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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why does it seem the majority of Republicans can not say "Black Lives Matter"?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23571points) June 18th, 2020

From what I have seen on TV they can’t say it.
They will come back with “all lives matter”, good grief it isn’t Black lives only matter type thing.
Why is it so hard for Republican politicians to just say it?

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12 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe they don’t care or are closet KKK members.

elbanditoroso's avatar

They don’t say it, because doing so would be seen (by their white friends) as some sort of treason to the white majority that they hang around with.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

I propose a compromise so that everyone can get their way. Instead of “black lives matter” or “all lives matter,” let’s just say “all black lives matter!”

kritiper's avatar

The majority of Republicans are bigots.

gondwanalon's avatar

I won’t say BLM because ALL lives matter. And because their protests turn violent sometimes.

SEKA's avatar

^^^ Do you not count the same “black lives” in your “ALL lives”?
^^^ Do you not realize that there would be “NO” violence if their lives truly mattered?

So back when the white hippies in the 60’s were turning violent, their life didn’t matter? I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for 2 of those hippies demanding to be heard

kritiper's avatar

Saying “Black Lives Matter” without including ALL lives is racist.
Not all lives matter. If they did, there would be no abortions.
So, but only to a point, ALL lives matter.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Because that would piss off their peckerwood base.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

They can and do. I have seen it, I have said it and will continue to do so. Many take offense to the BLM movement because there is no central leadership that dictates what it’s actually representing. People will use BLM do do whatever the hell they want in its name. Peaceful protesters can’t control what some asshole does and uses BLM as an excuse to do so. There are a lot of these assholes and it’s easy for people to focus on that and not the positive aspects. If you’re “watching republicans on tv” then I guarantee you’re not getting the full story. Media is mostly focusing on the negatives and playing you.

josie's avatar

I wasn’t aware that a majority of Republicans can’t say it. On the other hand, a majority of my friends are not Republican. Plus, I am not real sure there is data to back up the premise.

Having said all that, it seems to me, that Black lives matter is an implicitly true statement and requires little affirmation. Nobody is going to argue the point any more than they would need to argue that their own life matters. I don’t hear anybody saying that Black lives do not matter.

Demosthenes's avatar

I think there are four reasons why anyone (not necessarily Republicans) wouldn’t say it:

1. They don’t want to be associated with the BLM movement, which they see as abetting violence.
2. They think it means “only black lives matter” and they want white people to be included as well.
3. They think it’s implied and don’t want to be compelled to say something just because it’s the latest virtue-signaling craze.
4. They’re misanthropes and don’t think any lives matter.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Demosthenes “3. They think it’s implied and don’t want to be compelled to say something just because it’s the latest virtue-signaling craze”

#3 is the main reason. The other reasons you listed are true as well. There is also this forced compliance aspect where people get off on making others basically take a knee and atone for their sins as if the person asking has any authority to do so. Of course if you don’t do it that proves you’re a racist

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