Social Question

ucme's avatar

If we farted from our mouths & laughed out of our bottoms, how would that work for you?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 16th, 2020

Stronger mouthwash
Twitching knickers

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14 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

~You mean we don’t right now? What do you mean if?
I assume that it would be socially acceptable.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The face masks could be scented with a charcoal liner!

seawulf575's avatar

Brushing your teeth suddenly takes on a whole new dimension.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’d need to weight the hems of my skirts.

seawulf575's avatar

Wearing face masks would help us bask in our own glory.

ucme's avatar

I was rather focusing on the arse laughter as that, I imagine would be hilarious.
Seated laughs would be muffled sniggers, whereas folks bending over would blast out raucous guffaw style laughter.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Apparently, Pete Buttigieg does that.
Watch closely as his mouth talks, and he is still laughing. :-D

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not good for people who don’t know their ass from their elbow.

kritiper's avatar

It could make smoking a lot more fun!

ucme's avatar

Amused at the thought of Fluther’s “intellects” furiously gathering in the gloom to pour scorn on this question…bless :D

Patty_Melt's avatar

@rukidding, that’s gross!
Unexpected for sure.

seawulf575's avatar

It would probably make George Carlin’s joke much more realistic when he said “Gee Marge, anyone can have bad breath, but you could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon!”

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