Social Question

Are people losing their peripheral vision?
Is that one of the reasons people seem so dense about what’s going on around them?
Yesterday I was getting a fountain drink and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone move up behind me to wait their turn, so as soon as my cup was full I made a point of moving my drink to another counter to put on the lid and insert the straw to free up the fountain for them.
Seems to me, people don’t do that any more. They don’t even seem to notice a crowd gathering behind them. They don’t seem to notice a car bearing down on them. They park their asses in the middle of a grocery store aisle, and don’t seem to notice all the people who start to go down that aisle, but then turn around to take a different route because the aisle is blocked.
Has America collectively lost their peripheral vision, or are we simply becoming a nation of pigs?