Social Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

How often do you weigh yourself?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30074points) June 26th, 2020

As asked, guaranteed lurve point for those still in quarantine like myself answering with a loss/gain amount.

(Non-political Question. Any political comments will be flagged.)

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32 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Like once a year or less.

I have a long history of body image and eating disordered behavior so about 6 years ago I swore off any kind of dieting or weight control efforts and that included my scale.

I eat what I want (which is actually quite balanced) when I want and I exercise regularly for my well being and general health. In 6 years (2 of which included hormonal fertility treatments, a goiter and hypothyroidism, plus an insane amount of stress) I’ve gained roughly 15lbs. Not ideal, but I’m tall and my mental health is infinitely better. I never had bad numbers to begin with, but my cholesterol is also about 30 points lower and my other bloodwork remains very good. So, I’m guessing this will work just fine.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Every other week, which is my normal habit. My trainer gave me some routines to do at home, but I’ve only managed to do it about half as often as he recommended. I’ve gained and lost the same five pounds three or four times (and am currently in the “gained” phase).

Like @ANef_is_Enuf, however, I’ve basically had to stop worrying about it so much. It’s just not worth stressing out about.

filmfann's avatar

Once a month, on the first.

canidmajor's avatar

Every now and then. I don’t really care about the numbers.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@chyna Wow, daily. Why is that, if it’s not too personal?

I average about once every two weeks just to make sure. I don’t trust myself at home since I’m not wearing many form-fitting outfits right now. haha!

@ANef_is_Enuf Absolutely your mental health is way more important, especially now. My doctor (while lamenting my big butt to him) said better fat and happy, than skinny and miserable. I agree 100%!

janbb's avatar

Sometimes a few times a day. It helps keep me on track.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Amusing timing. Just last month bought a scale. I haven’t owned one in several years.
The last one I owned was the old fashioned dial type, which spins, and says Wacka Wacka when you step off. Now I have a digital read, lbs and kilos one.
Switched to kilos accidentally and my next step on freaked me out. That was a huge weight loss! Now that I am back to reality, I imagine I will step on a couple of times per month.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

2 or 3 times a week, down 8 pounds since March 12th. Down 50 since Labor day 2015.

Demosthenes's avatar

Probably once a month on average. I weighed myself recently and I’ve put on five pounds. D:

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes Are you still on SAH quarantine? 5lbs still isn’t bad!!

@Tropical_Willie Wow, great job! Just had a friend post she’s down 108lbs. You two are impressive!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Also, I’m still in quarantine at home, going on month five in July) and still down the same 10lbs, I was months ago. I need to exercise more but it went from quilt weather to a sauna too quickly!

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Twice a year. I’ve been roughly the same weight for the past eight years.

ucme's avatar

Once a fortnight.
I pretty much know I’m guaranteed to maintain my present weight due to all the running I do.

chyna's avatar

@knowitall Partly out of habit and partly to keep me on track.

SamJ3032's avatar

Once in three months. Surprisingly I have not seen any gain or loss in my weight in the past few years (thanks to my good metabolism :) )

raum's avatar

Sometimes every day. Sometimes not for a few months. It really varies depending on my mood.

I weighed myself last week and was surprised to see that I only gained two pounds. It feels like I’ve gained at least ten. Quarantine blah.

LuckyGuy's avatar

About once or twice a week. My weight has stayed the same as before.

josie's avatar

Every morning

anniereborn's avatar

Every day. I have lost fifteen pounds since quarantine.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Wow. I admire you daily checkers!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Rarely. My clothes tell me how much I weigh.

anniereborn's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Everything I wear is pretty loose, so I wouldn’t know the difference for quite awhile. Yes, I am one of those that wear pants with an elastic waist.
That happened about 25 pounds ago.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Every morning.
Trying to keep my weight down to get in better shape to get ready for hiking outdoors soon.
I feel a lot better being active outdoors.
Parks will open the trails soon as the Grizzly bear and her cubs move further up the mountains..apparently we had a late Spring and thus they are scrounging closer to Town.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Inspired_2write Sounds gorgeous up there. I envy you that!

Inspired_2write's avatar


It is and living here I meet a variety of interesting international tourists as well over the years.
I don’t miss the congested lifestyle of the city life.
Once in awhile I do rent a car and travel to another city of where I was born,just to shop and or look at the old neighborhood. ( usually once a year ).

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