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elbanditoroso's avatar

Do the British have any hurt feelings when the US celebrates Independence Day from (uh) Britain?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33715points) June 29th, 2020

After all, the Colonies were breaking free from Great Britain, and had nothing good to say about King George III and his leadership and attitude towards the Colonies.

Do current British citizens feel guilty about letting the US get away? Are the proud of how big and successful (pre-Trump) the US had grown to be?

Or do current British people say “good riddance then, good riddance now!”?

Do they even care?

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11 Answers

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I think they view us as a bratty little brother.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I think when the British burnt the White House down several times that they became even with the Americans.

ucme's avatar

We don’t care!

janbb's avatar

Read “The Apple Cart” by Shaw wherein America tries to come home and Britain says, “No thanks.”

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I’d vote for the Queen Mother to rule this country again!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Hell George III would be bargain right now.

josie's avatar

The book to read Is March to Folly by Barbara Tuchman. She argues how simple it could have been for GB to retain the colonies and illustrates the foolish decisions that led to separation.
Great historian BTW

RabidWolf's avatar

I don’t care if their po-wittle feelings are hurt or not. They got their asses kicked and they need to get over it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Most of them could care less. In fact that was as true at the time as it is today. And it is indeed lucky for us that Britain regarded us as unworthy of the effort required to exterminate the upstart colonies.

Kropotkin's avatar

No one cares.

I suspect most Brits don’t even know about the war, or that it had colonies in North America.

Brits are pretty ignorant of Britain’s colonial history, since it isn’t really taught at school, and would be an utter embarassment to nationalists if it were: it would necessarily show Britain as one of the most sadistic colonial regimes in human history.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Harry Potter, The Beatles, David Bowie, Queen, WWII, Pink Floyd… I think we spent enough USD to get them over it.
We even took their naughty little Prince off their hands. (Too soon?)

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