Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

Have you ever been told "go back where you came from"? Have you ever said it to someone else?

Asked by Demosthenes (15377points) July 8th, 2020

There have been a few stories recently out of the Bay Area of Asians in particular being screamed at by “Karens” (and in one case, a male tech CEO) to “go back where you came from” among other racist utterances.

Have you ever been told to go back where you came from? Have you ever told it to someone else? Do you notice this happening more in your area lately?

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26 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

Never said that nor heard it from anyone .

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve never had it said to me, and I’ve never said it to someone else.

Similar but not the same, there was a time when my SIL had only negative things to say about America and seemed to long for life back in Mexico. It became annoying. I actually have no problem with people missing things in their country, I miss things about almost every city I’ve lived in, it was more that she had not one good thing to say about America at the time. She was just going through a bad time.

At the time when she complained constantly, when we were together with groups of people, (friends and relatives) they would say to me behind her back, “wow, what’s with her, why doesn’t she move back if she thinks it’s so much better.” Again, I never felt they were being bigoted. If she had been talking about Phoenix, AZ they would have said why doesn’t she go back there.

I don’t hear people around me saying to people to go back where they came from, although we did have that one guy yell out “White Power” recently, which Trump saw fit to tweet so we did have that. Ugh.

These people screaming at immigrants or some of these people aren’t even immigrants, they are born and raised in America, the people screaming are just total idiots! I actually am very pro-assimilation, and the way to expedite assimilation is to be welcoming, not the opposite. These hateful people would create their own self fulfilling prophecy, except thankfully most Americans are not hateful.

Demosthenes's avatar

@JLeslie I agree, there is a difference between thinking someone might do well to return a place where they were happier (and one does get tired of complaining) as opposed to someone identifying people as “eternal foreigners” (even if they’re several generations American) and yelling at them.

cookieman's avatar

No and no. That is beyond rude and nasty and those people should fall into a sink hole.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No and no.

ucme's avatar

I was in Scotland a few years back & wore my England football shirt, as you do lol
Anyway, this fat, drunk scotsman walked right up to me & yelled ”head off home ya english wanker

I pushed him in a puddle & went on my merry way :D

Darth_Algar's avatar

I, a white kid of English descent, was once told that. LOL. My family’s been in this country since the 1600’s.

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josie's avatar

I wonder who would tell me that with a straight face

seawulf575's avatar

I’ve been told it would be better if I went somewhere else for a while, but that wasn’t really a race thing. As for telling someone to go back where they came from, I think the closest I ever came was to go back to the village they came from since they are missing an idiot.

AshlynM's avatar

My best friend who is Asian, was told that once when she was younger and it upset her badly. I felt bad too.

raum's avatar

Quite a bit.
Yes, though only in response to these people.

Yes, I’ve noticed an uptick. :/

Jeruba's avatar

No, I would never say that to anyone.

I’ve also never heard it said to anyone, me or anyone else.

Yellowdog's avatar

I was never told that, but as the only white kid in an all-black school, a guidance counselor recommended I take English as a Second Language.

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve never been told that.

I once said it about someone else. When I was about 10, I said something cruel and idiotic about a baby of Chinese parents, who had been adopted by this family that my family and I didn’t like. Even though I said it because of my dislike for his adoptive family, and not because I thought he should be deported, it was an atrocious thing to say about a totally innocent infant.

I think it would be wonderfully ironic, if an Asian immigrant or one who was born here, told me to go back to where I came from. My response would be, “I’d love to return to Canada, but I can’t afford to!”. Now I’m having this oddball fantasy about Jessica Huang, telling me that snowbacks aren’t welcome in the USA.

I had a singing teacher who was born in Palos Verdes, CA. Her parents are native Taiwanese. I think if some xenophobic bigot saw us together, they’d probably tell her to GBTWSheCF, even though she was born here, and I’m the immigrant.

Asians came to the western hemisphere via the Bering land bridge, about 10,000 years before the Euro invasions.

I haven’t noticed a spike in my local area, but it is spiking in this county. :-(

KNOWITALL's avatar

@raum Really? Are the people saying that older people? I havent heard Asian slurs in decades. So sorry.

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL “I havent heard Asian slurs in decades” What do you think “Kung Flu” is?

To answer the question, no it hasn’t been said to me but i appear white. Nor have I said it, of course.

But my Asian DIL just posted a video of a racist rant by the CEO of a tech company against an Asian family in a restaurant in Carmel., CA.

There is definitely an uptick in racist remarks against immigrants and people of color. I worry for my granddaughter.

Demosthenes's avatar

@janbb That was the video I saw that inspired me to ask this question. Extremely disturbing. He literally said “Trump will fuck you up”. Hard to deny that Trump has anything to do with this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Yellowdog I don’t see the connection between being the only white kid in an all black school, and taking English as a second language….?

Darth_Algar's avatar


Yeah, that didn’t really make sense to me ether.

Jeruba's avatar

Postscript to my previous answer:

I moved across the country to live with the man I later married. When I was pregnant with our first child, I remarked to my mother-in-law, “I hope he looks like [his father].” She replied tartly, “He’d better, or we’ll have to send you back.”

I don’t know what I expected—maybe a semi-compliment, such as that it wouldn’t be so bad if he resembled his mother a little too; but “we’ll have to send you back” was so loaded with so many unspoken things that I was stunned.

Dutchess_III's avatar

God @Jeruba…..that was terrible. I’d like to think she was joking?

Jeruba's avatar

Thank you. She wasn’t. She was the sort of person who’d nice you to death, and then she’d slip in these stinging zingers. Her husband was a domineering SOB who openly favored his other son, and she catered to him, very much a wife of the old school. I often thought those little fleeting moments of deniable bitchiness were her escape.

I never told anyone about that comment before, certainly not my husband, but it left a considerable mark.

I can’t even imagine how nasty it must feel for people to hear hateful gibes like that based on nothing but their looks.

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