Social Question

jca2's avatar

What is your opinion of this video where the Buffalo NY police shoved a senior citizen to the ground during a protest?

Asked by jca2 (17153points) June 6th, 2020

What is your opinion of this video of police shoving a 75 year old man to the ground? He hit his head and was left laying there while the cops walked on by. As he lay there, a pool of blood formed from his head.

The cops are currently on unpaid administrative leave and the other cops in the Emergency Services unit resigned from the unit in protest. Criminal charges are being considered by the District Attorney.

Friends of friends are defending the police. I don’t see it as something that is able to be defended.

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36 Answers

hmmmmmm's avatar

Arrest all 58 cops.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m sorry it happened, but really an unarmed 75 year old gets pushed by Storm Troopers. They probably had order to “CLEAR THE STREETS” so they were following orders but police brutality is showing. The orders came from the the police department maybe the Chief. He/she should be held accountable or culpable in the action.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I bet your friends don’t have a friends of color.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Oh come on, didn’t you hear, the old coot wasn’t pushed. He tripped. That was their story until they saw the video!!!

jca2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie: I said they’re friends of friends. I don’t know what they have.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It was truly disgusting under any “CONTEXT” the video I saw they claimed he was a threat, really a 75 year old elderly man?
These Cops have an extremely hard job to do but a great many of them need RETRAINING for events like what is happening NOT rearming.

Zaku's avatar

A statement from the Buffalo Police spokesman at 8:50 p.m. Thursday said, “a 5th person was arrested during a skirmish with other protestors and also charged with disorderly conduct. _During that skirmish involving protestors, one person was injured when he tripped & fell.“_
– Does anyone see a skirmish involving protestors going on at the time he tripped? I sure didn’t.

“Fifty-seven officers in the Buffalo Police Department’s Emergency Response Team resigned Friday from their positions on the unit in support of two of their colleagues who were suspended for shoving an elderly man onto the ground during a protest Thursday, putting him in the hospital.”
– Hopefully a list of those 57 “officers” will be used to ensure they get re-educated before they ever get police-related roles again.

jca2's avatar

@Zaku: My understanding is that those 57 officers resigned from the Emergency Response unit but they are still police officers, and still working for Buffalo PD, just no longer part of that special unit.

Demosthenes's avatar

In many, though not all, cases where the cops shove people and they fall, it’s because these people confront the cops. Earlier the police chief of Buffalo said that the man was an “agitator” (other evidence conflicts that). That doesn’t mean that it justifies what was done, and I’ve seen other examples of people being shoved who were not in any way confronting police officers. I don’t see how they can justify this either, even if he was an “agitator”. People, especially elderly people, should not be shoved to the ground violently so that they start bleeding. It would be assault if anyone else did it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Total assholery. Completely uncalled for.

jca2's avatar

Last night on the news, they said that criminal charges have been filed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They filed those within 2 days. They originally charged him with 2nd degree manslaughter, but upped it to 1st degree murder.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Are we talking about Floyd or the 75 year old?
Cause I thought the elderly gentleman didn’t die? Tell me he didn’t die?

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III and @SQUEEKY2: The criminal charges I was referring to were against the police officer(s) who shoved the 75 year old man to the ground and made him bloody. Buffalo District Attorney just recently filed criminal charges against the police. @SQUEEKY2 the man is still alive as far as I know. He is or was in the hospital.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh oh oh! I’m getting bad cops confused.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh thank goodness.
What gets me is those officers fellows brother resigned because those two were charged?
What freaking injustice did they think happened? WHAT YOU MEAN WE CAN’T assault elderly people and get away with it how unfair.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I heard a rumor they are still on the police force, just as regular officers and not the specialized officers, what ever that was.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I heard that as well,I just can’t understand why the protest for those two officers that shoved that 75year old, they tried to lie about out saying he tripped but when when they found out it was flilmed they changed it to a he was a threat, and poor little tough guys couldn’t get away with it.

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III: What I saw is that they are on leave without pay. The unit they were in was a volunteer unit and all the other guys in the unit resigned from the position. They’re still police officers, just no longer in that special unit (Emergency Services unit).

Dutchess_III's avatar

You mean the two that shoved him are on leave without pay? Or all 58?

Brian1946's avatar


“I heard a rumor they are still on the police force, just as regular officers and not the specialized officers, what ever that was.”

They were members of SWAT (Senior Walker Assault Team). ;-)

jca2's avatar

No not all 58, @Dutchess_III. That wouldn’t be right.

The 58 resigned from the elite unit. Will try to find you a link.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was just clarifying. I read all the same stuff you did @jca2.
One of the most disturbing aspects of that scene was that when one of the officers went to help the guy he was pulled away. If there was such a charge as premeditated injury, whoever pulled him away would be guilty as hell.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Everything about that video was truly disgusting, and those cops resigning in protest what would they have thought was the injustice done to them?
The fact that they tried to lie TWICE about what happened?

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Now they are saying that they politely asked him to step back & he refused so they took appropriate action. As of this morning the old fella is still in the hospital but doing a lot better. His brain fog is beginning to lift so he’s thinking more clearly now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They were assholes to do what they did.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@LadyMarissa I guess to them the fact that the whole thing was filmed makes no difference ?
Then not to offer any assistance to the elderly man after he fell makes it double disgusting.
That Sheriff in Flint earned my highest respect, those officers in Buffalo about as low as one can go in the respect department.
Then I heard they plead NOT GUILTY to the charges, those men are truly disgusting shouldn’t even be garbage collectors much less Police officers.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^ I agree!!!

SEKA's avatar

Did you see trump’s tweet accusing Mr Gugino of being a member of antifa who fell on purpose while trying to block the police scanners? Mr Gugino found that to be funny. He’s a peacenik who refuses to be baited by our self appointed peacemaker

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good grief is there no lie Trump won’t tell?^^ Problem his loyal sheep will believe him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah I heard where he said the guy was using some sort of scanner to deactivate the police’s something or another. Does such technology even exist?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump claims he was using some sort of scanner to get the police frequency, and was staged because to Trump fell a lot harder than he was pushed,and the 75year old was an Antifa plant,WHAT reality does Trump live in cause it aint this one?
AS for getting the police frequency any VHF scanner can pick up their frequency, not illegal to listen to the cops on their radio but they do not like you talking on their radio,that ca get you in big trouble.
You can buy a scanner at pretty any store that sells VHF radios.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He was blathering that the device the guy had would block their devices…disable them.

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

As disturbing as it is to watch them shove the man down, the thing I find most disturbing is that they just walk right on past him, even when there is clearly blood coming from his head.

Dutchess_III's avatar

AND one cop DID try to come to his aid, and another pulled him away.

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