Why is Trump's legal team making people sign waivers, if they are going to his next rally?
Asked by
June 12th, 2020
Saying if they get ill they will not hold Trump or the Government accountable.
Gee I thought Covid19 was over according to Trump and the numbers are all fake news by the evil left wing media, so why do people have to sign these waivers then?
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19 Answers
I’m taking that rumor with a grain of salt.
That they are signing waivers or that Covid is over??
Well, let’s assume it’s true. It means his supporters are super dumb. Like we didn’t already know that.
Well Trump is saying it’s over, but uh we need you to sign this waiver if you are going to attend his rally so just in case you get covid 19 you won’t hold Trump or his team accountable, well by golly show me where to sign, NOT!
The reason I doubt the waiver is real is because it’s really a no brainer because the people chose to voluntarily go to his rally. It’s kind of like having to sign a waiver to get into a grocery store or Walmart.
The kind of people who would attend a Trump rally wouldn’t care of there were a waiver, since they wouldn’t sue the Godhead anyway.
“We need you to sign this waver so you won’t sue us if you catch this disease that is a hoax to begin with.”
It’s true.
Washington Times article.
“The Trump campaign is requiring people who want to attend President Trump’s rally next week in Oklahoma to agree not to sue anyone if they contract the COVID-19 disease.
The sign-up page for tickets on the campaign’s web site has a disclaimer notifying attendees that “by clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present.”
“By attending the rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury,” the disclaimer states.
He tried to have members of the White House staff sign a Non Disclosure Agreement, when he first moved in, That is not legal. He can’t have the staff swear allegiance to him and not the US Federal government !
He has not a clue. But yes there will be a waiver, there is no way he is responsible for what happens to someone else. Can we say irresponsible !
@Dutchess III The fact that the attendees are stupid does not absolve the campaign from legal liability. Consider your Walmart example for comparison. Suppose it is common knowledge that crowding spreads a deadly disease, and Walmart actively promotes an event with crowding as the primary goal. Then consider the fool whose job it is to serve and protect the public—an idiot so obtuse that every governmental agency under him warns against the massing of crowds, while he directly and openly defies them. The waivers are an open admission by the promoters of this dummy fest that they will be responsible for countless needless cases of illness and death. But this liability goes beyond responsibility for those so stupid as to show up. If only they could be confined with the fool in whatever venue is actually equally as stupid (and liable) as to permit this travesty until the assured catastrophe runs its course.
The reason to focus on the Trump rally @canidmajor is because ole orange hair basically said it was over and lets get the economy up and going,I can understand small businesses going to a waiver such as hair salons.
Not the federal government resorting to it.
Especially the way the Don Father has Handled the virus from the start with now over 115000 dead and the numbers still climbing.
To get everyone’s name for later use in campaign?
The criminal stupidity around this is beyond belief.
Much like trump’s NDA’s…paranoia!!!
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