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Demosthenes's avatar

Are you hearing a lot of fireworks where you are?

Asked by Demosthenes (15401points) June 23rd, 2020

Apparently this is happening across the U.S., that illegal fireworks have been going off every night for weeks now in many cities. I’ve been hearing fireworks every night since the George Floyd protests began. Is it happening in your area too?

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28 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

No. That’s pretty scary. I think fireworks should be illegal for the average person to set off to begin with.

Jeruba's avatar

I’ve been hearing them in my neighborhood in San Jose, but I didn’t connect them to a wider phenomenon. Somebody around here sets them off (illegally) rather frequently. Last night I thought they were just warming up for the Fourth. Now that you’ve asked, I’ll pay a little more attention.

Jons_Blond's avatar

That’s a yes for downtown Madison, Wisconsin.

Demosthenes's avatar

Here’s an article about the phenomenon:

It seems to be most common on the West Coast and in the Northeast.

jca2's avatar

It’s a big thing on the NYC news. Last night, there was a midnight car parade, honking horns outside Gracie Mansion (which is where the Mayor lives). They said “if we can’t sleep, he can’t sleep.” There’s a new crackdown on it starting tonight.

cheebdragon's avatar

My neighborhood has sounded like a fucking war zone between 8pm-2am, every single night in the last 5–6 weeks.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Not only fireworks but statues at the Capitol were torn down tonight. :(

Jeruba's avatar

I’m hearing some right now, at 10:15 p.m.

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve heard them for about 3 nights in 7 days. The first night was when the officer in the George Floyd murder case was arrested. I thought it was very loud gun fire, at first. I don’t like it because it scares people, and their pets, and fireworks in the hands of non-professionals is dangerous.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Houses are relatively spread out around here – about 20 homes in a 1 square mile area – and we live in a wet area not too far from Lake Ontario. Fireworks are a fun activity but very few people do it after 10pm. That is our neighborhood unofficial cut off. You might hear something as late as 10:30 but that is rare.
I’d say the frequency is no more than usual: every weekend on either a Friday or Saturday night – most likely at family gatherings.
I love it. I hold my 16 month old grandson and we watch and listen. Magical moments!

I can see how it would be really annoying and dangerous in a dry, crowded area.

canidmajor's avatar

Our little city has this every year, it starts Memorial Day and goes until Labor Day. Every night, every year. This year the only difference is that the illegal fireworks being set off are much louder and injuries numbers have gone up.

snowberry's avatar

There’s an “out of state fireworks” store in our town. That’s how it’s advertised. It’s sporadic. One night they started at dusk and kept it up until 1:30. Happened one more night, and stopped. Occasionally we still hear one or two go off. We thought (and hoped) they ran out of money.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes but only until 8 or 9pm. We have a noise ordinance. No one calls the cops on fireworks unless it’s after 10pm, if at all.

zenvelo's avatar

Story in the SF Chronicle that there are a lot more going off in San Francisco these days.

Growing up there was always a ramp up to Fourth of July, but in the last thirty years people have stopped because of fire danger, My kids are in their 20s, I don’t think they have ever had firecrackers, let alone a barrel bomb.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Some over the past weekend but it wasn’t unusual.

janbb's avatar

Every night but I don’t think it has anything to do with the protest movement around here. Fireworks and fire crackers were made legal here last year and people are setting them off in the neighborhood between 8 and 10. Used to have some around the 4th but this is much more prevalent and very annoying.

jca2's avatar

In NYC they’re cracking down and today in the NY Post they posted photos of some illegal fireworks busts they did, where they confiscated two minivans full of “works.”

It’s ironic that they’re defunding the police and yet they’re asking the police to help with the neighborhood problems of illegal fireworks. Also shootings and robberies are up in the city and people are on the news saying “the police have to shop the shootings.”

Demosthenes's avatar

@jca2 Even the protesters in the Chaz are criticizing the police for not helping with the latest shootings there but it’s literally a cop-free zone. The cognitive dissonance in this country is strong right now.

jca2's avatar

@Demosthenes: I agree. It didn’t take long for crime to go up in NYC, and yet they want to reduce or eliminate the police. It’s like, Hello?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes I couldn’t agree more. But, their choice.

zenvelo's avatar

@jca2 @Demosthenes Maybe if the police worked on shootings and robberies instead of people selling single cigarettes or fireworks or protesting police brutality, there would be the dissonance.

jca2's avatar

@zenvelo: It seems the issue with the fireworks is that it is keeping people up all night, and they just targeted a homeless man by throwing fireworks on him, and a toddler went to the hospital with burns because the fireworks went through her window when she was sleeping. Amputations and trauma in the ER are up due to the fireworks, which are illegal. It’s causing PTSD issues for people and pets, so it becomes an issue for all. On the news, they’re showing fireworks “shootouts” where the neighborhoods look like a war zone. It’s not just a few fireworks, which nobody would have an issue with. It’s really excessive.

Where I live, people will start with fireworks a few days before Independence Day, which nobody has a problem with and it usually ends by around 11 or 11:30, but this NYC thing is crazy, if you saw it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have noticed a steady occurrence of fireworks here at somewhere Midwest for a while.They are mostly the loud rather than the colorful type. We have also been experiencing an increase in murder victims.
I’m starting to be glad I can’t get around much anymore.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Every night jn Milwaukee since Memorial Day weekend. Weeks ago I was thinking, “They have to run out tonight, right?” I am so glad our dogs aren’t the kind that get freaked out by fireworks.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I can’t imagine setting off fireworks in NYC?!

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: Look at the video in the link I put.

canidmajor's avatar

I think a lot of it, around here anyway, is fueled by pandemic frustration. Posts on local FB pages turn nasty pretty quickly when some people ask (non-specific) others to tone it down for the sake of sick people, veterans, and pets, and others immediately bitch about people whining because others want to “curtail their freedoms”. Often the ones who refuse to dial it back make a point of saying that they won’t wear masks either because they don’t really “believe“ in the virus.

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