Breaking it down:
Some people are complete morons
Yes. Some people.
others are just idiots
Yes Some people.
and some ask things to me, where it’s so stupid, I question myself if they even have a brain to begin with.
Yes Some people.
Another reason I hate humanity, is because of their religion (The ones that try to enforce their religion onto you or others because of their beliefs), their hate towards others, or judging people for what they are, what they like, or what they do.
– There is an unfortunately large group of religious people like this, but they’re not all humans by a long shot. They are, however, more common in some places than others. If there are many people like this where you are, I’d say you should go somewhere else that is not so full of intolerant people.
No matter whoever you are, wherever you go or whatever you wear, people will judge you, because they think it’s wrong, therefore they are right, or to annoy the crap out of you.
– This one really depends. There are other types of intolerant and judgemental people in most places, but this behavior certainly is not true of everyone everywhere, at least not to an extreme degree. It depends on how willing you are to find people who will accept you, and how willing you are to behave in ways they’ll accept, or not.
Do you think it’s wrong for me to hate and condemn humanity for this?
Well, if you hate and condemn everyone for something only some people do, then yes.
If you just hate the common culture in someplace that you don’t align with, then I think you should make more of an effort to find and move to a place where people are less like that, and find more like-minded people whom you can get along with.
I do know there are exeptions, and I shouldn’t put humans as this stereotype, but I can’t help it if the majority of humans are like this garbage.
– I would suggest you express the anger and disappointment to vent it out (by yourself or with a small sympathetic audience, not by actually going after people you’re mad at), and then find the people you can get along with. It’ll be easier to do if you’re not still full of hate directed at everyone, so let it out.