General Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

How much would you be willing to pay to have your home or office cleaned to a level that destroyed 99.9% of coronavirus?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) June 18th, 2020

This is a hypothetical question.
Imagine such a treatment would take 8 hours and you would have to vacate the premises. Upon your return all traces of coronavirus, Covid-19 would be gone, even on surfaces not visible such as under counter tops and inside cupboards. There would be no chemical residue.
What would you be willing to pay for this service for a 100 sq meter, 1000 sq ft area home or office?

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23 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not one cent.

Just because it was cleaned today doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t/couldn’t have the virus introduced to it tomorrow or the next day.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@elbanditoroso That is absolutely true. But what If you knew it was already infected, what would the value be? Do you clean it yourself?.

JLeslie's avatar

$100 just to show up and $100 per 1,000 sq. ft. I figure $100 to show up because you have to go back and forth twice. I’m sure you can get more with the paranoia going on. An apartment I lived in used the kill everything machines when a new tenant was going to move in, and I think they paid around $200 – $300 for a treatment. I bet you could theoretically charge double or triple at this point. If it is reasonable people will do t over and over again. The apartment offered to do it for me for free when there was a lot of mold in my garbage disposal from the previous tenant. They replaced the disposal too.

josie's avatar


A typical notion that the virus will cooperate with us if only we are suitably compliant with our caretakers.

Yellowdog's avatar

@LuckyGuy What @elbanditoroso said originally still holds. Corona vVrus is still out there no matter whether you clear it from your personal space or not,

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll add that if you can just wait a week, the virus is basically gone most likely. I think a business might be weighing how much money they lose each day they are closed for business.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Will the virus even live eight hours on most surfaces o its own? Simply waiting three days or so would accomplish this anyway. Personally I would not pay much if anything. I could see UV sterilization working after hours in commercial settings though. I assume this is where you’re going.

snowberry's avatar

You could rent an industrial strength ionic air machine (or you could just build your own @LuckyGuy). We rented one to clean our new house from fragrances left behind from the cleaning crew. Besides removing nasty chemicals from the air, I was told it also kills everything from bugs to microbes.

The owner required we vacate the premises for 24 hours, then someone had to walk in and without breathing it in, open all the doors and windows to completely air out the house.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Objectively, I wouldn’t be concerned enough even though my house were full of contaminated people, as long as I and mine were not confined with them. This being June, I would simply ask them all to throw open the windows in every room, load and run the dishwasher and leave. I would then let the house air out for 24 hours, move back in, then glove up and scrub the bathrooms. To me, surface contamination is no big deal It’s those airborne aerosols that you don’t want to inhale in concentrations sufficient to initiate infection. Our house is big, but airs out quickly. I would have to think about such things as the content of the refrigerator.

gorillapaws's avatar

The virus generally won’t remain active on surfaces for very long, so I don’t see much benefit. If I had a contaminated home, I would simply wait 48 hours (and go somewhere else—assuming I’m not sick) and then return to clean handles, knobs, light switches, etc. and the major surfaces myself. Such a service would have minimal value to me, beyond the ordinary benefits of having someone else perform a deep cleaning of my house. I guess I would pay the same rate as what that would cost (maybe $250 for a 1800 sqft home?).

Zaku's avatar

Does it clean stains and messes too?

If I knew the house was infected, I’d go somewhere else for long enough for it to die off by itself.

But if the house was infected, it’d tend to be me who infected it, so I’d just quarantine myself instead.

Jons_Blond's avatar

It’s been how many months already? I work in grocery and I’ve been lucky so far. I don’t understand how a one time disinfectant in my home will help me.

LuckyGuy's avatar

This is all great input! .
Imagine you had a business that dealt with the public. a restaurant, doctors office, restaurant, etc. Would you pay for that service?

(By the way, I’m not asking because I have a need. I’m just doing a little study to see if the service has value.)

johnpowell's avatar

I got a HIV test when I was 18.. NEGATIVE!!. Still going bareback 20 years later.

If anything this seems like more of a marketing thing. Like home security systems where you pay for the sign. “Proffesionally detoxed by Covid_Lucky on June 19th”.

jca2's avatar

If it was a restaurant or doctor’s office, I would think the risk comes from other diners or other patients, not just surfaces.

Also, I tend to be cynical. I would be cynical that the person who is supposed to do the cleaning is not thorough, or does not care. I feel that way now about public places, public transportation, etc. They say they’re being wiped and cleaned better than ever before, but if the person doing the cleaning is not careful and not thorough, none of it matters.

Lucky, I know you’re thorough and careful but if you hired someone to do this and they weren’t thorough and careful, it would be for naught.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I live in North Carolina, we have Government run liquor stores, ABC’s. They have hired a firm that one of my friends own. He does restorations from fires, water damage and storm damage. They are cleaning the inside of the ABC’s after the stores close, a couple of times a week. There are six ABC’s in the county. He has three tems working.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That shows there is a market for it. Thanks!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@LuckyGuy There are other shops that have a small poster at the entrance stating the company that is doing the sanitation / cleaning too, right next to the maximum number of customers allowed in the shop.

JLeslie's avatar

I saw my supermarket at 4:00 in the morning outside in the parking lot washing down racks and other cleaning. I don’t know if it’s a regular thing, a new thing, or what. It wasn’t the entire store at that moment, but it was racks that are constantly touched maybe.

I was thinking you were talking about the machine that kills everything. That machine would also take care of rodents and bugs, and could be very useful for restaurants and supermarkets in multiple ways. They could advertise “cleaned with ozone” or whatever it’s called.

gorillapaws's avatar

In our private surgical office, our building owner has a custodial crew that cleans nightly. We still perform a thorough cleaning every morning and between patients. With COVID-19 being such a health risk to ourselves and our patients, we wouldn’t trust a 3rd party to do a sufficient job.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Nothing. My risk for exposure is too high to spend money having my house cleaned just to bring it right back in after my next shift at work.

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