What are your thoughts on this statement?
“To secure peace, is to prepare for war.”
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19 Answers
Sounds like a war mongers excuse to stock up on weapons.
It is the ancestral version of nuclear deterrant and mutually assured destruction.
Countries always had militaries, were “prepared for war”, and yet there was no time in human history where someone, somewhere, was not at war.
Even with nuclear weapons, the best you can say is that it led to numerous proxy wars, instead of direct confrontations.
It is therefore safe to say, that this concept has never worked.
Sounds like it implies that if you stay strong then when the time comes to be strong you will be ready. In other words if you let down your defenses when things are good you can be easily relieved of those good times.
Here in the US, this translates to something like: “To secure peace is to funnel public money to private weapons contractors, overthrow democratically-elected governments, and impose deadly sanctions on people around the world.”
Quote is from Sun Tzu, who lived in the 6th century BC.
He was a smart guy. A good defense is a powerful offense.
When in peace prepare for war, was the phrase I had heard.
Because during peaceful times it affords one to stock up on provisions etc
The original Latin of the expression “if you want peace, prepare for war” comes from the book “Epitoma Rei Militaris,” by the Roman general Vegetius (whose full name was Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus). The Latin is, “Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.“Jul 5, 2019
Who Said ‘If You Want Peace, Prepare for War’? – ThoughtCowww.thoughtco.com › if-you-want-peace-prepare-for-war-121446
This thread, was partially inspired by the North/South Korean border…
But. It carries weight, in many places. And, in many smaller cases…
Oxymoronic on its face, and the sentiment behind it runs contrary to reality. Civilizations have always had militaries that are armed with the teeth, under the premise that no one will fuck with them (and thus, they will be at peace). But name any time in the history of civilization where the world has been at peace.
Another way of stating “peace through strength”.
Totally depressing, and probably a test of your feelings about humanity more than anything else.
It’s a slogan.
See @Darth_Algar.
History, sad to say, demonstrates that war is inevitable.
So the slogan should probably say, “Enjoy the peace while you prepare for war.”
Sounds like my philosophy when the wife decides to cook dinner.
Keep the peace & say nowt but…well, you know!
Sounds amazingly like “Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far”. Teddy Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy model.
And another Boy Scouts’ slogn. Be prepared.It only makes good sense.
I say we don’t see correctly
saying , Peace , peace ; when there is no peace . ” Jeremiah 6 : 14
What really looks good to a sniper? A place with a no weapons law, like a college campus.
What stokes a warlike person’s aggression? The prior knowledge that he is dealing with a pacifist who won’t step in even to help an innocent woman or child.
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