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elbanditoroso's avatar

What does "Sic Semper Tyrannis" mean to you?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) June 5th, 2020

The definition (from Latin) is attributed to Marcus Iunius Brutus, one of the people who assassinated Julius Caesar.

It can be translated as “Thus always to tyrants”.

Does this have meaning – not just in the US – nowadays? Will tyrants eventually get what’s coming to them?

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5 Answers

ucme's avatar

In terms of bad cops it does.
What goes around comes around…your sins will find you out & karma.
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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Dinesh D’Souza might hope so.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

It’s most famously use was calling the end of slavery “tyranny”, so naturally it’s embraced by conservatives today. It’s a popular phrase for the gun-waving militia/3 percent types who are dreaming of a race war.

zenvelo's avatar

The murder of Abraham Lincoln.

That is what John Wilkes Booth said after he jumped to the stage of the Ford Theater. Anyone repeating it now stands for slavery and treason against the United States and the Constitution.

stanleybmanly's avatar

pop jingoism: where’s the beef? fake news. You’re in good hands. Semper fi, etc.

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