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Patty_Melt's avatar

Can you help with this social problem? (See details)

Asked by Patty_Melt (17521points) July 9th, 2020

I saw this video today. I was deeply affected by the heartache the parents of these children must be experiencing. It is clear the man speaking is also emotionally invested. I want so much to make donations, but I truly can’t. I decided to help in the one way I can, and share the video so any jellies willing and able can help. Please ignore political followings, and view the video for what is intended, to help grieving parents with the expenses of burying their children. Just view the video with only an attitude of compassion.
This hit me really hard, as a mom, and as an American.
Those who can afford to help, please do.

I have seen some petty attitudes on Fluther regarding political differences, but for once, look past that and consider those dead babies, and their families.

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57 Answers

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Jaxk's avatar

He makes some excellent points. I’ll give an A for his passion. Unfortunately, the Trump T-shirt detracts from his message and insures that most people on the left won’t watch it regardless how good the message or worthy the cause. The death of a child always breaks my heart.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t know what tldr means.
This is not a very long video, and he gets to the meat of it fairly quick. It is an information/opinion piece about children killed as a direct result of protests, violent activities, mostly in the name of BLM.
This is mostly about the lives lost, irregardless of whether one supports BLM.
This video is about, do children’s lives matter.
Anybody who feels that viewing would be a waste of their time, please, don’t let me keep you.

I didn’t go into the content of the video only because it speaks for itself so well. I didn’t want anything I say to be misleading.

canidmajor's avatar

@Patty_Melt TLDR means “too long, didn’t read”.
Thanks for the explanation, I will probably watch it later when I have a block of over 16 minutes to devote to it.

zenvelo's avatar

“I am at a loss for words” and then he talks on for 16 minutes.

And I don’t need a pro-police editorial to tell me that it is the neighborhood’s fault. Until cops break the “thin blue line”, cops will continue to kill people.

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Darth_Algar's avatar

Sorry, my charity dollars are already spent on causes here, in my community, by established, trusted organisations.

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raum's avatar

Ex cop goes on tirade that George Floyd’s GFM raises millions of dollars while Secoriea Turner’s GFM has only raised 167k. Says that this proves that BLM movement doesn’t actually care about black people or children dying in the streets.

“They raised tens of millions of dollars for George Floyd in a matter of weeks. Last time I checked Secariea’s GFM it was at, I don’t know, maybe a $1,000. A young girl loses her life. They only get two or three thousand dollars. This grown man, who made poor decisions on his part, that led him into position to have this interaction with this police officer. And he gets millions upon millions upon millions of dollars.”

One, people are not objecting to his actions leading up to an interaction with a police officer. People are objecting to the actual interaction.

Two, George Floyd didn’t get millions upon millions upon millions of dollars. He got a knee on his neck for nine minutes.

Three, he says he is looking for more GFMs. Which would be great if he were just trying to help them. But using them to try to make some point is both disingenuous and, quite frankly, gross.

Yellowdog's avatar

@mazingerz88 You are aware that BLM are the ones doing the rioting, looting, arson, and killing, aren’t you?

Over 700 businesses were burnt down or destroyed in Minneapolis alone, most of them owned by African Americans. BLM isays on its website that they are opposed to the nuclear family, capitalism, and stands for the complete dissolution of law enforcement—the only protection the poor have from violent thugs and crime in their communities.

I don’t think they would make a video (as you espouse) opposed to their cause of bringing violence and destruction of our cities and creating as much mayhem and intimidation as possible.

canidmajor's avatar

@Yellowdog I have been following protest and such (and participating in a few) since the 60s. The protesters are rarely the ones doing the looting and the rioting. Those things are usually done as opportunistic crimes using the protest as a cover, and are often done as well to discredit the protests and the protesters.

Patty_Melt's avatar

And still I see jellies speaking with much passion, and no COMpassion.
I thought this was a place where children could get a fair shake.

I thought politics could be overlooked long enough to show some caring for grieving parents.
I didn’t ask anyone here to brag about it if they decided to go fund any of the families. The point of this question was to just put it out there, just in case anyone wanted to help. I can see by where the GAs have gone, though, that everyone cares more about being Democrats than being humans.

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Jaxk's avatar

Interesting thread. Not one word of sympathy for either the little girl or her parents. It seems like we could put politics aside for just a second and show a least a little courtesy if not sympathy for the loss of a little girl, the grief of her parents, or the atrocity committed in our community. I guess not. The movement is too great to let these little things distract us. Let’s move on with more important matters after all, we don’t like the messenger anyway.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“I thought politics could be overlooked long enough to show some caring for grieving parents.”

Then perhaps refrain from firing the opening salvo in the first post.

raum's avatar

For the record, I already donated to Secoriea Turner’s GFM and I think this video is crap.

If you wanted to “just put it out there, just in case anyone wanted to help”, you could have easily just posted a link to the GFM. But you did not.

Let’s take a moment to really consider who is pushing their political agenda here.

Brian1946's avatar


“The protesters are rarely the ones doing the looting and the rioting. Those things are usually done as opportunistic crimes using the protest as a cover, and are often done as well to discredit the protests and the protesters.”

I agree.

I think a lot of the looters would also be doing that after a destructive earthquake, or during an evacuation, and there have been very few occurrences of people protesting earthquakes or disaster-related evacuations.

ragingloli's avatar

No need. Tyler Perry has already pledged to pay for the funeral.
You can now redirect your support to that cop that repeatedly tasered a defenseless pregnant woman in the belly and caused a miscarriage.

mazingerz88's avatar

That guy on video should have put politics aside and not wear that T-shirt with an image of an asshole on it.

seawulf575's avatar

I can’t imagine what it would have been like to lose one of my children when they were 8 years old. And this guy makes some very strong points and they are points that don’t get discussed very often because no one, as he says, wants to be honest about the discussions. BLM isn’t about saving black lives. They are about stirring up hate and discontent. They politicize tragedies. If they truly cared about black lives, they would be working with the black neighborhoods to help clean up the violence. It was encouraging to see the GFM is up to $245,000.

Yellowdog's avatar

@mazingerz88 The concern is about the defunding and gradual abolishment of police, as is the proposal of Black Lives Matter.

We have lawless anarchists rioting, burning down neighborhoods, and shooting people in the territories of Black Lives Matter—children are being killed daily. Yet the goal is to eliminate the police, the only line of defense the poor, especially the true minorities, have from criminals out to intimidate them and destroy the lives and livelihoods of those who resist them.

This is not a political issue, although it is true that democrats support these efforts.

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Darth_Algar's avatar

In case the concern trolls are still “non-partisan” concerned, that GFM is now up to over $270,000. But yeah, no one cares about the little girl…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am not a troll, but I do have concerns.
I am indeed pleased to know that the efforts made by myself, and so many others, enough people learned about the situation to boost support.

I suppose if people are going to be triggered by what t shirt someone wears to the point their brains cannot function for any other task, I suppose our only recourse is to expect all to go topless. Bummer, since I thought self expression was a basic American right, no, skill.

raum's avatar

It’s not just a random trump tee shirt. It’s actual merch that he sells. He’s literally using this girl’s death as a platform for his politics and a commercial for his merch.

Stop defending this video. It is repulsive on so many levels.

If you want to discuss violence among black neighborhoods and gun violence, please do. Just don’t drag this crap into it and expect a real discussion.

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raum's avatar

@seawulf575 Nothing says “trying to raise awareness and money for someone’s tragedy” like belittling the person who actually offered to pay for her funeral.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@raum, I was sincere when I said I was glad you made a contribution.
I am also sincere now, to say I’m sorry you were so deeply offended by the man’s shirt. To be completely honest, I didn’t even motor until it was mentioned here. I honestly had no agenda. I was so deeply moved by the story, I was focused on on that. I kept picturing my own daughter. When she was little, we lived in a neighborhood, I taught her as a toddler what to do in case of shots.
She actually had to take cover behind a boulder on our street one day because some guys were shooting up an apartment. We couldn’t go home until the police came and had them all on the ground.
A little girl in mommy’s arms bleeding out was something I feared every day that we lived there.
I am financially challenged, so I can’t afford to help that family, or any others. The only way I could think of to help was to let people know, so maybe one or two of them might chip in.
That was my mindset.

raum's avatar

@Patty_Melt I wasn’t offended by the man’s shirt. That is just a distraction. Designed to elicit a response.

I’m offended at the premise that this video was created solely to “raise awareness and money for someone’s tragedy”.

There are plenty of people sharing the GFM without using it as a soapbox or to sell tee shirts.

While it may not have been your intention to spread this, we are all responsible for vetting what we choose to share and perpetuate online. If we aren’t doing our part to stop shit like this, we are part of the problem.

seawulf575's avatar

@raum I guess I fail to understand why it is wrong to use this video as a soapbox. After all, he is addressing the root of the problem, not some piece of it. You didn’t slam BLM for using George Floyd as a soapbox. Even when it degraded (quickly) into riots and looting. Why is it so wrong for this guy to speak out to the black community about taking responsibility for themselves?

raum's avatar

I don’t have the spoons to keep up this back and forth. So I’m going to be lazy and just link this article if you’re genuinely interested in reading more about this.

seawulf575's avatar

@raum I think the article you cited is missing the entire point. Let’s review it and compare it to the drive for “racist cop killings” that are what BLM only cares about.
(1) It’s Not a Thing. Your article cites FBI stats and BJS stats about black on black crime. Their conclusion is that 90.1% of blacks were killed by other blacks. But then it goes on to say that only 1% of blacks actually commit homicide. So it seems to be saying that it IS a thing…90.1% is a huge percentage…but that with only 1% committing the crimes, it really isn’t a big thing to talk about. That sounds amazingly like justification to me. By that logic we shouldn’t be talking about cop killings at all. I mean, after all, they only kill .00054% of the black population. And if you want to talk only about cops that kill unarmed individuals, that number drops to 0.000042% of the black population. And let’s assume that each of these shootings was done by a different cop, it means that only 0.0026% of all full time cops was involved in one of these shootings of unarmed black people. And that is only 0.000034% of the actual interactions the cops have with the public. And the last time I checked 0.0026% is far less than 1.000% So why do we talk about on so vehemently and not the other at all? The article doesn’t say at this point. So we move on.
(2) It Has Nothing To Do With What We Are Talking About. Your article basically says that BLM isn’t about black lives mattering…only black lives taken by cops. Because it says that any other discussion about black lives is off topic. See (1) for where this makes no sense. And that logic confirms that BLM isn’t about black lives mattering, it is all political. Welcome to my side of the argument. So we are going through all this rioting, protesting, violence, defunding of cops, take over of city blocks, etc because of 0.000042%.
(3) We Actually Do Talk About It…All The Time. Your article talks about all sorts of anti-violence activities taken by the black community all the time. But what it fails to mention is why none of this is actually broadcast across the country? THESE sorts of things would be far more effective at stopping the killing of blacks if they were made as important as the insignificant number of unarmed blacks that are killed by cops. If Black Lives Really Mattered.
(4) OK, Let’s Talk About Black-On-Black Crime. I particularly loved this part of the article. It starts off with some actual issues concerning poverty. Then the author suddenly wants to change the discussion to white people. He even asks the question about why we don’t talk about the rates of violence among poor urban whites. Maybe because when a white person commits a crime, we don’t go crazy because they were arrested. We don’t say the cops are targeting us. We don’t riot and loot if a white person is killed by a cop, even if they were unarmed. I understand the author want to play victim and blame the white people. But I would say LET’S have the tough discussions. If poverty is an issue, let’s look into it. Why do poor people seem to commit more crimes than wealthier people? It is a subject that affects people of all colors. If there are other factors contributing, LET’S talk about them. Honestly, openly, without blame or deflection. But let’s deal in facts instead of accusations. Almost every person that is arrested, was arrested because either they were guilty of committing a crime or were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Every Person. So to say blacks are being picked on because they are arrested at a higher rate than whites is another way of saying we shouldn’t arrest blacks committing crimes simply to meet some token quota of arrests we should have to even things out.
See…these sorts of articles are really part of the problem and not part of the solution. They tell the part of the story that works on division in society instead of dealing with problems.

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mazingerz88's avatar

Nothing is as despicably racist as pointing out black on black crime to deflect from the cause the BLM movement is actually fighting for.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Floyd IS used as a soapbox. Take a look at this entire question. It focuses on a little girl that was killed. Where’s the outrage? Where are the protests? Where are the riots to show support? Where are all the big speeches? They don’t exist. Not for this little girl or the thousands of others just like her. Why? Because her death doesn’t support the narrative. And when you start ignoring deaths like that to hold up one death to support a narrative, you are no longer fighting for lives, you are making political statements. And at that point, race is off the table. I don’t have to like or support their politics. And if you are saying it IS racist to defy their politics, it is YOU that are the racist. No, you are worse than that. You are politicizing someone’s death to push your agenda. Very ghoulish of you.

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