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ucme's avatar

Upon waking, what is usually the first, oh I don't know,...3 things you do?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 8th, 2020

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28 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I prepare my body in various ways.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I belt this song out while dancing with two strange men and six loud slippers.

ucme's avatar

1) Peel the pup (Oscar) off my face.
2) Kiss the wife on cheek
3) Put on some underwear

elbanditoroso's avatar

Make coffee
Get the newspaper from the driveway while the coffee is brewing
Drink coffee and read newspaper

stanleybmanly's avatar

Sit up. Look over at the snoring wife & usually giggle.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Rub my eyes
Drink some water

longgone's avatar

1) Sort through recent memories, determining which are most likely to be parts of dreams.

2) Hug husband and/or dog, depending on who is in the bed.

3) Check phone, including Fluther.

Demosthenes's avatar

I turn on my phone, turn on the radio, and open the shades in my room. Then I like to lie in bed for a bit listening to the radio and looking at my phone. :) I start and end the day with electronics.

kritiper's avatar

Go to the bathroom
Get a cup of tea warmed up.
Look out of the window to see what’s going on outside.

filmfann's avatar

Before getting out of bed:
1) Check phone for messages
2) Check tablet for Facebook posts
3) play a game of Spider Solitaire on my tablet.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Shut off alarm

Put on glasses

Put on bottoms on jogging suit

cookieman's avatar

All before getting out of bed:
1) (Also) peel the pup (Avery) off my face.
2) Take off my socks.
3) Drink a bottle of water.

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Check Fluther. Watch morning news. Call mom.

JLeslie's avatar

1) Turn on the TV or look at my phone.

2) Pee

3) Take my thyroid pill

It can take an hour before I do a 4th thing.

LuckyGuy's avatar

5:15 today:
Put on socks and pants. First thing – the sock drawer is in reach of the bed.
Walk out to kitchen to survey the damage to my bird feeders.
Walk out to the fish pond and check water level and survey the damage due to marauding animals.
Return to house, turn on coffee maker, and pee.
Go back outside to fill feeders, set water timer, clean filters.
Return to kitchen
Wash up eat breakfast, fiddle on computer. Check weather and decide which maintenance needs to be done.

Lest you think I have fantastic bladder capacity, I got up around midnight to pee.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

1.Check my Fitbit app to see how much sleep I got.
2. Pee
3. Microwave water for my French Press.

(Then drink my coffee and sit on my couch like “this”:

(ETA: I can’t post a link to save my life. It’s been awhile, guys)

chyna's avatar

^Welcome back!
Pee, feed dog, turn on news.

jca2's avatar

Go to the bathroom.
Turn on the Keurig.
Feed the cats.

Sometimes while I’m still in bed, before those other three things, I will look at the computer. It depends on how much of a hurry I am in.

gondwanalon's avatar

Brush teeth
Splash my eyes with sink water.

ucme's avatar

Interesting to see, so many of you pee

Cross your legs or tie a knot in it

No matter, on the loo within a minute

Inspired_2write's avatar

Make bed
Get dressed
Make coffee
Call or send text to son
If he calls first, answer call
Check email
Check, Facebook for daily digital jigsaw puzzle, then check Fluther.
Start work on cross stitch kit , have TV News on in background.
Take photograph outside my window if I catch the Sun rising.

seawulf575's avatar

Shut off the alarm. Sit up. Get my glasses and my cell phone (to use as a light in the dark). Use the bathroom. Heat up some coffee and feed the dog. Walk the dog. Make my lunch and get ready for work. Weekends are pretty much the same except for the making lunch and getting ready for work.

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Let the dog out.
Potty break for me.
Let the dog in.
It’s almost unchanging unless I veer off on the way to the bathroom for a drink of water on the way.

si3tech's avatar

Powder room, put in hearing aids. Now the world is alive! Then to the kitchen to put on te kettle.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I woke up at 5:10 this morning and made note of what I did.
Put on socks and pants.
Open garage door to let in more cool air.
Walk out to pond to check water level and see that filler is working. Add clearing agent.
Walk to mailbox and get newspaper
Fill bird feeders, put jelly in Oriole feeder.
Go inside, wash hands, turn on computer and write this response 5:46 AM.
I’ll turn on coffee maker, empty the dishwasher, have some coffee and breakfast,
Then I’ll pee. (Got to stretch that bladder.)

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