General Question

anniereborn's avatar

Do you have type 2 Diabetes?

Asked by anniereborn (15569points) July 5th, 2020

If so, how old were you when you were diagnosed? How long did it take you to get it (at least mostly) under control? Do/did you take pills, use insulin, or only diet and exercise to control it?
Please tell me any part of your story you would like.

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15 Answers

cookieman's avatar

I have it and was diagnosed about fifteen years or eighteen years ago. I’m 48 now.

At diagnosis, my A1c level was 11, and my blood sugar was around 400. All bad.

At first, pills alone did the job fine. Of course, they had to be adjusted for a bit. I got down to about an 8 with blood sugar at about 140.

After about ten years though, the pills were less effective and the numbers went up. My doctor threatened insulin, but I didn’t want to that and got kind of indignant about it. Not good.

Then, five years ago, I went to a hypnotist and lost 60lbs. over three years. When I first started losing the weight, my A1c dropped to a pre-diabetic level of 4 (good) but my blood sugar plummeted to around 60 (bad). They had to take me off most of my meds.

I struggled with the diet after the first three years and number went up a bit (8 and 200), but I got back on it a year ago and I’m at a 6 A1c and around 100 blood sugar now.

While I have some neuropathy in my feet (I have to wear socks to bed and be very careful cutting my nails), I’ve never had any in my eyes and still don’t need glasses, thankfully.

It’s a constant struggle and I find it all frustrating. I never drank alcohol, haven’t had soda since 1994, and with the exception of cookies (‘natch) am not that much of a sweets person. I was more into carbs (bread, pasta, rice) and, of course, was almost 300lbs.

Now, I haven’t had pasta or rice in five years, keep the bread to a minimum (no bagels), and only the occasional cookie.

I’d like to lose some more weight, but seem to have plateaued with this low carb diet.

It does annoy me because I have no history of diabetes in my family, and know people who drink and eat terrible, bigger than me, and no diabetes. Super annoying.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I was in my mid 20’s when I was diagnosed with Type 1.
I was in Mississippi with a boyfriend visiting some people and I ended up in the hospital for a week.—I never felt so rested—lol
When they weighed me after a few days, I had gained weight and was at a whopping 115. My fighting weight is 142.The strange thing is that I didn’t really notice that I had lost so much weight. I was however, thirsty beyond belief.
My mother has Type 1 diabetes so when I was diagnosed, it wasn’t as scary as it might have been had I not seen how she handled things.
Once I was put on insulin, I got back to a new normal and felt much better.
I was pretty active but did not start working out until about 4 years after my diagnosis.I have been exercising regularly (weights & some form of aerobic) for 27 years.
It helps to control blood sugars in a big way among other benefits.
If you should end up needing insulin, try not to see that as a bad thing as you’ll feel better.
I manage my insulin intake based on the amount of carbs I eat.
I am not on the pump but it is always an option.
Good luck and know that it can be managed.:)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@anniereborn If you have been recently diagnosed it’s worth looking at any recent medications you may have been put on. For me my doc diagnosed me with pre-diabetes and I had just started taking niacin for cholesterol. I stopped the niacin and my sugar has been around 85 ever since as well as a good a1c. Twelve years later still fine. He was about to put me on another med for my blood sugar but it was just the niacin.

filmfann's avatar

I was diagnosed when I was 57.
At 59 I was told I wasn’t anymore.
At 63 I was admitted to the hospital with a bad infection (it nearly killed me). My A1C was at 9.6, and my blood sugar was over 300. (an infection can cause a spike in blood sugar levels)
Through the use of pills (Metformin) and insulin, I got my A1C to 6.0 and my blood sugar to the 130s in 6 months. I am no longer using insulin, though I still take pills.
I watch my diet, and limit fun food, though I occasionally splurge.
Diabetes is a serious disease, but it isn’t a death sentence.

anniereborn's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Yes, I was recently diagnosed. I go see my doc tomorrow.
My blood sugar has gotten progressively higher over the past few years. I haven’t taken any new medicine in a very long time. Thank you for that info though.

tedibear's avatar

I’m not, but my husband is. He takes Glumetza, and follows a ketogenic diet. He started with an a1c around 8.7 (I think… maybe 8.5.) The Glumetza brought it him down to a 7.5, but it never got better, and his blood glucose hovered between 120 and 150. Switching to a keto his a1c is down to 5.8 and his triglycerides dropped from 3,300 to about 850. (No, those aren’t typos.)

Poseidon's avatar

I do have Type 2 and have had it for about 10 years.

It is not a death sentence and there is no reason why those with it should not live a normal and long life.

I only take Metformin (2 a day) and although I do not keep to a strict diet my sugar level tests are always within the perfectly acceptable parameters.

My family is rife with diabetes Type 2 and most of us older ones have it.

Brian1946's avatar


I heard that BB KIng was diabetic, and he lived to be 89.

anniereborn's avatar

I am just at the very beginning of this journey. I have learned how to take my glucose reading. That was not as bad as I expected it to be.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

For the record many meters are wildly inaccurate. The “laser cut” strips seem to be more consistent. I “calibrate” my meter when I get blood work done every year buy testing it when they draw blood and then comparing the meter to the results. I check my sugar periodically to make sure I’m not trending since it was high in the past. If I let myself get a bit overweight it is in the 90’s if I’m in shape or working on it it’s in the 80’s. Weight and fitness matter!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me ” Weight and fitness matter!!” Exactly.
Get into a daily exercise routine and you will see your numbers go down (and feel better too) :)

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