Social Question

jca2's avatar

If someone came up to you in public and asked you to take a knee and apologize or atone for racism, would you do it?

Asked by jca2 (17199points) June 24th, 2020

If someone went up to you in public and asked you to take a knee and apologize for racism, would you be willing to do it?

There are videos in the news and YouTube where people are doing this, if you would like to see some.

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16 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

1) I have no problem taking a knee in support of the fight against systematic racism.

2) that does not equate to apologizing or atoning for systematic racism. Heck, my family didn’t even make it to the US until 1943 (WW2)

I’ll sympathize and support, but I won’t take responsibility for something I didn’t do.

josie's avatar

Furthermore why would I?
I haven’t done anything wrong.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. But I’d take a knee during the national anthem for Black Lives Matter.

hmmmmmm's avatar

We don’t need performative acts and white guilt. If we want to “atone” for racism, work to make material conditions better for black people and all people in the process. Acknowledging that black lives matter isn’t the end goal – we need solidarity and need to work towards common goals. A bunch of white people washing the feet of black people for the camera isn’t going to fix the large systemic problems and racial and economic inequality.

Taking a knee in solidarity with black activists during demonstrations – something I have done – is something different altogether.

Demosthenes's avatar

No, I’m not into white guilt and virtue-signaling.

ucme's avatar

Not a chance!
I loathe sheeple virtue signalling.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. The taking of a knee, should be a choice. Not a demand. Or, it means nothing…

At my high school, they played the anthem, every morning, over the loudspeaker. I stood, but, didn’t recite the anthem, nor did I put my hand over my heart. As I was beginning to learn, more about history.

More accurately, that what I was taught about America, was a lie…
If we are to stand tall, and stand for what I was taught, it should be genuine. Otherwise, it’s no different than a support of the lies, that comprise our national spirit.

IF one day, the principles of our country, are upheld, I will gladly stand tall, and proud of what I think America, is supposed to be.

Racial inequality, is but one hurdle, that needs to be cleared.

Until such things, are actually real, I will never respect this country.

There is a LOT of work, to do….

kritiper's avatar

No. I’ve never owned slaves.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I would suggest now that nobody approach me with such ideas in mind. It would not end well.
I have been on the receiving end, had to go to bat for a daughter who was on the receiving end, never have I dished out racism. I am up to here with people jumping to a race assumption because I’m white.
People need to get their validation somewhere else.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I would kneel to pray with them possibly, for peace and equality.

jca2's avatar

For me the answer would be no, never, not in public and not in private.

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