Social Question

ucme's avatar

If this first half of 2020 could be submitted to poetry, how might that verse look?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 10th, 2020

Create something damn your eyes!

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15 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Virus strikes blindly
Awakens well thought anger
Summer on the land

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’d like a Re-do.

CunningLinguist's avatar

Fuck fuckity fuckity fuck
Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck
Fuck fuckity fuck
Fuck fuckity fuck
Fuck fuckity fuckity fuck

CunningLinguist's avatar

The doomsayers now get to gloat
The walk towards the end has begun
We’re all stuck in the same boat
Six more months left under the sun
The people could not sit tight
Or resist the imp of the perverse
Turns out the Mayans were right
They just got their damn digits reversed

CunningLinguist's avatar

Soleimani’s in the ground
Aussie forests can’t be found
Virus sweeps across the nations
More bad news: it’s radiation
Murder hornets rule the skies
Cops kill more black gals and guys

ragingloli's avatar

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
2020 fucks you with a rake.

filmfann's avatar

Working on it.
What rhymes with “Who just fucked me in the ass?”

tinyfaery's avatar


lucillelucillelucille's avatar

There was an old man from Nantucket

Who kept all of his fears in a bucket

The bucket wore thin

T’was made of cheap tin

He finally just had to say,“Fuck it!”


ucme's avatar

I wept at most of these, you people are so talented :D

ucme's avatar

Wear a mask
Wear a mask

But you coughed
But you coughed


jca2's avatar

Kinda fun, kinda sad, kinda weird,
Got me skeered.
Stay home, bake bread,
paint the dining room instead.
Keep your distance, cover your face,
Sleep late, end the rat race!
One day we’ll look back
and wish for this time back,
Time with family, safe at home,
slower life, no trip to Rome,
No trip anywhere,
except the store
Saving my vacation time,
but such a bore.
Getting restless, getting antsy,
wanna take a trip,
nothing fancy.
Staying healthy, staying well,
It’s been a weird year.
Can’t you tell?

Inspired_2write's avatar

My attempt at poetry:

Hourly blared the alarms from the black box in our living rooms
Doors closed and locked tight spells doom and gloom
No more freedom to visit in sight.

Hidden strangers behind a mask
Creatures in hazmat suits fight
Just like they did in the past.

Numbers die but many set right.
Hope reigns supreme during our task.
Hold tight

The dreams that we cast.
For in short time might
and strength will last.

Changed we are this June
Never the same is now our tune.
Thankful of the life of our Sun and moon.

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