Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is Trump aware there is a difference between rioters, looters, and real protesters?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23571points) June 5th, 2020

Can you show he does know the differnce, because everything I have seen seems to say he lumps them all together.
I am all for the law cracking down on rioters, and looters, but real protesters don’t do that and we all know that does Trump?
Have you seen where protestors have done amazing things during these protests , did you see a group of them protected a cop that got separated from his unit.
How about a bunch of white female protestors protected a bunch of female black protesters.
Or Law enforcement actually reaching out to protestors ,like that Sheriff from Flint.
Even Governors are saying they should be calling for calm, not conflict and domination.
Now does Trump know the difference?

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30 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

One more and I don’t remeber what city but a group of protestors formed a wall at a store so it couldn’t be looted.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now now @Dutchess_III our fright wing friends will acuse you of being a tRump hater.
^^^^^ and yeah I spelled that right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am a trump hater and proud of it. He only promotes violence, racism, misogyny, intolerance and hatred. Plus he can’t spell or read. Jesus. Who, in their right mind,voted for the guy?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Trump tweets a letter referring to peaceful protesters as ‘terrorists’

“President Donald Trump posted a letter on Twitter Thursday that referred to peaceful protesters as terrorists.

“The letter was allegedly written by former Trump lawyer John Dowd and appears to be addressed to former Secretary of Defense James Mattis. Its purpose is to push back on Mattis’ statements made Wednesday when he said Trump was “the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people.”

“With his “terrorists” comment, Dowd was referring to the protesters just outside the White House gates who on Monday were dispersed with gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets so Trump could visit a nearby church where he had a photoshoot with a bible.”

Patty_Melt's avatar

If you really, honestly ask from desire to know, I can post him speaking first hand, no middle man bs. If all you want to do is rant, say so, and we’ll skip it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Patty_Melt I would very much like to look at any link where he does know the difference.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Well you did see the speech he gave before walking to the church, right? In case you missed the first time I posted that link, I’ll post it again here, but first I will quote a couple of segments from that speech so you can mull over the meaning of his words for yourself.
”... I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation, and that is what I will do.”
”...We cannot allow the righteous cries of peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob. The biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities. And as their president, I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you.”

He did point out that upholding law, and protecting peaceful citizens is his duty, and his goal.
So, that established, in This staged interview, he should be able to address riot conditions with the understanding that he has already defined a difference.
I should add that I think he is much kinder here to Biden than vice versa.
Anyway, if you can actually watch these with the “yeah right” gif in your head turned off, I think he makes it pretty clear. Also, it would seem he only knew about the crowd at the church whatever he was later told. It looks to me he was keeping cool headed while everyone around him was in panic over deeds already done. Not his fault, IMO.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

“Not his fault”

Dear Leader cannot fail. He can only be failed.

The cult is getting more fanatical as their delusion falls apart.

Lightlyseared's avatar

No. No he doesn’t.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He knows George Floyd was the wrong color and same for the protesters !

Trump rental discrimination Federal suits 1973

LuckyGuy's avatar

Nope. In his eyes there are 2 kinds of people: those that support him, and those that don’t.

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SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Patty_Melt I was going to give your hero a benefit of the doubt but after seeing more Police wrong doings against protesters today, I think he still doesn’t know.
Trump stayed on topic for just a few seconds before going off in another direction and showed no real emotions for Floyd or any of the protesters.
I mean cops in in upstate New York shoved a 75 year old man to the ground hard enough to cause injuries then screamed he was a threat.
There really needs to be an over haul of the police and how they deal with these situations.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He actually claims to be a friend of protesters and pointedly added a ps supposedly emphasizing that to one of his inane pronouncements on the wave sweeping the nation. This proves he is aware there’s a difference. He just could not tell you what that difference is! What Trump is against is dissent or disagreement with him. Nuances around those disagreements are irrelevant and beyond the sophistication he can bring to bear on the matter. To ask him to draw the distinctions among the 3 is equivalent to asking a cow to climb a tree.

JLeslie's avatar

I think he does.

I think he purposely says things the way he does so his supporters interpret it the way they want, and even so his haters do also. He talks out of both sides of his mouth on purpose. It’s destructive, it divides us.

You ask does he understand protesters are protecting stores from these looters and vandals, and I agree whole heartedly that 99.9% of protesters want to protest in a non-violent way, and hate all of the destruction that has been done, but I also think there have been a few protesters who believe in the cause that have done some of the destruction, or who are making it hard for city officials even when the officials fully support the right to protest.

I asked a Q about curfews yesterday, which goes with my point. Some cities don’t have the manpower for people to be protesting over night. Protesters need to be reasonable. Protesting during all hours of daylight should be sufficient in most cases. Especially, in some cities, if looting and other crimes are a concern.

I really think some protesters are purposefully antagonizing the police. They purposely want to make it look like the country is turning into a military zone. They like it, it suits their cause. The media shows clips of protesters doing amazing things like taking risks to stop vandals, and then they also cherry pick police violence. I am all for reporting these things, but we have to have some perspective. Most protests the police are there to keep everyone safe. Some of the extreme interactions with the police are the police trying to disperse or arrest White Supremacists who are invading the protests!

It’s basically proven White Supremacists are busting into these crowds and creating havoc, don’t you want the police there if that’s happening? I want these rioters arrested! I want their homes searched by the FBI and their computers confiscated, let’s find out who is directing them. I’m sure you could argue some police are WS, and I think that too, but for the most part I don’t think they are, I think most cops want to protect people.

Taking out frustration on all police, because some of them are bad is like serial killing women, because your mom was abusive. We need to fix the police brutality problem for sure! It is a systemic problem. But, let’s not cut off our noses to spite our face.

seawulf575's avatar

When he was addressing the press at the Space X launch, he talked about the protesters. Here is what he said:
“I understand the pain that people are feeling,” Trump said. “We support the right of peaceful protesters, and we hear their pleas. But what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace.

“The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings.”

Seems pretty clear he sees a delineation between peaceful protesters and thugs.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 The problem is he leaves off White Supremacists, and it seems quite purposeful. We know for a fact they are doing some of the looting and destroying and instigating rioting. It’s been reported and even a conservative jelly here confirmed that on her social media the WS are writing about when to go to cities and how to get away with it, to delete texts, to hide tattoos, etc.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Some of you are STILL giving him credit for brains he does not posses.

mazingerz88's avatar

The only difference trump sees between people is whether they’re trump haters or trump worshipers. He acts accordingly and efficiently. A real sociopath.


Bret Stephen’s opinion in the NYT…


This spring I taught a seminar (via Zoom, of course) at the University of Chicago on the art of political persuasion. We read Lincoln, Pericles, King, Orwell, Havel and Churchill, among other great practitioners of the art. We ended with a study of Donald Trump’s tweets, as part of a class on demagogy.

If the closing subject was depressing, at least the timing was appropriate.

We are in the midst of an unprecedented national catastrophe. The catastrophe is not the pandemic, or an economic depression, or killer cops, or looted cities, or racial inequities. These are all too precedented.

What’s unprecedented is that never before have we been led by a man who so completely inverts the spirit of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address.

With malice toward all; with charity for none: eight words that encapsulate everything this president is, does and stands for.

What does one learn when reading great political speeches and writings? That well-chosen words are the way by which past deeds acquire meaning and future deeds acquire purpose. “The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here,” are the only false notes in the Gettysburg Address.

The Battle of Gettysburg is etched in national memory less for its military significance than because Lincoln reinvented the goals of the Civil War in that speech — and, in doing so, reimagined the possibilities of America.

Political writing doesn’t just provide meaning and purpose. It also offers determination, hope and instruction.

In “The Power of the Powerless,” written at one of the grimmer moments of Communist tyranny, Václav Havel laid out why the system was so much weaker, and the individual so much stronger, than either side knew. In his “Fight on the beaches” speech after Dunkirk, Winston Churchill told Britons of “a victory inside this deliverance” — a reason, however remote, for resolve and optimism.

In “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King Jr., explained why patience was no answer to injustice: “When you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity … then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait.”

The purpose of Trump’s presidency is to debase, first by debasing the currency of speech. It’s why he refuses to hire reasonably competent speechwriters to craft reasonably competent speeches.

It’s why his communication team has been filled by people like Dan Scavino and Stephanie Grisham and Sarah Sanders.

And it’s why Twitter is his preferred medium of communication. It is speech designed for provocations and put-downs; for making supporters feel smug; for making opponents seethe; for reducing national discourse to the level of grunts and counter-grunts.

That’s a level that suits Trump because it’s the level at which he excels. Anyone who studies Trump’s tweets carefully must come away impressed by the way he has mastered the demagogic arts.

He doesn’t lead his base, as most politicians do. He personifies it. He speaks to his followers as if he were them. He cultivates their resentments, demonizes their opponents, validates their hatreds. He glorifies himself so they may bask in the reflection.

Whatever this has achieved for him, or them, it’s a calamity for us. At a moment when disease has left more than 100,000 American families bereft, we have a president incapable of expressing the nation’s heartbreak.

At a moment of the most bitter racial grief since the 1960s, we have a president who has bankrupted the moral capital of the office he holds.

And at a moment when many Americans, particularly conservatives, are aghast at the outbursts of looting and rioting that have come in the wake of peaceful protests, we have a president who wants to replace rule of law with rule by the gun.

If Trump now faces a revolt by the Pentagon’s civilian and military leadership (both current and former) against his desire to deploy active-duty troops in American cities, it’s because his words continue to drain whatever is left of his credibility as commander in chief.

I write this as someone who doesn’t lay every national problem at Trump’s feet and tries to give him credit when I think it’s due.

Trump is no more responsible for the policing in Minneapolis than Barack Obama was responsible for policing in Ferguson. I doubt the pandemic would have been handled much better by a Hillary Clinton administration, especially considering the catastrophic errors of judgment by people like Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo.

And our economic woes are largely the result of a lockdown strategy most avidly embraced by the president’s critics.

But the point here isn’t that Trump is responsible for the nation’s wounds. It’s that he is the reason some of those wounds have festered and why none of them can heal, at least for as long as he remains in office.

Until we have a president who can say, as Lincoln did in his first inaugural, “We are not enemies, but friends” — and be believed in the bargain — our national agony will only grow worse.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I have no doubt there are WS looting and destroying and probably even instigating rioting. But I don’t think the POTUS could list every group and affiliation involved. He did denounce all the violence, looting, etc as a whole. And Antifa IS one of the biggest leaders in all that.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III What was the original question? The OP asked if Trump knew if there was a difference between looters and rioters and real protesters. He then asked if we could show any evidence of it. I just did that. Just because you hate the guy doesn’t mean I didn’t answer the question. And it is no reason to take a personal attack at me. I know how absorbed you are with hating Trump…I get it. But when you respond as you just did, you really make all Trump haters look really foolish, desperate and deranged.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Did he use gas, flash bangs or rubber bullets on the white protesters who wanted to stop being at home during the virus??? Never once was an offer for the military to help governors control the crowd & these people were trying to kill millions!!!

He is now attacking conservatives & the international press who are horrified that Americans can’t see nor even try to stop what is coming.

To answer your Q, he knows the difference, but he can’t see past the color to take care of the difference. He;s now getting his wall

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I think it was Philadelphia where the group of protesters formed the wall to stop the looting of a Target. It was Louisville where the protesters protected the white cop who had gotten separated from his team. I’ve wondered how he felt about the protesters at the end of the day???

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But @LadyMarissa Those actions get very little attention, by the government and the police still carry on with assaulting a 75year old man stating he was a threat, another disgusting point was not one officer went to help the man .
That will bring a lot of respect to the force.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Haven’t you heard the latest??? They are ALL actors who came here to tear the country apart. NO clue from whence they came!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@LadyMarissa Putin ? ? He flew tens of thousands of them in diplomatic aircraft.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^^ GA…and one that I hadn’t considered!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

This guy is going to jail for following his leader. I didn’t know that the word “deviant” was still being used!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

See a lot of fright wingers don’t know the difference.

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