In the U.S. there are many, as in Ivy League schools, who are from what they traditionally consider lower class, who are given high positions because of their political representations,

Several staff leaders at the church took the moment to harshly and openly condemn Trump and his support of their church, which had been looted, firebombed, and desecrated.

The ‘White Trash” attitude is the raucous, harsh, loud, “git off my property’ attitude, along with vulgar insults about the president they yelled out. They said Trump did not have permission to be there, or the right to hold a Bible. Its funny but in college, the Episcopal center considered the Bible primarily for “fundies” as they called them. It was considered ‘intolerant’ to use in an academic setting. Even so, Trump holding one up in symbolic support of their firebombed church, was considered inappropriate, because Trump is so foul and evil. Just who does he think he is?

After hearing the remarks of the St John Episcopal staff, I really don’t consider this a part of the body of Christians that usually constitute a church. It was just another vitriol-spewing hate-the-president group proclaiming before the nation that they have the moral high ground.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog “I really don’t consider this a part of the body of Christians that usually constitute a church” Is that because they females or Episcopalian ? ?

Your hero and his staff were the ones shooting rubber bullets and pepper spray.

What aggressive actions were they doing? None they passing out supplies and water. Big deal for him; the were on the spot he wanted his photo op.

Your opinions are only interesting !

Yellowdog's avatar

I will answer your question, even though I know you are trolling.

Four clergy were shouting that Trump did not have their permission to be there, and that he had no right to be holding a Bible.

By contrast, consider how much the Roman Catholics and Evangelicals and mainline protestant groups have prayed for those whom they consider enemies, and how often the Christian networks have supported the President.

Some consider the murder, mayhem, and destruction to be something they want to keep going—considering it a form of protest.

Although many minority businesses and places for people to congregate have been looted, destroyed, and people violently killed who stand in the way, these clergy will always have their wealth and their positions.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

So he commandeered their patio because somewhere in the US there was looting. And uses rubber bullets on the clergy ! ! !

I get it ! ! NOT

So he can get a photo op the Ivanka thought it was a great thing to connect with Churchill. SMH

Yellowdog's avatar

I just read something else in your post above.

At least here in America, we have had female clergy since the Second Great Awakening, about 1800, based on Galatians 3:28. The Pentecostal, Holiness, about half the Evangelical groups, and all mainline protestant groups have had female clergy at least since the mid-1800s, even though it was not generally accepted in public positions.

The Episcopalians started ordaining female clergy in the 1960s when they embraced the “Free Love” movement. Since the 1990s, few are received in the Episcopal clergy or staff positions unless they are in the LGBT-Q movement. You may think those things are good, and that’s not the issue here. Its why I don’t consider them Biblical or of the Church. Their agenda is something else—at least since the 1960s. I’d be offended to know my acceptance was based on Free Love or Sexual orientation.

chyna's avatar

@Yellowdog do you have a source where the 4 clergy were yelling at trump?

Yellowdog's avatar

They weren’t—they were responding for the media.

LogicHead's avatar

Very odd to me that you think my response would be from being a Trump supporter rather than from being a Bible lover !!! Very, very odd. I pretty much loathe Biden but I would love to see him refer to the Bible (about the sacredness of life or marriage)

Yellowdog's avatar

Biden doesn’t hold either as sacred.

Yellowdog's avatar

@chyna No, I don’t. I don’t have daisies painted on my mailbox, nor a C.D. of Dean Martin either. What does it have to do with anything?

The rector of the church was very loud and vocal that Trump had no right or permission to be at their church for a “photo op”

Funny how they saved the church from being burnt to cinders yet condemn Trump, as if the historic church was the clergy’s private property. Some people hate Trump more than they love their church’s own historic building.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog once again you are talking in circles.

Your logic is Trump is good because he says he is !

Yellowdog's avatar

Even though it is doubtful that the church’s congregation were believers of any sort, it is still good to save a church from arsonists and looters—even if only because it is a historic building, Ida know—maybe the congregates and clergy were vermen we still don’t burn down historic churches, But that was okay with the rector, Trump had no right to stop them according to the high preistess, Trump ordering out the rioters and looters and arsonists was worse than burning the church down, Because it was Trump. That makes it BAD BAD BAD,

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